I'm a conservative female and I've lost every single one of my girl friends within the last month by being vocal about...

I'm a conservative female and I've lost every single one of my girl friends within the last month by being vocal about free speech and how sjws are bad for society.

Should I stay the course? Should I give in and apologize?
because I'm very lonely now

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Other urls found in this thread:


sure you did
post feet

>conservative female posting cute 2D girls on a Bangladeshi pillow-stuffing forum
I don't believe you

Might as well give some back story

Friends texting me buzzfeed shit non stop for 3 years straight, every time we meet up it's non stop shitting on men and talking about video games being inclusive (I find games boring as fuck), race issues, celeb gossip. Finally I started saying my 2 cents that abortion is a cop out for lack of self control and if I had a baby I wouldn't abort it and they got all mad and called me an uncle Tom to my face

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>having personal responsibility makes one an uncle tom
you lost nothing of value, also
>tits or gtfo

>uncle tom
So you're black? What are you doing here?

the awnser is simple

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How did you find Jow Forums?

Why are your freinds "leaving you"?

Let me cum on those toes

oh gurl what ar you doing here



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I'm white

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Hide your powerlevel bitch.

You will find friends that agree with you. If these people left you because of your beliefs, they are the real intolerant ones, not you.

>Should I stay the course? Should I give in and apologize?
>because I'm very lonely now
Think through it carefully. If you apologize, will they take you back? Are they right to begin with? Do they deserve your apology?

Loneliness is a hard life, but it's the kind of life that one lives without lies.

That's what peopel mean when they talk about the redpill vs. the bluepill. In the matrix, you can take the redpill and leave this dreamworld to find out just how deep the corruption is, or you can take the bluepill and stay in wonderland.

Unlike the matrix however, this wonderland can only survive for so long, and when it all comes crashing down (due to increasing debt and inflation), you'll be thrown into a world that you are not prepared for if you chose the bluepill.

Choose wisely.

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seems like your friends just have man issues. Tell them to stop playing video games, staring at snapchat news and find a boyfriend.

Your freinds sound like dicks. How old are they?

Shame user. If your friends shared buzzfeed articles with you you'd fail to contain your power level

>because I'm very lonely now
You don't know what loneliness is.

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every single mod is now lurking in this thread

>just do it

Tits or gtfo.

None of them want a bf, they just wanna complain and get drunk every night

I'm so redpilled I don't even think women have the right to vote since most of us are too moody


Stay the course but don't spend too much time on Jow Forums or Jow Forums in general. Spend time with family or pick up a hobby that could make you more productive/meet like minded people.

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Leave them behind and find some conservative friends?...

If they want to live in a bubble - that's their problem. Branch out and meet new people, or find weirdos on Jow Forums to bone.

its gets better. check your private messages


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Sounds like your friends are on a fast track to roastiedom, you need to find other conservative women who actually want to have a decent life and can help you achieve that.

Can you suggest a hobby that's good?

> Female
> Conservative
> lost every single of of my friends
> I'm very lonely


>None of them want a bf, they just wanna complain and get drunk every night
>the state of modern women
Wait until they're 30. It's gonna be hilarious

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>because I'm very lonely now

Then you were never cut out to be anything other than a stooge.

Okay. You seem like you might be an actual fellow girl.
1. Why did you lose them this past month? My liberal asshat "friends" (mostly hangers on from high school) Thanos'd me in 2016.
2. Get off of Facebook. Just delete your account. The few female friends I retained have all eventually taken my advice and left Facebook. They finally realized that the source of all the toxicity coming from their "friends" over politics was coming from Facebook.
3. If you go back to Facebook, make a fake shitlording account and subvert the fuck out of that shit.
4. Make friends with boys. It is possible. FRIENDS with boys. You'll have to go through some tough times if they get girlfriends, because you will have to exit stage left most of the time (women are horrible) but you'll be happier with guy friends in general, especially if you spend time places like here.
Good luck.

The community of women is a degenerate institution 99.9% of the time, anyway. You realize this unconsciously, now you must bring it to conscious understanding.

You need to look for conservative friends.
Do you go to church?
Do you have a republican club at college?

Your friends are flooded with leftist propaganda all day long via buzzfeed &co.
Changing their mind would be challenging.
Look for better friends.

Just find yourself an attractive conservative husband. And then redpill him. It's unusual that woman proscribe the medicine but it's your best shot.

>revealing your powerlevel to normies
newfaggots please leave my board

I'll give some advice that everyone needs to know: you won't be able to convince someone that they're a waste of space. Even if you have all the evidence and facts in your favor, they will make up excuses and deny everything. You can't convince people that they are stupid. They feel personally attacked and will shut down.
Stop trying to "redpill" filthy goyim who at the very least understand that conservative views are an attack on their character. Nobody wants to be judged by their character. Stop trying to do this IRL, people will hate you.

If you really want to, find some like minded people and redpill them.

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same. i'll be your friend.

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something exercise related to help you keep fit cycling or swimming is probably the best

Knitting. All super sweet women, usually there are some mama hen type older ones that take care of the rest of the group. Lots of fun too honestly.

Find hobbies when you may meet new people, follow conservative groups on social medias, etc.
You will find other people. When you are too different of a group, then there will pnly be suffering: you if you stfu, all if you open it.
Also: no "femanon" here. Just user. We are all anons.

Do you want to spend the rest of your days in social isolation larping on this shithole about da joos? The memes don't lie, you really are here for fucking ever. Our time will come, but you have a life to live girl. Turn back whilst you can.

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what color is your hair?

this is important

Yeah I don't do face book, stopped going to Starbucks, and I'm making a guy friend at work and were going out shooting at a gun range but I'm already having sexual feelings for him. Every time I make a guy friend I feel like I'm not good enough for love ;_;

post feet

Anything that you're into would be a good start. Getting a bit Jow Forums wouldn't hurt either.

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I don't know how to emotionally help women as a guy but this one seemed to be going through the same thing maybe you can relate


Please be in london

Not a chance: She is white.


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show side nose

Why are you attention whoring on here, it’s down right sad

He's actually correct. Don't stay here. This place overcomes your will to actually seek the change that you want to see.

You should stay the course, but you already knew that and just wanted attention and validation.

Still, I suppose it's for a decent cause, so here we go: Good job! Keep it up! We're all gonna make it!

It is also customary that I ask you to show us your exposed breasts. Exposed feet is an acceptable substitute for some reason.

Holy shit you already posted feet fukken hilarious

>inb4 i get called a sperg white knight

jesus woman have some class

Been here for years
Escape while you can

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you should shut up and take care of your family and make warm dinner for you man

you only need yourself user

stand for the truth and watch your world gravitate to new heights of greatness

show nose

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Go make friends with some conservative girls ya dingus.

But it's hard getting the right boyfriend

love you too babycakes

>Conservative girl
>proceeds to attention whore

Based and redpilled

>tits out at third post
kek what a slut

>show nose

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Why must you tease me by showing off what I'll never get to have?

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Don't ruin your life due to this shit. Live a good life, and develop yourself.

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>OP post has "I'm a girl btw XD"
What'd you expect? Not to mention the white knights in this thread. Reddit invasion is real.

do you know how to cook

Pretty sure I have something you already have

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>kek what a slut
At least one post too late.
Pathetic thread. Saged and reported.

O-o-oh my god

And nothing of value was lost.

Find some new friends who either don't care about politics or don't refuse to talk to people based on their political views.

Post your left breast if you are conservative female


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based and redpilled

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Based and redpilled again

I should have seen it coming

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Not a real dick

10/10 trolling here
straight men are fucking retarded

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listen don't apologize just don't discuss politics with your gfs because theyre dumb , redpill them if you can, don't give in to the niggerjew culture

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Tbh I'm not surprised

HHAAAAA not a bad bait and trap


Called it as soon as I saw those man toes.

similar thing happened to me. I'm an independent so I would sometimes play devil's advocate when my liberal friends wanted to talk politics but I always kept my cool and acted like I didn't really give a fuck. I've never voted and I've always felt like a neutral observer in regards to politics. I finally snapped during the Kav hearing and got into a heated debate with them. I said flat out I hope he was confirmed and I couldn't wait for Ginsburg to die. I also pointed out that there were a disproportionate amount of jews on the Supreme Court. I haven't heard from them since. oh well. I'm voting in the midterms and in 2020. fuck the left.


>”im a conservative”
>posts body here for attention and affirmation
>”im so lonely :(((“
Sorry lady, /b/ is the board for slutty attention whores

nooo, faggot

>None of them want a bf, they just wanna complain and get drunk every night
Then I think Its time to make some new friends. Women like that who don't graduate from being a freshman end up ruining any career opportunities, losing themselves to addiction, fail to make interpersonal connections because they just go to any party with a handle of vodka and pretend the girl next to them is their best friend (normal for freshman but you gotta grow up), end up having regrets later in life, or possibly end up a victim of violent crime.

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but the last two aren't bullshit...
