why do so many of you claim that the NPC meme is a jewish psyop? what purpose would that psyop have?
Why do so many of you claim that the NPC meme is a jewish psyop? what purpose would that psyop have?
did i get shadow banned again?
bc its viral so that makes ppl think it's being shilled.
the argument boils down to: NPCs will be dehumanised by the meme, NPCs will call channers NPCs. NPCs will genocide channers bc they were dehumanised.
sounds retarded but mark my words they will try it. the desire for the NPC to see themselves as PC is a strong one and many will support the move.
I got right livid earlier over that.
Some fuckboy asked people to describe the color red, so I did, with a fucking 3/5/3 haiku that was perfect.
That octuple nigger had the audacity to call me a NPC.
Can recreate haiku if interested.
npc poltards cannot into arguments so
>muh joos
NPCs have already dehumanized themselves by acting less than human. The government and the elite / occult in power know what's going on, they have programmed NPCs for millennia. When the time comes that we have to do something about overpopulation, the NPCs will have to go. Whether by war, forced sterilization, or outright genocide, they will be physically removed.
Tick Tock
The time has come
Time's up
It isn't. It's just a smearing campaign to throw the NPC meme into the "flat earth" tier conspiracy pool and take away it's power
NPCs exist as a result of social enginering. You'rr noy born an NPC, you become on
The shills are in meltdown because NPCs are universally useful to keep the established ones (jews or not) into power
literally the first time i see someone calling it a jewish psyop is you OP
Fuck permissions I found it in the Jow Forums archives.
>Like blood from your veins
>Color red
Simple, yes; but a true haiku.
pls do
Ugh, that smug little smile that says " I have a penis but you'd never know it 'cuz I am a lady!" and yet that thing is more masculine than most of the faggots that post on Jow Forums.
Seems I jumped the gun.
There are no shadow bans in Jow Forums. Your thread just sucks.
real shit it looks so much like my friend you wouldnt believe it. let me find a picture
found it
No shit. Your thread is still shit and you need to thank me for bumping it.
why the fuck would you post "your friend" on 4shins? some friend you are..
Jews a;ready have a term for NPC, it's called goyim
Google images recognizes this man as fudge.
Yes, the dessert.
Call him fudge as a nickname.
i will
NPC's are real, I don't know what it is but it's so fucking true. I always knew something was weird about most people, but when I read, I knew.
NPC's cannot grow, they cannot be anything more, they talk about the most normal of things, lead the most normal lives. They think they have emotions, but it's simply what they are told to believe.
Take for instance a family member or a friend dying, these people cannot cope, they are told if one dies then it's the end of the world. Sure it's awful, most people deal with it, I've experienced it, but every NPC I've met and talked to about it, they cannot grow from it, when asked what "experience" they've gained from it, they cannot tell you, BECAUSE NPC'S DON'T LEVEL UP.
When life hits them hard, they feel how society tells them too. It's the difference between a player and an NPC, a player will face a challenge, learn from it, an NPC will never understand how to accomplish this, they are forever stuck in a stunted growth.
couldnt have said it better
maybe we cant postpone the day of the rake a bit after all
It's all happening so fast!
this thread is getting better by the post
see pic
he who controls the NPCs controls the world. hence why elites manufacture NPC believers through eugenics (mostly welfare whoredom).
of course it is. the mind is quantum mechanical. qm transitions are instantaneous. the NPCs just got "switched" (due to not wanting to appear as NPC, their greatest fear are now conforming to the "renegade" culture aka look in a mirror)
It's all good my man
Not all recognize good art
Few that can, human.
>why do so many of you claim that the NPC meme is a jewish psyop?
>le gaslighting kike
we don't. fuck off, JIDF
you kikes are really hate this meme, huh?
>shadow banned
go back to plebbit, you rat trash
gas yourself
jidf would bring up shadow banning you dumb nigger
americans are the new leaf
>its the new sheeple
>what is divide and conquer
>what is making another group look inhuman therefore making them easy targets
c'mon schlomo. you really think the goy is that stupid, don't you.