When you get raped by two Richards

>when you get raped by two Richards

Attached: Download (33).png (251x249, 78K)

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what did sarg'n do now?


this nibba did not age well

God i hate sargoy so fucking much

Do you have time codes for any good bits? Nearly two hours of sargon is more than I can handle.

Am I unreasonable for wanting to cave his fucking face in every time I hear his fake fucking laugh?

>Oh no its another sargon gets BTFO grand standing again
>like all braindead liberals they claim to be better than everyone.

wow its fucking nothing

pic related but with muslims and other immigrants

Attached: b2_Cm.jpg (500x560, 72K)

didnt he wanted to take a break?
hes basically just doing the same stuff as before

He's on sabbatical while he researches if Lawrence Fishburne is black or not.

Attached: is-lawrence-fishburne-white.jpg (640x356, 47K)



This was shortly before he announced his 'break' and probably one of the reasons for it.


hey guys, Sargon here. Ama

Is he white?

Attached: laurence-fishburne-9295760-1-402.jpg (300x300, 17K)

Define white. You can't do it, can you? Hahaha you're just goal posting now, aren't you? He's irrelevant. We're not talking about him, are we?
You're clearly changing the subject and you know, that's fine because everyone of a reasonable intelligence can clearly see that.

He should stick to writing books about how Jesus didn't exist. He's not that good at debating British supergeniuses.

Attached: jesus.jpg (374x500, 43K)

you mean two Dicks?

No reason to feel shame. Sargon is an anti white SJW anyways so your anger and violent fantasies are justified.