Well? Is he a victim?

Well? Is he a victim?

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The only victims are the poor people who watch Jim Jeffries

guilty until proven innocent lads. it's 2018

why does the entire fucking media have trump derangement syndrome out the ass?
they'll put any unfunny cunt like jeffries on TV as long as they say bad things about drumpf for 30 minutes to an hour
who the fuck watches this shit?

imagine being so retarded as to think presumption of innocence applies anywhere outside a criminal trial


these people live in bizarro world.

Imagine being so autistic you can only see the literal

>Get upset that people accuse you of being a rapist with 0 evidence
>"Ha, look at this faggot losing his cool"

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I get so sad whenever I think of what's happened to Jeffries.
His specials were pretty good but fuck me, he is an awful host.

Is it even up for debate that if he was falsely accused then he is a victim? Also what's with all the D-list comedians coming to the USA and talking about US political issues which they have no expertise in?

This guy fucked himself financially so hard that he has to do this monkey show

This is the real sad part
Also, his show has a hard time getting into the top 500 original shows on american cable each week

His earlier specials were great, Legit was also quite good

he did that gun control routine which made him mainstream famous so now he's banking it all on that libtard card

then i'm going to presume you're a faggot

I can't wait till we get to use these tactics on the next Democratic candidate. Speaking of which, why haven't we used this on Beto yet? Seems like it's obvious he had a drinking problem. We could probably get him to admit he's blacked out before...

the media will do a complete 180 on its handling of the Kavanaugh allegations as soon as it's some wannabe blue wave faggot getting accused

German here. From what I can gather, the entire thing is a shit show. Both Kavanaugh and the Ford woman deserve to be shat on
>she accuses man of rape that happened 30 years ago
>literally zero evidence
>he says he's innocent
>proceeds to behave like an asshole
>lies about simple shit
>disrespectful and doesn't answer questions
Literally a waste of time for everyone involved and made both of them come off as retards

Reminder that Jefferies is a kike puppet

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except there's no proof he lied about anything either

calm down there incel

>>he says he's innocent
>>proceeds to behave like an asshole

His entire family was dragged through the mud, you dumb kike. How did you expect him to act?

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fuck off cuck

jim was one of my favourite comedians until he made fun of trump then I realized how bad he is.

It was pretty obvious that he was lying about the threesome thing. Also, his unwilligness to answer simple questions such as whether he ever had a blackout were total bullshit. He should have been honest because all of that stuff wouldn't have directly implicated him at all. He came off as a douche although I do understand why he would be pissed if he didn't actually rape her. I do find it despicable that she brought it up even though she knew that there was zero evidence to be found

Fucking hate that shit with a passion. IF she was raped, she literally paved the way for further victims

I don't take political advice from guys that eat their cum out a chicks asshole.

>lel dude do you honestly believe that laws follow the culture and customs of a nation or something?
gonna be a "yikes" from me dawg

But he didn't lie about the threesome thing, a bunch of his classmates came out and said that they did call the drinking game Devil's triangle. As for blacking out he said he hadn't blacked out, and the evidence to the contrary is that he's been drunk before therefore he must have blacked out.

she never claimed to be raped, she claimed her feelings were hurt in an awkward encounter

Are you unable to write like a normal human being? Must suck to have the mind of a retard, your goblin of a mom must be proud

I never implied that he didn't have a reason to act like that, you moron. Learn to read. I was just stating what could be seen during the interviews. He acted like a douche even though it would have been a lot better had he been respectful. Basically his family are the biggest victims and losers in this entire thing. Ford will sell tons of shit and whore herself out while Kavanaugh will continue being in the supreme court. His family will have to live with some assholes calling them names all their life

>proceeds to act like an asshole

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Why....would you be against circumcision of newborns for no real medical reason?

She claimed she feared for her life that night. Then two weeks later she greeted her attacker at a Safeway.

She's full of shit.

Your opinion is worthless. Fuck off retard.

Bro, slang in 2018 isn't the same as slang in the fucking 1980s

I actually didn't know about his friends coming out with that info. My bad. Regarding the blacking out thing, he did take way too long to answer a simple question

And how exactly did she dwscribe that encounter? Sounded a lot like rape to me. Regardless, she could have done the whole thing without bringing it out into the public. It all seems like a quest for attention

>can't even get basic facts straight
>everyone else is stupid
is this the power of germancucks?

Reminder that Kanavaugh described "boofing" as farting to a federal judge.

Wow, you sure showed me. Shitposting gets you nowhere

Well, you do have a point. It was my mistake anyway considering that an user above stated that his friends confirmed his story with the game

>If you react angrily over false accusations being peddled to tarnish your good name in front of an international audience by a mob of scheming politicians and foaming at the mouth useful idiots, then you deserve to be shat on
Sure thing, pal.

This faggot bragged about supplying drugs and fucking a teenager in the UK on a podcast. He also threatened a porn whore with a knife and drunkenly bullied her with rape threats until she cried.
Then he scrubbed his old podcast from the internet and became a wahmens advocate cuck. Every day I await his downfall.
Must be exhausting to constantly be aware that just one downloaded episode from Talking Shit could turn your life into a complete shit-show

>German here.
Your entire fucking race should have been genocided by the Russian after the WW2.

>heh take THAT llbshits that keep calling him literally Hitler!

wow cool it off with the victim shaming jim!

I'll never forgive this kid fucker for making me agree with Pierce Morgan don't bring him back here you guys can keep mr funny accent man.

The merits of law should apply to anything. It's basic sensory reciprocation. Crayon-munching retard.

Given that by all rational observations, the accusations against him appear to be intentionally fabricated: Yes, that would make him the victim.

Particularly rich is that its Hillary voters arguing against the presumption of innocence.

I mean, if you have evidence, mere suspicious IS a good enough reason to keep somebody out of a position of power, but one woman's testimony, contradicted by not only herself, but those she NAMED as fellow witnesses, is not good evidence.

fuck this Australian faggot

holy shit this hot take was right

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why do they move these shit threads instead of just deleting them?

fuck that weak cunt jefferies and his entire family.

I'm so glad we got rid of him.

You do understand that what Ford did is a felony right?

Wait, what? Did you mean "for" something for no real medical reason? Because I can think of a lot of medical surgeries you shouldn't do for no real medical reasons.

Of course he is.

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Incorrect. Even when proven innocent the guilt still persists.