Recognizing the illegally-annexed Golan Heights as part of Israel would be a violation of UN Security Council...
>Recognizing the illegally-annexed Golan Heights as part of Israel would be a violation of UN Security Council resolutions, Russia’s foreign minister has said, in an apparent rebuke to an appeal made by Israel’s prime minister.

>Changing the status of the Golan Heights would be a “direct violation” of United Nations Security Council resolutions which dictate the international community’s stance on the disputed territory, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov noted.

>On Monday, Benjamin Netanyahu called on the international community to recognize Israel’s annexation of the Golan, Syrian territory seized by Israel fifty-one years ago.

>“Israel on the Golan Heights is a fact that the international community must recognize and as long as it depends on me, the Golan Heights will always remain under Israeli sovereignty,” Netanyahu said during an inauguration of a synagogue in the Golan Heights.

>In August, Netanyahu expressed hope that Washington would recognize Israel’s claim to the territory, but US National Security Advisor John Bolton insisted that “there’s no discussion of it, no decision within the US government.”

>Israel seized part of the Golan Heights during the Six Day War of 1967. In 1981, Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, unilaterally proclaimed the occupied land to be part of the Jewish state. The declaration was swiftly declared illegal by the UN Security Council.

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The Golan is rightful Syrian clay. Israel is illegitimate and will be destroyed soon.

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This is one of the reasons they wanted chaos in Syria. No country wanting the land back - no problem.

whats so fucking great about the golem heights???????


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nothing special about the place
it's just in the path of expansion

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true but the kikes want the clay that doesn't have oil too

Based Bibi

You're never going to expand loser.

What the fuck is up with those silhouettes in the picture? Like the crouching guy isn't even pointing at the guy with his hands on his head 1/10

those are targets

Not our fight.
Concentrate on things here at home, like shipping niggers back to Africa.

thats a good thing for you too, you should support it.




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>whats so fucking great about the golem heights???????
Not much, just the largest fresh water reserves in the region. But who would care about something like that....I mean it might be important if you live in the middle of a the desert but, c'mon guy, just let the Jews have it.

Oh and they found massive oil deposits there like 10 years ago too.

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>thats a good thing for you too, you should support it.

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No star gorging on some golem Clay?

That's gonna be israel accidentally blowing themselves up

God willing

Amos 6

It is bad for those who are taking it easy in Zion, and for those who feel safe on the mountain of Samaria, you great men of the most important nation, to whom the people of Israel come! Go over to Calneh and look. And go from there to great Hamath. Then go down to Gath of the Philistines. Are they better than these nations? Is their land better than yours? You put off the day of trouble, and bring near the seat of anger.

How bad it will be for you who lie on beds of ivory and spread out upon your long seats! You eat lambs from the flock and calves from the cattle-house. You sing songs to the sound of the harp. Like David you write songs for yourselves. You drink wine from the holy dishes, and pour the best oil on yourselves. Yet you are not filled with sorrow because Joseph has been destroyed! You will be among the first to be taken away as prisoners to a strange land, and your happy times of rest will pass away.

The Lord God has promised by Himself. The Lord God of All has said, “I hate the pride of Jacob, and I hate his strong-places, so I will give up the city and everything in it.” If ten men are left in one house, they will die. The dead man’s brother, who is to take care of the body, will lift him up to carry his bones from the house. And he will say to the one inside the house, “Is anyone else with you?” That one will say, “No.” Then he will say, “Keep quiet! For the name of the Lord must not be spoken.” For the Lord is going to say that the great house must be broken apart and the small house into pieces.

Do horses run on rocks? Does one plow them with oxen? Yet you have turned what is fair into poison. You have turned what is right and good into something bitter. You who have joy in Lo-debar, and say, “Did we not take Karnaim by our own strength?” The Lord God of All says, “I am going to raise up a nation against you, O people of Israel. And they will bring much suffering upon you from the gate of Hamath to the river of the Arabah.”

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