Croatian superiority

Serbs are the original rape babies and not white. And Bosniaks are the descendants of cowards who bowed down and accepted a foreign faith so they would be left alone. Anyone with balls fled westward to Croatia and took up arms against the enemy, and fought for as long and hard as they could, which is why today Croatians are superior to Serbs and Bosnians in every conceivable way.

Both Serbs and Bosniaks should be annexed by Croatia and used as slaves.

Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

Attached: Ustaše_sawing_off_the_head_of_a_Serb_civilian.jpg (408x569, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Croats_and_Serbs

i agree with everything you said

I have a better idea.
Let's give you both a lot of guns and focus that self-hatred on Turkey

>one chance at life
>not a Croat
I'm too depressed to fight Turkey because of this, user : (((

Attached: 1523218172292.jpg (1372x2048, 209K)

I agree. You're quite based.

If you'd take us under your wing we'd be happy to suck your dick

We are all subhumans

Not really.

Attached: Girl275~2.jpg (623x1600, 164K)

>one chance at life
>not a Croat
don't worry user
if you are hungarian there is 90% chance that you are croat that got magyarized.

FUCK, you proved me wrong

I'm a Serb, user.

Attached: img_3120.jpg (3456x2304, 1.4M)

Fucking gypsy succubus stealing our flag

Pustio bih Mimi Mercedes da me veže i radi sa mnom šta god hoće. A uz to, ajde da se ne lažemo -- nije ni prosečan Srbin mnogo belji.

Attached: Mimi-Mercedez-Kaya-e1460200498239.jpg (640x400, 61K)

imagine being serb and that your greatest nationalist leader is self hating croat

Attached: b4f4d044050aa1057f93.jpeg.jpg (612x408, 39K)

Subhumans, man.

Attached: seseljinstagram.jpg (625x400, 102K)

it's the butthurt hungolian from the "white" horde again...

dont't answer, just ignore his nomadic horseshit

Attached: image-305051-860_poster_16x9-hbkn-305051.jpg (860x484, 86K)

>another thread made by the same hungarian gypsy

What the fuck is this VPN shit? No, Serbs are not subhuman. No race in the Balkans is (except for the Turkified Greeks lol).
The Balkans have been at war for their whole history. The Illyrians fighting the Dacians fighting the Thracians fighting the Scythians fighting the Greeks fighting the Macedonians, and then everyone fighting the Romans, then the Romans literally using Illyria as the barracks of the empire for centuries until they fall and the goths attack and then the Byzantines attack again, and then the Magyars attack and then the Ottomans attack and then the Mongols attack (and are driven back), and then the turks attack again and again and again, and then the turks fall back and everyone fights the turks and then everyone fights each other, and then ww1 starts and again everyone fights and then ww2 starts and again everybody fights and then yugoslavia is declared and then undeclared and everyone fights and then everyone fights some more .

Imagine this happening in any other region. It would be uninhabited by now.

>Serbs are not subhuman
imagine being this much of a cuck

Still whiter than you Mohammad lol

Attached: QXSxlP.gif (320x178, 2.26M)

Srbin iz Hrvatske koji je nekako izbegao traktorijadu ili neki nakaradni mešanac. Hrvat ne bi lupao takve gluposti.

Attached: ca034134c9c4220e612a189f221da480.jpg (598x594, 63K)

Shut the fuck up. Kids in Zagreb are 30% SJW already, I'm moving away from this hellhole as soon as I can.

COME ON!!!!!!

>muh SJWs

Attached: 1471045835478.png (594x592, 542K)

Yugoslavia 2.0 when?
pro tip - genocide doesn't help in unifying a country

Attached: 1536314193620.gif (320x240, 2.65M)

"haha guys what if we made these different countries into ONE BIG COUNTRY????"
fucking stop you triple nigger

Attached: 1539169172822.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

>genocide doesn't help in unifying a country

It will if you are successful at it.
t. mongols

Shit, i'm pretty sure OP is an SJW here to seed conflict. Go home, Karl

>I'm moving away from this hellhole
to where?
somewhere where kids are 80% sjw?

let's write brainlet stuff serbs say

>if your surname ends in -ović you are a serb

Attached: 1526956109569.png (826x609, 81K)


I remember. I was once in Croatia. It's a shithole. People behave like monkies. Full of hatred. everyone hated me for my misfits-tshirt because the logo is a skull. parents told their kids to throw stones at me. because of a fucking band-shirt. if anyone deserves to be enslaved. Croatia is they country to go for sure.

>Kosovo je Srbija
>Vojvodina je Srbija
>Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić i Arkan su heroji, a ne ratni zločinci
>Srbi su based kebab removeri (iako su vekovima bili Osmanske kučke)
>Hrvati i Bosanci su krivi za raspad Jugoslavije
>Srpske žene su najlepše u Evropi
>everyone hated me for my misfits-tshirt because the logo is a skull.
I'd hate you too, you fucking faggot.

Attached: 1490154886594.jpg (750x1000, 242K)

Then why are you in Serbia? Get out you Croatnigger.

all balkaniggers are 56%er turk rapebabies. this is historical and scientific fact

lulz sadly for you there is zero impact if a faggot calls someone a faggot. now go shit on your street like a real croatnigger does. you don't have much time until some proper country bombs your dogshit country to dust.

No, somewhere even less developed. I realized that development has little to do with how good a country is, in fact it is the opposite. The more developed a country is, the worse you are off, and the worse off you will be once Europe gets fucked.
Look at the Nordics. They are arguably the single most developed region in the world, and what's going on over there? Suicides are through the roof, their men are being feminized, they are notoriously antisocial, and they are now willingly accepting an invasion of their country.

On the other hand, look at the Eastern Mediterranean, specifically the Balkans. Literally the smallest suicide rates in the whole world. The highest prejudice towards refugees of any nation in the world (The least accepting nations are, bottom up, Macedonia, Montenegro, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Israel, Latvia, Czech Republic, and Croatia, 5 out of 9 are in the Balkans). Fags are extremely hated here, with anyone being openly gay receiving daily beatings from passers by, and transsexuals are practically unheard of. Pride parades have been opposed unanimously, though some countries (Notably Serbia) have grown complacent and allowed them. Two Balkan countries that have never had a pride parade are BiH and Macedonia, but it might happen soon, with fag politicians allowing it.

Hating faggots is a good thing, kraut degenerate

he is hungarian and he made at least 1 serbia hate thread in week
we already talked about this user integrate to serbian or gtfo to hungry

Attached: 1538922688014.jpg (900x900, 463K)

>pro tip - genocide doesn't help in unifying a country
i will leave this here

i like croatian history so rich

Attached: 1538857083343.jpg (1440x1440, 131K)

Traps are not gay, you Misfits-loving pleb faggot.
I make one whenever a Serb pisses me off.

Attached: 1497452824982.jpg (814x767, 95K)

w-who is that ?

And then most of ireland left, pretty united that

what the fuck has misfits to do with faggots. you must be degenerated. everything you hate must be gay. you actually sound like the monkies I saw in croatia. you brainlets deserve to be enslaved, you are literally the niggers of europe. next time im in your country I tell them you are a faggot, I bet this stupid monkies will not even ask but haunt you down, like the worthless shit you are. what a nice country to live in... if you can't think for yourself. perfect slaves! but sadly not human at all. just monkies full of hatred. and you dumb motherfucker love to prove it even more :D

>No, somewhere even less developed
like where?

That's one obnoxious twat called Belle Delphine.

Attached: iGRhkHw_d.jpg (640x426, 18K)

did i hear "united"

Attached: tablet.png (1536x1220, 239K)

He could come to Serbia, he'd fit in well on this zoo of a country.

Attached: 11848_img-1452185193_ls.jpg (1000x666, 123K)

forgot to add brexit whoppse silly me

my fucking god ur life must be shit then if you made every 2 days serbia hate thread

Don't forget to take your meds, schizo.

Attached: b5f9f833e7434dd1356431701b1fb14c.jpg (453x604, 55K)

people need to be reminded daily that servs are jews of the balkans

I have worn a fucking misfits tshirt in your fucking dogshit country. It doesn't say ANYTHING about my sexuality you degenerate faggot. nor if I love or like the band... maybe I just liked to motive? skulls are now a symbol of faggotery? interesting! tell me more braindead monkey from the main niggercountry of europe :)

>ur life must be shit then
It's basically like this:
>go outside
>see a Serb
>day ruined
And then they wonder why suicide rates are so high among minorities in Serbia. They have to interact with Serbs, for Christ's sake! Worst fate imaginable.

Attached: a4b6403d763728b04c78cb7717d5edc3.jpg (720x960, 154K)

pls just kys. no one will miss you ;)

reminder that ur president is women

Attached: Capture_2018-07-15-22-15-59.png (717x651, 572K)

I'm not even a Croat lmao
Kys pleb, only subhuman niggers like Misfits. If I were a president, genociding Serbs and Misfits fans would be the first thing I would do. No mercy for "people" like you.

Attached: 1422691157696.jpg (640x480, 89K)

>It's basically like this:see a Serb
>day ruined
then why the fuck you live in serbia are you braindead

Attached: 1538834561620s.jpg (125x119, 3K)

Because I was born here you dumb nigger

Attached: 1538999159135.jpg (683x908, 84K)

>reminder that ur president is women
ur president is
>woman that looks like man
>is croat
>sucks pussy

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 72K)

it's the butthurt hungolian from the "white" horde again...

dont't answer, just ignore his nomadic horseshit

Attached: hungary-turan.jpg (490x225, 41K)

ok now i feel sorry for cyberbullying a retarded kid you do realize you can actually emigrate to diffrent coutnry

Attached: 1538837889629s.jpg (125x115, 2K)

>people need to be reminded daily that servs are jews of the balkans
btw ur quote

Attached: 1538689397460s.jpg (114x125, 4K)

dude... your brain is broken... I hope you become the next president of croatia. after you there will be no croatia. now kys before you destroy the shithole you like most on this planet.


Well, it's not that simple. I have an apartment here so I don't have to pay rent, everything is cheaper, I have friends, family and a fuckgirl here, plus there are some other personal reasons. I earn money by sort of freelancing (won't go into details but my monthly earnings wouldn't change if I moved to Hungary) so my living expenses would increase drastically, which would be awful since I already have a tendency to spend everything I earn on alcohol.
>I hope you become the next president of croatia
Me too. State issued trap gfs for everyone!

Attached: CGCj89YUsAEub4e.jpg (500x511, 31K)

Based and redpilled.
Answer this honestly. No memes, no bullshit, purely hypothetical.

What would it realistically take for Croatia to form an alliance with Albania, if not temporarily?
Let's look at the facts:

-They both hate Serbs
-Hitler loved both of them
-They both allied themselves with Nazi Germany
-Both had an SS division
-Both Croatians and Albanians have traces of ancient Illyrian DNA
-Both have a strong Dinaric population
-Both are tough and have survived harsh conditions for decades
-Both of them understand what it's like fighting Serbians, so you can give each other your insights and reinforcements

And many more.
If it's the Muslim thing that puts you off, Albanians aren't even religious, it's mainly just a thing to say. You can convince them to remove the title and then focus on removing Serbs.
After you guys are done, you can shake hands and go back to your families in your country.
What do you think?

>Anyone with balls fled

atleast we didn't abandon our culture and religion like you faggots have. Most of your people are descendants of catholicized Serbs who "were smart and fled". My coffee mug has more culture and history behind it than the entire nation of Croatia

Absolutely based and redpilled.

Attached: 1538955443092.png (600x600, 281K)

>My coffee mug has more culture and history behind it than the entire nation of Croatia
Pic related: Serbian history.
Battle of Nicopolis -- NEVER FORGET.

Attached: main-qimg-dff7705f7f9322a79832940bb67d33e2-c.jpg (405x543, 73K)

>habzburg paintings made to mock Serbs
If habzburgs tried to make the same degrading paintings about Croats, they couldn't come up with anything. There's nothing to mock about a nation and people that never existed

Why do you have so many trap pictures?
...dump ur folder...


it's the butthurt hungolian from the "white" horde again...

dont't answer, just ignore his nomadic horseshit

Attached: image-1.jpg (620x330, 45K)

Unfortunately, most are NSFW : (((
While you were sucking BOC (BIG OTTOMAN COCK) Croats were defending the white race with Austria-Hungary.,_Croats_and_Serbs

Attached: 633aafd44f8518516c136ba0458cb40c.jpg (451x750, 51K)

LOL, Belgrade was razed to the ground 46 times in its history.
Balkan is actually from the turkish word Bal (honey) and Kan (blood)
That's quite an excellent word to describe the region.

Can upload the folder to imgr or google drive?

Maybe tomorrow cuz now I'm on my phone. I have few gigs there. Remind me when I make another Serbia hate thread.

Attached: 1538819193405.webm (640x800, 741K)

Okie dokie

Don't worry, geneticists have looked into it extensively and found that 12% of the Turkish genome is Serbian while none of the Serbian genome is Turkish.
So you are not a Turk, they have been whitened by you as a result of them kidnapping boys for centuries which they trained into their elite soldiers and generals.
I feel sorry for them having no other option than fucking brown pussy, but you do what you've gotta do.

Nice one!

Attached: f8df9c867e624437e7cda7940e25762101d1e862c5161efeae794d277a811990.png (912x629, 620K)

Warning: This girl is legit a trap. I have to fucking reverse search before I fap these days.

man you actually have no life you fucking kike shill. Its the same mygar who keeps making the anti-serb threads, dont fall for this kikery. SAGE

>implying we didn't know
>implying you didn't fap to it anyway

checked, hes done this for the past month, im not even a balkan nigger but this dude is clearly either a paid shill, or just a land whale neckbeared with no life with serbs living in his head rent free

Aw... kind of feel bad for the guy if that's real.

Nah, that would be moravians

so you are pretty much a crypto kike leeching off a country, and here you are making threads for the past month every day, could you possibly sink any lower? you might be the worst shitstain to grace the earh

For some reason I feel Albo posters are a bit underrated on Jow Forums

Don't be mean, man. I just hate Serbs : (((

Attached: This+has+been+said+before+but+i+like+_be3406e930dc64e9b664c606bc3af4a6.jpg (1024x681, 114K)

Hng..... *OpO*

Double kek

Not many of us on here, but a lot of serbs so you see a lot more anti alb memes than anti-serb memes so most polacks don't like us.

I hate scum like you, If I was a serb I would hunt you down and snap you in half.

if Albania was christian, it would have been the most badass country, I like Skanderbeg's backstory.

There's a femanon Albanian on Jow Forums, just so you know.
Are you still capable of walking or do you use a mobility scooter?

>if Albania was christian
Too bad they aren't even real muslims or christians, they're "secular"/agnostics and suck Americas cock.
I guess I don't blame them, America literally saved them from genocidal maniacs and became their first real "ally".
It's not them either religion seems to be dying all over Europe.

keep projecting faggot, there is not a single man on earth that would be such a fucking pathetic shit bag like you, you are the prime example of a loser and low testosterone, probably going to die a virgin and hopefully a serb fucks all females that you have known in your life.

>There's a femanon Albanian on Jow Forums

>t. serb diaspora that can't take banter

I dont understand why they like Turkey, or is that just a meme? either way, it makes no sense to me why Albanians celebrate Skanderbeg (who they got their flag from) and are not full on anti-turk and anti muslim

I said before im not even from the balkans dipshit. But every time on this board I see the same bait threads made by the same fucking person and Im 100% sure of that, its the same shit and meme from his folder all the time, repetitive pattern that proves hes a shill

this is your albanian islamic monkeys burning down church: