Saudi embassy torture & murder (Jamal Khashoggi)

Do you have any idea how deep this rabbit hole goes?
>Muhammad Khashoggi (1889–1978) was the personal doctor of King Abdulaziz Al Saud (the original founder of Saudi Arabia)
>Adnan Khashoggi (1935 – 2017) was his son, a famous arms dealer who brokered all Saudi defense purchases for a 15% commission
>Adnan Khashoggi was implicated in the Iran-Contra affair (Nixon) and the al-Yammah arms deal (Thatcher)
>his yacht, once the largest in the world, was sold to Donald Trump for $29 million
>Adnan's sister was Samira Khashoggi. She was the mother of Dodi Al-Fayed, the boyfriend of Diana who died with her in the car crash.

Meanwhile, the guy who was murdered, Jamal Khashoggi
>parents unknown, assumed to be Adnan's son
>travelled with Bin Laden for SEVEN YEARS (1987-1995)
>almost nothing is known about his life, he pops up as a WaPo contributor out of nowhere
>most likely still an arms dealer

This is why it's top news everywhere. Journalists know, they just can't explain why the murder of a "Washington Post contributor" has to be the top news report worldwide.

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>page 6 and no replies
C'mon I put some effort into it

It's a good thread imo

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Bumping for exposure.

I wonder if this is the same arms dealer Edith Harris was once engaged to.

>Nixon, Thatcher, Osama, Diana, Trump all implicated in one story
They need to make a movie out of it seriously

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Sources please

It's mostly on Wikipedia, but only if you search for his relatives and family name.

If you search for him, all links to the other relatives are wiped clean and never mentioned.

See, when I heard Khashoggi my first thought was Adnan. That raises the question of what the hell is actually going on. If this guy is related to who I'm thinking he is, even if he isn't Adnan's son, then we are 100% not getting the straight story on who killed him and why.

>travelled with Bin Laden for SEVEN YEARS (1987-1995)
>he pops up as a WaPo contributor out of nowhere
Leftists and Islamists go together

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Left-wing groups and Islamic terrorists have gone hand in hand in European history though, especially Palestinian orgs

This isn't something new

Spooks have journalistic cover. Who knows what he's ever actually doing? Better question: who wants to stop someone from finding out?

Is there any proof to the accusation he's been murdered besides the word of random Turkroaches?


i don't have anything to add to this discussion but here's a courtesy bump

Thanks guys

Jow Forums doesn't seem interested

It supposedly happened in the embassy so who knows? Could be that the killing was cover and they smuggled him out alive in a large diplomatic bag or wearing a fake beard. Could be he's alive and they're torturing him, but want people to think he's dead. Could be he needed to disappear. Who knows?

If it wasn't true, the Saudis would be able to show a video of him leaving or something.

What's their game though? Are we sure that they didn't leak a fake story while they're just detaining him in the hope of smoking somebody out?

Getting rid of the one person most likely to know who helped Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban.

Also, Khashoggi had written many times against the Saudi war in Yemen.
Recently, Yemen rebels have attacked supertankers carrying Saudi oil with weapons (assumed to be) provided by Iran.

If he was truly an arms dealer, and he was involved in supplying those anti-ship missiles from Iran to Yemen, and they were used to attack oil tankers, that would be reason enough to have him tortured and executed.

>Wearing meme hats
>Le Khashoggi shiggy diggy doo do

the time and date on the security footage that was released by some turkish media is fabricated.

they show the "black van" leaving the hotal at 15:08 and then arriving to the consulate at 15:07

All of that could be cover for what he was really doing. How do you know what you don't know?

So the Yemenis are learning from the US Somalian pirate thing?

Khashoggis try to cuck Harrods and the British Royal family, then they start dying, this doesn’t surprise me.

i wrote this the other day.
until now there is no confirmation on whether he is dead or no.

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Speaking of Dodi Al-Fayed, has anyone else been paying attention to the head on Interpol being detained in China since September 25th?

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Bump is this the guy who disappeared at the Saudi embassy in Turkey

last time i checked his wife said she received a picture of a knife sent from his phone.

The story here is that wapo is a spook den

WaPo and CIA, ahem!

bumparoni. desu it kinda seems like a message of the saudi regime that we can fuck you up wherever you are in the world today

he was probably some mossad spy anyways

the washington post has been working with the CIA for a while now. they even published story about it and then tried to scrub it from their site. Jeff bezos of Amazon bought washington post and has been sitting on a pentagon defense advisory board as well. Jeff Bezos is clearly deeply connected to the bankers. CIA was alwasy an agency of the bankers pretending to be US govt. agency.

there is alot more to jeff bezos and the fact that he owns washington post is no coincidence. the fact that his company, Amazon was allowed to pile so much debt and loses for almost 20 years should have been a dead giveaway.