How many more Republican and Trump victories before Jow Forums goes full contrarian and becomes leftist? After the midterms? If Trump wins in 2020? Regardless, us oldfags know it's coming.
How many more Republican and Trump victories before Jow Forums goes full contrarian and becomes leftist...
Do you not watch the news? Have you ever seen anyone be as butt hurt as the liberals are for two whole years? If the economy tanks, he will have some defectors, but I think most of us are super entertained by the constant trolling. All he needs to do is keep the left mad
>us oldfags
I highly doubt you've been here long. Jow Forums has been mostly conservative since the /new/ days
im so contrarian im a conformist
When the lulz stop flowing
Jow Forums and really Jow Forums as a whole are driven almost entirely by the ancient concept of "lulz"
so long as the democrats keep delivering the goods, we will keep providing the material
>full contrarian and becomes leftist
we have always been nazies and zionist trump redditors and boomers can fuck off with their kike fag trump