There is nothing more despicable than a white male progressive, democrat, leftist or communist. Despite being the very target of their own ideology, they are the backbone of the SJW movement. All the kikes and screeching bitches in the world couldn't accomplish shit by themselves.
It is the white male leftists who supply the muscle and the brains of the movement. They are the front ranks of antifa, the main content creators, the journalists who write most of the SJW articles, the ones who scream the loudest and most vociferously and physically attack those who disagree with them. They are the core of the leftist movement and the most traitorous.
If they wish to identify with women and homosexuals, then the proposition is simple: they should be treated as women and homosexuals. Where the white progressive, communist, Democrat and antifa is found, his pants should be pulled down and his anus turned inside out, or his testicles seized and crushed. All white males who are not right wing, should be assaulted in this manner for their womanly beliefs
>All white males who are not right wing, should be assaulted in this manner for their womanly beliefs And that's one of the reasons Jow Forums will never be taken seriously. If you could turn down your edginess a bit, maybe your good ideas wouldn't drown in the sea of idiocy.
Charles Hall
Well, you are even more retardedly edgy than Antifa, and even more pathetic, being loudmouth pussy.
t. White male Communist.
Kevin Robinson
These people arent communists, they say they are, but they would shout down any true marxist for being class reductionist. The globalist elite have officially ruined any chance of class solidarity by subverting the left into antagonizing certain sects of the proletariat merely because they are the same skin color as a good portion of the elite. The bourgeosie had this race won from the start, intersectional feminism and postmodernism are the new sacred cows, not communism or egalitarianism. They are foot soldiers of corporate controlllers seeking to rob our narion and people of their future. Still, running these people out would help tremendously.
Lucas Perez
You can't fault the people that were brainwashed. If a rat kidnapped kittens and brainwashed them into serving rats, you don't fault the kittens for being pro-rat.
Also, your shit muslim religion has more in common with jews anyways. Your people come into our countries and for the same democratic leftist shit and preach the same pro-left, anti-Christian garbage that you're bitching about.
this wasnt an "edgy" concept when men knew how to be men. how about dropping that russian vpn you use to add an air of legitimacy to your shill posts, kike?
Zachary Richardson
"SJW's" do not exist ouside of America and select americanized countries, but then again, no prominent Orthodox Communist organization or leader exist in America.
However, USA is but a small and not so significant part of humanity.
Brandon Nelson
How do you feel about the fact if there was ever to be another oven it'd be exclusively about white liberal men? Not niggers, not spics, not shitskins, but white male democrats?
Charles Bennett
>It is the white male leftists who supply the muscle and the brains of the movement.
Matthew Wright
basedboys need to fucking eat shit ton of onions
Adam Williams
i mean S O Y - B O Y s
Dominic Lewis
>a white male progressive, democrat, leftist or communist
Old fag here. We used to call them homos.
Luis Sullivan
The media already quotes Jow Forums threads. They take us seriously enough.
Joseph Williams
If whites were a solid Voting Block like niggers, we'd be a one party state. Traitorous whites are the problem.
Mason Harris
bumpily bump bump, let's kick some commie ass
Parker Russell
>larping Quit being such a faggot
Angel Morgan
Its an "edgy" concept when you think people that have a different worldview should be assaulted.
These people are wasting everyone's time pretending to be mystified and baffled by the social norms derived from the cultivated ancient wisdom that makes it possible for them to openly kvetch. Their narcissism personifies their omphaloskeptic views. Reality is not important to them other than a place to pick out tribulations. Where the virtuous man sees challenges to overcome these people see only the man's success or failure, only the outcome, they have no interest in the process of achievement only its reward and penalties. Their greatest delusion is exposed the moment they use discourse. That they are free to complain about their society is the proof society that isn't the problem, it's them and their collectivist victimhood that exploits the social empathy.
>they are the core I disagree. Much of the core is Arabs, Kikes, and Spics. The SJW white male tends to be an onlooker white-knight, not the agitator.
Nathan Perez
>The journalists who write most of the SJW articles These are mostly arabs and kikes, and of course the women.
Justin Gutierrez
Nice blog faggot.
Andrew Campbell
Jow Forums isn't one line posts newfag.
Mason Green
>It is the (((white))) male leftists who supply the muscle and the brains of the movement. (((They))) are the front ranks of antifa, the main content creators, the (((journalists))) who write most of the SJW articles, the ones who scream the loudest and most vociferously and physically attack those who disagree with them. (((They))) are the core of the leftist movement and the most traitorous.
Anthony Sanchez
There is nothing more despicable than a white male libertarian or conservative capitalism supporter? Despite being the very victim of capitalism, they are the backbone of the capitalist system. All the kikes and shekel-grabbing businessmen in the world couldn't accomplish shit by themselves.
It is the white male class traitors who supply the muscle and the brains of the system. They are the front ranks of police and the military, the main defenders of burgeois parasites, the journalists who wrote about social "issues" while distracting us from real, economic ones. They are the ones who scream the loudest and most vociferously and physically attack those who disagree with them. They are the core of the capitalist system of exploitation and oppression and the most traitorous.
If they wish to identify with the bourgeois class, then the proposition is simple: they should be treated as the bourgeois once the revolution comes. Where the class traitor is found, his pants should be pulled down and his anus turned inside out, or his testicles seized and crushed. All men and women of all colours and religions who are not left wing, should be assaulted in this manner for their regressive beliefs.
Except its quite significant, and the places where these SJWs exist are the very places Marx stated were where Communism would come about. That leave the True Scotsmen Orthodox Marxists in the 3rd world, where Marx knew it would not be as successful, and has proven to ba a failure in creating any society that fullfills the definition of collective ownership of MOP and removal of social classes.
Your revolution will not come, it will merely be a changing of the hands that hold the workong class down, because it is the very nature of the worker to serve and labor for hus superior. Why you fools would ever back the class whose crowning acheivement is shitting the bed and getting duped into the very dame system they claim to fight against perplexes me. Marxist thought relies on materialism but somehow elevates all men to a level of equality, absoloute ignorance.
Gavin Cruz
Blake Lewis
>There is nothing more despicable than a white male progressive, democrat, leftist or communist except for concern trolls and optics cucks
>homo-erotic psycho=sexual sadist yup it's an ay-rab
Matthew Cox
russian shills are already seething
Cameron Gutierrez
>select americanized countries ... so basically the rest of the West
Zachary Lewis
Very well played with this thread guys. Very subtle. But putting a popular board opinion, that everyone already 'agrees' on, and leaving it at 1 post by this ID? Gave it away a bit. Still, you did good this time. You are learning.
Matthew Clark
Nope. Britain, France, Germany have proper Left movement, among the westy west, not to mention the others.