This brilliant parody song proves why it's anything but a 'scary time' for men
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nice flag jidf
lol most of these apply to men too and the fault is not of men but the criminal niggers, spics and towel heads they love.
most of this shit women like to say happen literally are super fucking rare. most men these days are scared to even look at women bc they will get accused of rape or harassment.
Bullshit. Women's issues matter. Especially when you have a literal rapist in the supreme court who did not get convicted because his father was the judge.
The Blue Wave will happen and it will happen. To put it in the words of one famous retard with small hands and a very very large brain: BIGLY
It is scary for men. If we get married, we lose more than 1/2 our things
she thinks men are untouchable
>men can jog at night with headphones in
>men can leave their windows open
>men cant walk around at night with their phone to their ear
>meanwhile men are the victims of violent crime at a much higher rate than women
shut the fuck up you bigoted shitlord muslim men should be able to rape whenever they want
And face indentured servitude
>woman complains about things she pretends women can't do in a world where women are far safer from violence than men are
Nigger, It is the will of Allah that these men be allowed to rape, why aren't you more tolerant?
>”Oh my god guys it’s so scary being a girl I have to be so careful.”
>Blacks out at frat parties 3x a week wearing lingerie as outerwear.
Women are terrible.
Lol that shit applies to everyone. How dumb must you be to think that only women are victims to criminals?
Check your privilege
Of course she can but don't do that at europe for own safety.
but kavanaugh wasnt even accused of rape? why are you calling him a rapist? he was accused of holding a girl down 36 years ago
that's not what CNN says
The intent of rape makes one a rapist too.
Wait is she saying it's a scary time because she's a tranny?
no being a rapist makes you a rapist. he never raped anyone. you cant know his intent without being psychic. all we know is he held her down and then let her go without raping her
i hate women
Give you a guess who owns CNN.
guess who already knew
Yeah, men even spend less on car insurance.. right?
Brilliant ,
I went too a mixed school growing up it was fecking Brilliant every lesson sat with hot schoolgirls an fingerbanged them an got them to suck me off in the toilets at break time , would finger their arses too , this would make Kavanaugh Diamonds , LEL an I was the Caretaker !
there are three women who all came forward saying he tried to rape them
were they all liars?
>were they all liars?
yes, unless you can prove otherwise. sorry i have a hard time trusting you since you raped me 2 years ago. i would hate to have to go to the police about it if you keep harassing me
not sure if real
Downboat the shit out of this
she is a 7/10 I would rape
i was raped by him too. im just waiting in case one day he might get a job better than mine. that will not be allowed to happen. i will fuck his life from out of nowhere, just like when I was raped.
same here. i wont be truly upset about the rape unless he wanted to become president or supreme court justice. thats just how us girls are, you know?
What are the odds of that?
>What are the odds of that?
100% until proven otherwise, but a rapist like you wouldnt understand
Is rape a joke to you, you insensitive twats?
no it wasnt a joke when you raped me. the fbi will get your IP now and you can defend yourself in court for raping me. im done with this harassment i cant even
It's becasue of people like this which makes it important to keep Leftist out.
Keep leftists out of what? We're here to stay sweetey. Deal with it.
>I can't hang my pussy out in front of niggers and expect them not to grab it
maybe you should carry a gun, God made men and women, Samuel Colt made them equal.
Satanic check
You people are trying to ruin the internet with this kind of stupidity
Stick to TV and Newspapers, get off the net
>The Blue Wave will happen and it will happen.
>will happen and it will happen.
Care to try again?
>"In reality men get treated much, much worse. Please stop thinking that they live in some sort of a fairy tale just because you don't see them complain about their experiences"
>"Um sorry sweetie but it's your own fault you get treated like crap. Maybe don't go to a dangerous workplace f you don't want to get killed. :^)"
Literally ZERO self-awareness.
Maybe is she got her head out of her ass she'd realize most of those are self-preservation measures that apply even to men.
>Dyed hair
>Bitches about how opressed she is in a 1st world country
>Projection and insecurities.
Definitely a modern day American female.
>NPC: The song
Something tell me SF likes to get pegged.
She's hot in a mentally unstable way. Like probably a decent lay, but you must pump and dump, lest you get stuck with someone who will boldly tell everyone that you raped her.
This ..Brilliant
yea queen slay my foreskin with your lips
Statistically speaking, who is more likely to assault a white woman on the street at night. White or black man?
They hate when you point things like that out.
LMAO. #BelieveVictims!
That's all they are good for. Avoid and never ever stick your dick in crazy. Let these insane females die off.
How can she be an NPC with those unique tattoos and haircut?
Notice how all females of this type have them. Its like the Roastie and insecure starter pack.
>Dyed hair
>Piercing on the nose
That is the same exact thing I thought. Point out that it's black men doing the crime and watch them kvetch.
Get back in the kitchen and finish my sandwich, bitch.
Go to the kitchen, estrogen bag.
>Implying she isn't so useless with domestic tasks she wouldn't fuck it up.
shitty b8 m8
>I have to be careful
Well, grow up or close your borders. Cunt.
this shit makes me want to cull the planet, fucking retarded
Thursday night: I can't even open the window I'm so scared
Friday night: Tits and ass hanging out as she bar crawls flirting with every random guy she passes on the street.
Really synapses those neurons.
Women and faggots would wither and die without being constantly validated, praised and pandered to. They are completely blind to all the special treatment they get.
>Which party favors war?
Based on recently Hillary Clintons I'd say D.
this is wonderful, have a (you)
we should take away women's rights
>Which political party favors war, R or D?
They both do. Damn, people are so fucking retarded.
I'm sick of seeing this on my facebook from my female friends, I'm going Super-autismo here.
>I can't walk to my car late at night while on the phone.
Yeah, so can't men; anybody can get jacked in the middle of night on city streets and if you're on your phone you're an easy target.
>I can't open up a window when I'm home alone
Again, same with men or anyone. If you're living in a neighbourhood where home invasions happen, put fucking bars on your window or get the fuck out of dodge!
>I can't go to the park without a chaparone.
...yeah, we call them
>I can't wear a mini-skirt if it's the only one I own.
Seriously? So you're a dumb cunt with your money, and the world has to suffer? If you had a choice between casual jeans and a mini-skirt, you choose the obvious rape-baiting option? #notaskingforit?
>I can't use public transportation after 7pm.
And you can't sit near the bus driver, who has a say as to who can ride his bus? Who has access to a radio, who can call 911 the second someone touches you? choose the back of the bus, and all it implies?
>I can't poo, to be honest, when you slide in my DMs.
> that what she said, hard to hear
Ah yes, the burdens of a millineal who defines her life by social media, and much worse I really supposed to feel sorry for her? PUT THE FUCKING PHONE DOWN IF YOU'RE TAKING A SHIT...god, you lose track of time, blood stops flowing in your legs and go numb; doesn't do well for cardio. You only do it to yourself.
>I can't go to the club just to dance with my friends.
You do know what the nightclub is all about right? It's not called a "meat-market" for nothing. You dance in tight dress, shake your booty, and you do it for attention, Chad's attention. You're playing Barbie dolls inside your head. And I'm betting shes that much of a flake, that if it was a Beta-cuck male staring at you, you'll call it rape because it's the wrong asethetic checking you out. Again, you're fault.
>And I can never leave my drink unattended.
Obviously you're never been to Vegas, cuz ladies got their tricks too.
>But it's sure it a scary time for boys.
You bet you're sweet bra-less tits it is......Because here is where the argument fails. This "singer" has to equate all men as rapist in order for this song to make sense. I don't stalk women in parking lots, or parks, I don't dose women's drinks at clubs (I oogle them at the clubs, sure, but most of the time I curse my friend who drag me in the club because I don't like mingling with vapid plastic cunts), my life isn't defined by social media, and I know not to ride the back of the bus with all the freaks and niggers late at night, even as a guy...... So here I am minding my own business and suddenly I'm getting slapped with a lawsuit? Out of nowhere? Even it goes to court and I win in my favour the reputation is tarnished forever anyways (especially in this SJW age)....Even if you get raped, you can seek justice (or not and wait 35 years) but eventually you will go through a healing process that will prove your strength and overcome is. The men who are sometimes defined by their production, will lose everything on a whimsical "she-said" accusation.
Carrying on...
>Yeah gentlemen, band together, make some noise.
Kavanuagh got in didn't he? To show that Due Process matters more than the convenient action of your feelings.
>It's really tough when you're reputation is on the line.
Sure as fuck it is....again, what did "I" (re: majority of men) do to have our reputation be put on the line in the first place?
>When any women you assaulted could turn up at any time.
Yes, this freaks the hell out of me. Because you are the same type of woman who re-define rape and assault every two seconds to fit their own "story/truth".
I remember a girl in high-school I wanted to date, gave her a chessy pick up line, she giggled but still rejected me fairly. Now 20 years later, I'm married with 3 kids, I make 7 figures, own 3 homes, 5 cars,....and now what? Girl from the past reflects on the cheesy pick up line, slaps me with a lawsuit, because now after getting a PhD in gender studies she decides the pick up line was a "sexual aggression"? And she's been traumatized for the past 20 years? Got to put a lean on everything I own to hire a lawyer, while my boss is looking at me crooked, ....for a baseless accusation?
>Yeah it sure is a scary time for guys.
>Can't speak to any women or look her in the eyes.
Exactly, and this is your fault; not someone like Henry Cavil, who tweeted about this same exact thing. Heck, NBC has some gnarly HR policies which include not being allow to look directly at female employed for longer than 5 seconds, or it could be interpreted as a "sexual harassment".
>we should take away women's rights
let them keep the right to remain silent kek
>It's inconvenient that you have to think twice.
Yeah, because you created a world where compelled speech is a thing. Where you could go to jail for using the wrong pronoun, and now you could go to jail for sneezing in the wrong direction near a women. We don't know what to say, and innocent men lives are at risk because your feelings are on a hair-trigger. This is oppression!
>I can't live in an apartment when its on the first floor.
Again, this problem is not exclusive to only women. Pull your head from your ass. As a man, I refused to live in apartments when the first floor is available. Even when I did find an apartment on the second floor (or above), I'd still always heard stories of break-ins. I choose the smart path and kept looking until I found what I liked.
>I can't be wearing silk pajamas when I answer the door.
Under the category of "#notaskingforit", why would WANT to be wearing silk pajamas when answering the door? And again, if you're living in a dangerous neighborhood, why would you be answering the door during that time anyways? Keep the chain on, use a door-bar or chair, if someone is knocking that late at night (pajama-time), use the peep-hole and talk through the door.....or get the fuck out of dodge anyways?
>I can't have a good drink, even if I want more.
Assuming from the last few verses you're still in your apartment, in silk pajamas, having a drink of wine, and wanting more, but the big-bad-rapist might get you behind your barricaded door, you can't risk a second glass of wine? Again, if you're neighbourhood is that dangerous, get out of the city. Or buy a dog, bar up the windows. Or....and I'm just spit-ballin here.....How about drop the feminist facade and get a real man to protect you? You know, "biological imperatives". Or take in a friend as a roommate to watch over each other? Get each other's backs?
>I can't jog around my city with headphones in my ears.
...and the Darwin awards go to..
Even if all the rape in the world stopped, you think that would give you the freedom to keep your buds in? More people die from getting hit by vehicles because they weren't attuned to their surroundings. Men included. FFS, this is Jow Forums, how many rekt topics show some dumb cunt getting plowed because they didn't hear the load engine before getting crushed. Stopping rape, probably only changes 0.00000001% of dying due to headphones cluelessness.
>I can't speak out against my rapist after 35 years.
Oh you can....but the problem is, YOU NEED EVIDENCE. And fresher the evidence the better. If you're still holding on to those bloody, cum-soaked panties after all this time, you should be going to cops as soon as you're emotionally able. Get witnesses who can place all people in the incident with accuracy. But keep in mind, 35 years is a long time, evidence is missing, people forget, and even if it did happen, all it become is Her Word against His or vice versa....and that man's reputation is on the line, because you never bothered going through the proper channels. You relied on yeah, you "can't" speak out after 35 years, because you waited too long. You let him get away with it, because he's protected by Due Process, and the rule of law. You realize Kavanaugh can sue Ford right? What happens then?
>I can't be taken seriously if I'm holding back tears.
Again, where's the evidence, where's the due process? I sympathize with the tears, because even with men there will be moments where no one believes you, no one is on your side. And it is frustrating. That said....are you expecting special treatment because you can turn on the water-works on a whim? How can anyone tell if those tears are genuine? Again, due process, evidence, where is it? I hate to see girls cry too, but SJW make us all skeptical.
>I can't never speak earnestly about all of these fears.
Oh you can....but you aren't entitled to protection from any criticisms if people think you are being ridiculous, hence all this text. I've already said several times here, if you're living in "rape-central", then get the fuck out of dodge. Why put your hand in fire when you should know it's going to burn you. Are you going to start a twitter protest on fire, because it burns? Reality doesn't work that way. You dress sexy, I'm going to look at you for sex; don't like it, get out of the club, and dance in your apartment with silk pajamas and your wine glass behind barricaded doors and windows.
>Cuz its sure is a scary time for dudes.
>Can't text a girl, repeatedly asking for nudes.
Your life is based in social media, did you not think of the consequences? Do you not know how to block? Maintain security settings? How about not living with social media?
>Can't make a girl have sex when she's not in the mood.
I agree, to an extent. If it's a random encounter at your club; guys should take a hint. But if you're talking about being in a relationship, and no sex is happening; there will be consequences, if that "mood" keeps getting in the way. If you don't love the guy, don't lead him on, end it there, so he can move on. Or don't be surprised that he'll cheat on you, or start visiting prostitues.
>And what gives her the right to give attitude.
IF this is still about sex and relationships, and attitude is flying around; there's a deeper problem in there and should be worked on. Otherwise, hormones or none, there is never a reason to be a bitch no matter what. Go cry in a corner and sort it out yourself princess, but to tell men to make way for your feelings is far from equality.
>Yeah, it sure is a scary time for men
>Who like to act like your to blame, and their the victim...your dad's the judge, and you won't be convicted.
Where to start with this all the feminist propaganda out there, even on this song, and my analyst here, where does it address "personal responsibility"? A girl gets drunk at frat parties, being a sexy tease....and with all the other stories out there, this still goes on? Sure, it's the man's fault for raping, arrest him, castrate him. But the blame needs to be shared when the signs are everywhere, "her stories" are everywhere, stupid little songs like this are written and yet stupid girls still get drunk and throw themselves at lions. the end, who's fault is it really? ...I dare you to be honest.
As for the dad being judge, that's power corrupting absolutely. Women get the short end, as do men who don't have the gains to back themselves up. It's not like princesses have their daddy lawyers to help fix their lives too. So pointing out some isolated incident doesn't prove much in the big picture.
>"Oh...oh that's right....oh yeah yeah yeah, cuz.."
>It's not such a scary time for boys, they always had the upper hand, and had a choice.
HA! ....let's talk about "Mattress girl", and talk about upper-hands....
>it's time for women to rise up and use their let's go make some noise.
Sure,...go ahead, just back up your claims, that's it, that's all what anyone asks. Stop trying to bypass Due Process because you can't handle your own feelings when it should matter.
>go Vote
That's your right too. Just be careful in your plans to replace all goverment officials with women who you hope to create laws where "her story" is all the evidence one needs above due process.
....otherwise, the reaction will be a lot more violent than you'd originally though it was when you make stupid little songs painting all men as rapist off the bat.
Best thing to do is kill them and do a huge purge of these Leftists.
>>I can't walk to my car late at night while on the phone.
>Yeah, so can't men; anybody can get jacked in the middle of night on city streets and if you're on your phone you're an easy target.
>>I can't open up a window when I'm home alone
>Again, same with men or anyone. If you're living in a neighbourhood where home invasions happen, put fucking bars on your window or get the fuck out of dodge!
It's almost like they think men have some kind of superpowers to prevent such things from happening.
Just because men are stronger than women on average does not make them all powerful.
>The Blue Wave will happen and it will happen.
All men are johnny karate ready to battle the forces of evil at the drop of the hat. Obviously. Did you not get super powers when you turned 13 too user?
I seriously wonder what they will do if and when the blue wave doesn’t happen. I think theyll snap
There was this one time I got teleported to heaven for a short time and Bruce Lee was asking me some questions. In the end he said I wasn't water enough or something and I was teleported back down and nothing happened.
You forgot the important part (pic related). The twitter accounts that exist stop in 2017 and don’t go any further back. Hey are all Democrats and one is part of Haillarys “rapid video response team” not even shitting you.
You failed the Trial of Lee. A sad time, but your life isn’t over user. You can always be a janator
I'm coming forward too. Rapist shouldn't be allowed on this board.
Look at this filthy rapist right here. Probably goes around gang raping too the sick bastard
Vote Dems so they can let Allah come rape you. Or perhaps your new Chinese overlords can beat you for not preparing dog noodle properly.
She could do those things 60 years ago
A rape walks into a bar