Is it really over? Is the blue wave real?

I thought we had it easy after the kavanaugh hearings, but now the democrats' numbers are surging again

W T F?

Attached: 1539126478760[1].jpg (1024x768, 88K)

Fake news
Fake polls
Sorry op, blue wave is a tumblr tier meme

You expected the pendulum to keep swinging in one direction forever?

Suppress and destroy the so called "Blue Wave" in one simple step by popularizing >pic related
Those dems won't know what him 'em!

Attached: decorative crystals.webm (360x360, 1.36M)

Why would he take this picture

lol what? They're still in decline. RCP and fivethirtyeight both only show a .2-.3 gain for Dems since last week and half the polls are fake. Look at the trend over the last few weeks.


making cool crystals brb

but the natural demographic advantage is on their side

if the pendulum already flipped then it's over
