>Oddly enough there's a guy up here in Humboldt growing Durban and it's fucking amazing, densest nugs I've ever seen. Definitely stemmy though Sometimes I forget how blessed I am to be in Sonoma, right next to Humboldt, Mendocino, and Trinity.
governor is good enough. GOP isn't taking any of the rust belt seats... gonna be a while until those are in play. Presidential elections however....
Justin Ramirez
> OH NO NO NO NO NO NO > THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! But really, why the fuck would Megyn Kelly toss her career and status as the main anchor on Fox News for NBC of all places? She had the world at her feet and tossed it out for one of these two reasons > Trump > #metoo
He also brought up wanting an AWB during the debates. I still know someone that put $50 on him winning though because all they do is read and watch confirmation bias shit and refuse to use any website rated "right of center" but will use the most extreme left sites. They also treat Snopes like the fucking gospel.
why couldn't Trump get out in front of this storm? He made a big deal out of Florence which turned out to be a thunderstorm while he is literally ignoring the devastating effects of this horrible hurricane on black people in Florida. He will pay the price for letting this terrible storm go unnoticed for so long. He just doesn't care about black people at all. it's so obvious with the way he ignores the nightmarish hurricane that disproportionately affects them. but he made a big deal about the thunderstorm that got a few white people wet.
My nephews seem to like him. They're 18 and 15. Maybe because he's a younger?
Christopher Bell
me on the right
Joshua Bennett
Cooper Murphy
Any stock fags here that can explain why (((Wall Street))) is taking a shit the last few days - especially today? Some are saying it's cause of Tech stock and fear of China trade war. Others saying the bond yields are too high and Powell fucked up raising rates too much over at the (((Fed))).
Brody Murphy
>1. money I don't know. She could have milked her Fox News contract in the long run to match anything NBC offered her. I believe it was more ideological than anything else. In the Fox News election night coverage she was clearly devastated with Trump's victory.
Do it. The calinigger bureaucracy will probably come down on her like a ton of bricks for failing to stop Beer Keggerbrah from becoming a Supreme Court Justice.
> Don’t tell former FBI general counsel James Baker that those now-infamous discussions about secretly recording President Trump and using the tapes to remove him from office were a joke.
> He apparently doesn’t believe it. And he held quite the vantage point — he was on the inside of the bureau’s leadership in May 2017, when the discussions occurred.
> Baker told Congress last week that his boss — then-acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe — was dead serious about the idea of surreptitiously recording the 45th president and using the evidence to make the case that Trump should be removed from office, according to my sources.
>Baker told lawmakers he wasn’t in the meeting McCabe had with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in which the subject came up. But he did have firsthand conversations with McCabe and the FBI lawyer assigned to McCabe, Lisa Page, about the issue.
“> As far as Baker was concerned, this was a real plan being discussed,” said a source directly familiar with the congressional investigation. “It was no laughing matter for the FBI.”
VA10: Barbara Comstock (R-inc) 48% Jennifer Wexton (D) 47%
Parker Adams
Exactly >Vote mostly Trump in 2016 >What do we do now? >Oh I know, vote someone who will not vote on the agenda items that I voted for him in the first place! WI is fucking retarded.
Gavin Gutierrez
yeah, we've been waiting for this day now people will buy our shitcoins
Ethan Gutierrez
Trump said he didn't like what Powell was doing so neither will the markets.
Cameron Watson
Please destroy Alabama. They don't deserve to live, anymore.
Chase Hall
Two things: - 10 Year Treasury Bond is near ~3.25% and 2 Year Treasury Bond hit a new yield high, highest since 2008 - Fed has said they will continue aggressive interest rate increases which scares the markets and day traders
Jaxon Nguyen
I remember leftypol would literally spam this board and have raid threads when the DOW went down a bit a few months back
its a cycle these idiots go through, they literally think capitalism will fall any day now.
Caleb Wood
no way Comstock wins that seat. If she does it's a red wave.
She's a ruthless career woman who couldn't settle for being a Fox News Blonde. She needed to be like Katie Kouric or a White Oprah.
Carter Price
Boeing didn't meet projections Feds gonna raise rates But in all honesty it's normal, we are flying up so fast that when the market takes a breather it's gonna be a big swing