I'm a protestant and I'm interested in Orthodoxy. Catholicism isn't attractive because of the whole Pope is infallible thing, and also I'm not sold on transubstantiation (which I'm aware is in Orthodoxy as well). Orthodoxy looks good to me because of the tradition, and my local church is all-white. I also was told that the Orthodox Christians translated the Bible from Latin into other languages before Catholics did, which I think is good. Everyone should be able to read the Bible without a Priest handy.
My main hang-up is the whole praying to Mary and the Saints thing. I do understand their importance, but I don't think they should be prayed to. Also icons seem a bit idol-worship-y.
It's Byzantium LARP club for old women in Russia, KKK without burning crosses in Ukraine, and Islam with pictures allowed in Greece. By the way, muslims absolutely stole burka from Greeks, it was common street outfight for free women in ancient Greece.
Orthodoxy is the straight and righteous way. It is the church founded by Christ and remains true to this day. Get an Orthodox Study Bible. Visit an Orthodox Church. God bless you, user.
>the whole Pope is infallible thing That's only when he's speaking ex cathedra, which almost never happens.
>My main hang-up is the whole praying to Mary and the Saints thing. I do understand their importance, but I don't think they should be prayed to. Prayer doesn't mean worship. It's like asking members of your church to pray for you, except you're asking people known to be very close to God.
>Also icons seem a bit idol-worship-y. An idol is more than just an image. Idols, by definition, are believed to literally house divine presence within them.
Owen Lee
>I'm a Protestant but I'm considering idol worship and blasphemy because of mystic attire and pictures No you're not, larper.
Evan Ross
the uncreated energy vs essence shit has me confused
Logan Young
>It's like asking members of your church to pray for you You clearly never heard a catholic prayer to Mary. >except you're asking people Who are not there. In a religious manner. As intermediaries to Christ which is explicitely rejected in the bible.
>Idols, by definition, are believed to literally house divine presence within them Pagans didn't believe their images to house the gods. Meanwhile catholics DID (still do depending on who asks) believe that wearing a scapular or a medaillion can determine a soul's salvation
Ryder Bailey
>Prayer doesn't mean worship. It's like asking members of your church to pray for you, except you're asking people known to be very close to God. I still don't like the idea of praying to anyone other than God. It'd be like praying to my dead grandad, it just doesn't seem right. What could praying to Mary and the Saints do that couldn't be done by praying to God?
>An idol is more than just an image. Idols, by definition, are believed to literally house divine presence within them. But is that not what icons are? They're manufactured pictures that are supposed to help you pray better.