Should women be allowed to play in major professional leagues if they’re qualified?

NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA and soccer/football.

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No woman will ever be qualified, 99.99% of men aren't as it is

they are allowed to play in MLB, the MLB has no sex restrictions. they just can't throw fast enough or far enough to compete with the men.

Thankfully they never will be objectively qualified.


No, however they should be allowed to eat my asshole.

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if they're as good I don't see why not, especially in "sports" that aren't that athletic like baseball/cricket, golf ect. Although in sports like rugby or combative sports then it becomes an issue of safety, but if a 5ft 9" girl wants to fight some huge Russian giant then I don't see why she shouldn't be allowed to get herself killed.


It isn't possible for a woman to qualify to play in the pros. They can't even make D1 college teams. It isn't viable. They can't even play pool with the men.

Let's say they're qualified and let them in.

3-5 years later you start seeing their bodies breaking down. They develop chronic conditions that leave them unable to walk or lift arms. At that point it will be too late to ban them, so the league will end up implementing special rules that cater to women.

>shorten season to 120 games
>starting pitchers will be on a 60 pitch count
>strike zone will be smaller on the inside half of plate
>Cleats with be replaced with rubber soles

This is what inevitably ends up happening, whether it's military or firefighters or police force. Never let a women in, no matter how qualified, because she'll bring in more and they'll all start whining sooner or later.

If qualified I don't mind, though can't imagine how one would ever qualify

Women can play some sports against other women as adolescents if they would like, but anything beyond that is only a distraction from what they are meant to do - child rearing.

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A female has already played in the NHL as a goalie

Name one woman in human history who could compete with men in the NFL, NBA, MLB, or NHL

Women play softball because they physically can't throw well overhanded, like pitchers in baseball need to. Even then women aren't physically capable of keeping up with men.

Look at soccer and basketball. There's separate leagues and even a separate World Cup for women and both are objectively unwatchable because the level of play is so low compared to men.

>if they’re qualified?
As soon as a woman can pitch in the mid to high 90mph range let her have a chance. Or if she can throw from the outfield wall to at least 2nd base with no hop then sure.
As soon as a woman is 6'5" tall, can bench press over 400lbs, can run a mid 4 second 40 and squat a small car then let her try out at DE for the NFL. Or if she's 5'11" 210lbs and can run a low 4 second 40 sure let her try out at CB or RB.

The duty of men, on the other hand, is to provide the means to support and the protection for their families.
In that way, if a man can use professional sport as a way to provide for his family, he is not wrong in doing so.

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they are allowed, retard. They can't qualify, but there is no rule restricting them, that would be unconstitutional

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it is called MLS (major league soccer) in america, you tard.
why should you get any answers to your stupid question when you couldn't even be bothered to do the most basic research for it?
>1 post by ID


If they know how to play the fucking game they are qualified, it's whether they are good enough to make the team or not

They already are allowed to. There is no rule against it.

No biological female will ever make it unless rules on steriods/prosthetic enhancement are changed.

It was an exhibition game (meaning it didn’t actually count for shit) and the team owner later admitted it was totally a publicity stunt since the TBL were a new team and needed a gimmick to get people in the door.
Rheaume didn’t even play that horribly given the circumstances (let in like 3-4 goals over two periods or something like that), but it was obvious that if she was a guy she would have been pulled pretty quick and sent back down to the AHL or cut from the roster entirely.

they've actually qualified for a few PGA events, but they have to play off the black tees so they never make the cut and get waxed

NO. Men and women are different (and that's a good thing!)