Call Them Democrats

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We need to make memes of these radical democrat mobs

or both
get Democrats heavily connected to violent Marxism in the public consciousness

Oh no you dont. They are liberals. You dont get to hide the inherent capitalistic nature of the modern SJW idiocy by just loading it up into the democrat party as its sinking.

Of course they arent marxists or communists, they dont want socialism, because they are liberals, and liberals are capitalist.

>posting reddit trash here

Or faggots

I used to differentiate between the different ideological sects of each party. It used to make sense and humanize the entire debate.

Now that we’ve taken control of the Republican Party, there is no reason to make such distinctions. Tie their activists to their necks like a noose.

modern """"Communists"""" are all footsoldiers of the globalist banking elite anyway
Antifa wear hammer and sickles and march on order from their billionaire donars

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Yet conveniently ignore all of the things MAGAtards have done since it goes against my narrative. Ignore our cult rallies that we encourage violence and chant and whip up into a frenzy of rhetoric just like in 1984. Ignore anything critical of Trump, worship him, praise him, make memes cuz they're so epic and funny XD unironically call him "god emperor" and wish for a totalitarian state in which anyone critical of daddy is imprisoned.

Don't forget to be hypocrites 100% of the time. Claim that a process was about "innocent until proven guilty" all the while chanting "LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!" against any of your perceived enemies as you wish for a world in which due process does not occur with your enemies.
Keep up the cognitive dissonance Trumplets. You prove us right about who you really are every single day.

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Thats because antifa are funded as part of operation gladio and NATO and are literally controlled by fascists designed to create controlled opposition for college liberals to join.

If someone is simply protesting they arent a socialist, socialists quietly organize untill its time to revolt, and i dont see antifa storming anything within the next couple months. One of the fundamental principals of socialism is that it cant be voted in, you wont get change with out revolution.

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Nope, they're just angry democrats. They all voted that way, so that's what they are.

>Gladio and NATO
Hey when you never mention Israel or zioist interests it's because you're a dirty lowlife kike.

Marxist Democrat for all instances.

The entire state of israel is just another gladio cell.


Eat shit kike.


Stay mad, faggot

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Wow, you sure are an angry Democrat. Why are you Democrats so angry all the time?

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Liberal is a nice word to some. The average NPC won't make the connection between liberals and Democrats. We need the violence and craziness to be associated with the Democrat party. We need to hit them where it hurts, the votes.

Reminder that deadlines to register are approaching fast in most states.

the party of weinstein.


Not an argument. You are all such edgy little children I will always call our your hypocrisy and bullshit, but I know you don't give a shit.

You know it's true though, deep down I know you retards have to see how stupid this whole presidency is, you just are too immature to give a damn.


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Go back to resetera demofag

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This is why you spam it untill they understand.
Best to say it the way zizek pronounces it, as well. three sylables, not two.

They aren't radical. This is the norm for democrats.

t. Registered Democrat

They are radical

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Im an independent :^)

Democrats being violent at freedom of speech rallies, and Hillary Clinton, queen Democrat, calling for "throwing out civility"

this is not radicalism, this is people conforming

This is paid degenerates flooding the Capitol building intimidating elected officials kike

Here is an example of a true radical leftist.

any suggestions?

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Best idea yet.

This Democrats trying to fight fire with fire thing reminds me of Rubio in the primaries, you can't out-Trump Trump, they are setting themselves up for disaster.

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In the end it really is Binary.

I'm so glad I go on Jow Forums or I'd never know what was on Reddit. Go back and stay back.

Nazis despise republicans though.

>be you
>browsing reddit like a total s.oy cuck faggot
>see some inane retarded bullshit
>have the great idea to post it on Jow Forums like we're interested in the turd you just pulled out from the reddit toilet bowl
die in a fire reddit scum

Why the fuck were you on reddit, OP? Go back.

> Susan collins
>Every time you betray women $20.20 is pledged to your future opponent

What does this even mean? Is her one vote for Kav a one time $20 fine?

I wouldn't think about it too hard, the female who made the sign surely has no idea what it means.

“Social justice” is literally modern revolutionary communism since the old ways always fail. Stop posting this in every thread you brainlet

Right, she made that sign at home by herself and so did all those other women in matching Be A Hero shirts that organically came about.

yes goyim make the choice binary. (((good))) vs (((evil))). how fucking stupid are you people? this is exactly what they do and apparently it works every single time.

call them Jews because at the genesis of virtually every problem is a Jew.

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Or Jews

What’s it like being a democrat?

Democrats are not liberal anymore. Liberals dont want to judge people by skin color religion of if they are male or female.

call them what they are, leftist fascists

Good fucking idea mate.

What about the Democrat genocide of Libya?

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Why are democrats so hell bent on murder?

-The Jews are the leadership and vanguard of a movement of literal Baby sacrificing Moloch worshippers who want to reduce the world's population drastically and rule over an unintelligent, brown slave class.
-Communism was invented by these people for the sole purpose of instituting a worldwide police state through which they can rule, and they plan to institute it universally through the UN.
-Manmade climate change is a hoax, just like the holocaust, designed to scare and guilt people into accepting new draconian rules and losing their way of life.
-They are perfectly willing to allow Islam to fester so long as they can control its leadership to ensure that it keeps the masses terrified and under control while not harming them.
-They created and control ISIS.
-9/11 was orchestrated by the Jews and their Saudi puppets with Bush's knowledge.
-They control literally every nation on earth that has a central bank.
-They propped the United States and Russia up as superpowers in order to use them both to transform the world. They are now propping China up as they head toward the next stage of their plan.
-The migrant crisis was carefully planned and orchestrated by them in order to flood white nations with low-IQ blacks and muslims.
-They are socially engineering us to believe that whiteness is evil and that racemixing is our duty in order to wipe out whites as they see us as their biggest threat.
-They hate Spirituality above all else and are doing everything in their power to eradicate it.
-95% of American pastors for the last century have been bought by Jews and spoonfed kike propaganda to lead their congregations into worshipping the kikes as "God's chosen people" even though the Bible calls them the Synagogue of Satan and Christ-killers.
-Faggotry, trannyism, feminism, and porn are all funded and pushed by them to reduce birthrates, especially amongst whites.
-They are behind every anti-white movement as they desperately want a race war.

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They're radical compared to everyone except Democrats because normal Democrats are violent, was their point.

But these liberals are voting for democrats, to get back at the Republicans, or right wingers. It don't matter, but when people see the "Evil" in the democratic party and people associate themselves as a Democrat and votes for these clowns then that's where we gotta hit them.

Make them see that they are the enemy when they vote for these evil clowns.

"Democrats" is an overused word like "Nigger".

>kikes dont use the definition of words
>kikes attempt to make the definition of words meaningless
its all so tiresome.jpg

No. Dont call them democrats, dont call them communists, dont call them leftists, dont call them snowflakes, dont call them Americans... Call them abolitionists.

glad i was asleep for this garbage get

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Democrat begone

communist useful idiots are the tools of banking capitalists. That you believe otherwise is proof you are one, sorry

fuck you schlomo, you kikes will get yours after 2020 when the holocaust actually happens this time. in the meanwhile we have to drive literally everyone left of fascism out of power and into mass suicides

Good idea
keep meming bros!

If they vote democrat, then they are a democrat

>one of the same old tired pics


> Falling for the dichotomy


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Shut up commie

Ooooh yikes what a cringey Democrat post

>Now that we’ve taken control of the Republican Party,

Imagine actually believing this.

>Ignore our cult rallies that we encourage violence and chant and whip up into a frenzy of rhetoric just like in 1984
And then they go home. They don't then go on to:
>chase people out of restaurants
>start mobs and riot
>take of traffic directing and threaten anyone who doesn't listen to them
>rip off hats of kids wearing something that shows their support for the Democrats party and threaten to beat them up
>don't shoot up a bunch of Democrats practicing for a game
>mail poison to a bunch of Democrats
>attempt to stab a Democrat running for office
They don't do all of that and then have the fucking audacity to say that "well, since you guys oppose so we're going to START not being civil any more" as if they had been civil at all. Fuck you, fuck every single liberal leaning person that condones this shit, and fuck every single Democrat that doesn't explicitly condemn it.


I've been doing this for a while, there's nothing the Democrat hates more than being labeled for what they really are - The Democrat

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>t. Democrat

Reminder to never, ever let any woman you know take birth control. This is what happens to them when they do.

If her sign said "lock her up" you could apply this to conservatives
but i think most people are starting to hate the two party system and the parties are turning into trump cult vs sjw box huggers vs confused and intimidated moderate majority

>implying mob rule is bad
Mob rule is democracy

And Democracy is a Jewish trick. This is a constitutional republic. Fucking kike.

>oh no you dont
>you don't get to

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"democracy" is a has no agreed upon definition, in that, it is a jewish trick.

Digits of truth

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If you call them Marxist Democrats you leave the possibility of there being non Marxist Democrats, and there are not.

Wave flags
General faggery
Shoot at politicians
Assault strangers
Mob justice

Gee, I wonder which side is more evil?

Liberal has meant Marxists since at least FDR.


>t. NPC

Capitalism is a stage in Marxist theory.

definitely want more info on white guys in the african slave trade.

DSA is ready in the waiting, though.

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