Student loan jew

>student loans cost more than my monthly rent
How they can expect anyone to be able to pay $1200 a month just to hit principle?

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You have a degree you should be making 300k a year

I'm making 55k a year right now and paying $900 a month in rent. $1200 a month would leave me with like $50 left over each month

This. Why aren't you making bare minimum 300k??? Are you fucking DUMB?????? Are you fucking STUPID?????? Maybe it's time to consider not the red pill but the get off your ass and make money pill???? Or maybe the KYS pill. Seriously. K. Y. S.

all I can do is show you his show, guy knows a lot of stuff and advises how toget through that loan shit with dignity.

Thanks to him I've managed to save 300k $ by deciding not to study abroad. He's in fact a genius.

>how can they expect
You are the one who decided to take the loan, retard.

How did you expect to pay it?

damn that sucks you should have read your student loan paperwork better

Tfw got free college with the ZOGpill

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You took a risk taking that much of loan and it didn't pay off. What do you want? A get out of jail free card?

If you make, say, 120k a year, then you make 10k a month. You pay 4k in taxes and 1.2k in debt. You will have to live on 2.8k, which is doable, just eat less avocado toast.

>defending literal jews

>How they can expect anyone to be able to pay $1200 a month just to hit principle?
We don't. We expect you to carry that debt till you die.

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I work in my field, and I'm making the average salary based on research and company data (the firm im at now would not pay me any higher than the average). My issue is that If I pay HALF that or even 80% of that, I wont hit the principal meaning all that money is just going to waste. am i wrong?

Haha! What's your major in faggot?

Get it together, Andrew.

I made $65k a year with $40k in PRIVATE loans and I managed to get by just fine. My interest rates were like 12%

>desperately want the financial jew to collapse, almost advocating for accelerationism
>want to end the fed, end usury
>openly argue against student loan debt forgiveness because I wasn't dumb enough to take out student loans and I don't think those that were should be forgiven

pay your debts

>having money

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As usurious and wrong as that is, this is all on you, Andrew, for taking out a (((loan))) in the first place

lucky. i have $120k after 4 years of undergrad and 2 years of grads school

>Great Lakes
You took out a 100k loan with a bank thats going to charge you interest while youre still in school, you enormous retard. Refinance ASAP, I waited 6 months and I slashed mine from 1050 to 750. Great Lakes sucks massive amounts of ass

Mommy forget to give you the meds again?

Can i refinance out of Great Lakes or am i stuck with them?

>sign a contract
>have to conform to terms of contract
help! im being oppressed!

You're basically fucked

thats okay, i still live like a poor person anyways

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>be Sven
>parents are high tier politicians for S (gibs party)
>study philosophy and history for 6 years
>get gibs and a great student loan from the government while studying
>live cheap so I save about 50% of the money and put it into stock market index funds under my mom's name
>3 degree, but they're useless unless I want a government job (and I don't want that)
>decide to study for a master degree in electrical engineering
>problem is... I can't get anymore student gibs and cheap student loans (6 years is the max)...
>decide to apply for bostadsbidrag (housing gibs) and socialbidrag (last resort gibs)
>get it (partly thanks to my parents political connections
>cheat to get more socialbidrag
>still transfer about 50% of the gibs to my "moms's account" (actually mine) and invest everything in index funds
>I now have a net worth of about 690k dollars (started saving all the cash I got in stock market index funds since I was like 5)
I know it's all going to collapse but life is good. Currently 3 years into my EE MS and it's a lot of fun.

>How they can expect anyone to be able to pay $1200 a month just to hit principle?
(((they don't)))


make the most of your poor life. someday i can afford a LCD or Plasma

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I owed like $10k. I wrote to the Inspector General of the DoE and told him it was all fraud. My loan disappeared.

>not taking responsibility for your decisions

>being a left wing leech that siphons money out of the system that other people worked for
Good going, Svehammed!

>not being a slave for 20 years in order to pay his student loan

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>boomer parents had their college education paid for by their parents
>think they're going to do the same for me
>lol nope college is way more expensive than when we went son good luck paying off those student loans with 10% interest rates to Mr. Sheckleberg
>lol why are you still living at home at 27? Don't you want to take out a mortgage from Mr. Goldsteins bank and start a family?

You should have had parents who were rich enough to pay for your college

Leave the country. Run a bar somewhere sunny.

>Being a slave to some Jewish fraudulent system.

Less shekels for the niggers. I'm ok with that. I wouldn't do it if Sweden was a homogenous country again.

>be an amerigoy
>defend your slave master
the american dream right here

I somehow escaped college with $0in debt with a engineering degree making $70k out of the gate in a low cost of living area. Not my fault you people are absolutely retarded for bringing that ahit upon yourself.

No one is blaming you faggot, we're blaming the kike. Are you a kike?

debt slavery is how they thrive.
the greek word for debt is sin.
yee who controls the debt
controls the sins and from there
controls the slaves. isn't slavery
fun? :-)

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Raising rent would fix that.

There are ways around the kikery is my fucking point. God damn no wonder you faggot dip shits get taken advantage of.

>Get taken advantage of
Your tax dollars paid for my schooling faggot. Who got taken advantage of?

Ok it's a scam. Ok.
But, seriously, are these students braindead ? Do the estimate how much for how long they will have to pay ?
Are they THAT stupid ?
When i took a loan for one year, it's was the first thing i did. For a marketable degree. Here you have dozens of thousands borrowing ten times more for worthless degrees. Not one of them gas a brain ? And their fucking parents, wtf did they taught them ?
Gtz. Because they were thinking loans as free money, they are now for a life long of slavery. And the worst is that because how banks work, when their payments fail, the bubble may burst, and it could affect everyone.

You borrowed it, you figure out how to pay for it, faggot.
Hopefully you will learn your lesson, but probably not. Clearly to agree to that in the first place requires a retard.

My house payment is only 1300 glad I was to stupid to go to college.

you can rent my van for 12$ a month

Andrew, you don't have to actually pay off your loans. They can't throw you in jail.

If you don't want to take a loan then go die for Israel in the USMC you ungrateful goy

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Whooopps someone went to (((college))) without the proper family network connection to get them a 500k job after. This is why poor people go to community college.

That rug really ties the room together

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>Can garnish your wages
>Can confiscate your property
>Can take your children away from you because you’ll choose to feed and clothe then over paying student loans
Who gives a fuck about jail? Every member of the government who supported the idea of giving loans to children without the ability to default on them should be hanged.

well that is pretty steep for a student loan, I pay about 160-ish I think. most people want to keep that loan the longest compared to other loans as it it has a low interest and other shit. you would rather pay down your car and house loan instead of your student loan.

uni isn't “free” in espana?

How long until student loan bubble blow?


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the more American goyim die the better

The Rothschilds don't WANT you to buy your freedom, dumbass.

Lol this dudes still living in the 80’s and in debt. LOL at your life.

Make better life choices, retards.

Kinda cozy my man, do you live by yourself?

Yep he wants a do over a clean slate like his professors got when they used to be able to go bankrupt for student loans. Fuck him and everyone else with a student loan some of us were smart enough to find a better way to education then borrowing money from uncle steinbergstien.

>be 18
>get told you have to go to college by teachers/parents
>parents drop you off at school
>need to take out loans to pay for classes
>here goy just sign this
>be 18
they can garnish me forever if they want i refuse to pay them for lying and scheming and profiting off of my awful teenage decision to pick a shitty BA

A shekel for the ruski.

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>tfw degree in field with decent career prospects and have zero debt
Feels good man

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>can prevent you from credit, employment, rental approval, etc.
Annnnnnnnddddddd depending on the state judgments can last 20 years.

>taking loans you can't pay
People who complain about loans and "usury" are just retards who cant handle money. Crazy idea: if you cant make payments dont take a loan.

You dun goofed. Going to any state school while being a resident is only 10k per year under grad and 12k post grad. Going back to school soon and I'll be paying for it up front in cash while working a factory job

>student loans with 10% interest rates
then I wouldn't taken out a loan, seriously.
>bank thats going to charge you interest while youre still in school
this just keeps getting worse and worse....

>I paid 15k for psych 101
>I r smurt college grad

So how do student loans work in the US? Are they like bank loans? Will the repo men come and take your shit if you can't keep up with repayments?

Here in Britain, student loans are provided by the government. And what's awesome is that you only pay them back IF you're earning over a certain amount (for me that amount is £15k, which is $19.5k). Currently I'm a NEET, which means I don't have to pay anything back right now. And if I continued to earn less than $19.5k per year for 25 years (even though that's unlikely), then they would wipe my entire student debt.

So basically, it's more of an income tax than a debt. You don't have to worry about repo men. Which is awesome.

Is it similar in the States?

Even gipsies in my country live in better conditions, lmao

When did you realize USA is a third world country for the majority of americans? are rewarded for being an underperforming piece of shit in Britfaglandia?
Sounds about right.

>tfw mooching off of parents paying 800 a month.
>tfw it's been a year and people don't want a Mechanical Engineer
>tfw the entry level with 2+ years of experience meme is real
Why did I have to graduate when unemployment reaches record lows?

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But you're educated, you can figure how to work this out.

The jew will cast a spell upon your credit score and they'll eventually garnish part of your wages before you get paid

What are you doing wrong? STEM is as close to a golden ticket as you can get, low unemployment is a good thing, workers have more leverage

Yeah kinda, we have income based repayment with some loans as well. I know with federal loans it’s like that and even some private. And if you work a nonprofit for ten years I believe the feds will wipe your slate clean.

Not as forgiving/manageable as UK but there are still ways out

>you don’t have to repay back student loans in exchange for Achmed and Muhammad fucking your wife

Based and cuckpilled

>How they can expect anyone to be able to pay $1200 a month just to hit principle?
Tell me about how they forced you at gun point to sign the promissory note. Tell me about how they kidnapped you from the Financial aid office of the local community college and took you to an expensive university and wouldn't let you leave until you committed your life to them.

t. Former title IV loan rep/collector.

He wants a bailout like all the other fraudulent system participants get.

This is a weak troll.

People want mechanical engineers.
What they don't want is you.

Crazy idea: if you know someone can't make payments don't give them a loan.

There are all kinds of regs that force money lending.

Why the fuck aren't you doing an income based payment plan?

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Credit scores are the most jewish thing ever. The only thing that could be more jewey would be a social score.

Tell my why I should give a fuck about paying it back?

It's what led up to the 2008 housing crisis, Clinton made it easier for home loans, basically anyone could get a loan.

Woo me too
I make 53k and have a minimum payment of about 1k. So we're the same!

>make 10k a month but 4k of it is taxes

Do you have any interest in quality employment, access to credit, apartment rental or home ownership, etc?

Not my fucking problem.. write your congressmen

And it has only gotten worse since.

YOU are the nigger here

Nope, I only care about killing Jews and stealing their shekels.

Not the same. Subprime mortgage bubble allowed lenders to create elaborate lending schemes to outside investors based upon these mortgages. Entire industries were funded by these debts.

If the student loan bubble pops, realistically only the colleges would faulter. And I say good riddance to the left wing brainwashing camps

Again, not my fucking problem.