Greater Albania /ga/ thread


We'll soon take back what's rigtfully ours.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Romanians are eternal, they came from Atlantis itself.
>Romanians have invented how to piss while sitting.
>The first extraterrestrials to contact us will be all Romanians since they have colonized the galaxy 7 million years ago.
>The last Ice Age has ended because Romanians have turned on the heating.
>If there were no Romanians gravity would seize to exist and the Sun and the Moon would fall from the sky.
>Romanians have invented the platinum-made magic jumping kangaroo, when it leaps the Dow Jones rises exponentially.
>After Virgin Marry had given birth to Jesus Christ not even God could fix her hymen, but the Romanians did.
>The pure willpower of Romanians can turn heavy water into regular one and back to heavy again, without them no nuclear reactor would be capable of working on this planet.
>Romania is an eternal and unending salt mine.
>Romanians can't steal land since all land on the planet belongs to Romanians by allodial right.
>Every language out there is just a dialect of Romanian.
>All Romanians are transdimensional beings with the immense capacity to go back and forth in time.
>When Romanians organise themselves into a spiral a magical doorway to another galaxy opens up.
>There are no black people in Africa. Only tanned Romanians in Chad.
>All races stem from Romanians. Being a degenerate and inbred is a sign of living too far away from Romania.
>Before Nietzche wrote the Zarathustra he visited Romania to talk to the great sage known as Kăl-el.
>Romanians wrote all the books that could be found at the Phalos of Alexandria in Teleorman the library that contained all the knowledge of the world. Once it got burned down by the Bozgors the Romanians choose to pass on its sacred knowledge ass to mouth.
>Romanians were Muslims even before Arabs, they wrote the Churân but Mohammed the coward gypsoid Türk stole it.

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Albanians and Bosnians are literal nigger

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what is this aids

Very based and also redpilled

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Subhuman muslim go fuck yourself

KYS subhuman mutts, you're all inferior to our race.

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I've been to Albania it was a nice country 2bh. i was in dermi and himara, pretty cool places

Dropping some more redpills here.

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Dhermi and Himara are inhabited by Greek minority thats why its nice.

>King Tut was inbred
>looks like Modern Albanian

>greek minority
Next joke

KYS Gayreek.

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Mfw OP outed as a false-flagging Serb

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I can't stop laughing at this.

Not a Serb, I'm Albanian and I like those pictures.

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>Greater Cancer
>When regular cancer just won't do

KYS, mutt.

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I can't fucking breathe

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He who laughs last laughs best

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Based and redpilled.
We'll conquer these filthy Slavic subhumans.
Theres a reason Hitler liked us and wanted to annex Serbia to us, He thought of us as Aryans and them as Slavic untermenschen akin to the Jews.

>greater Albania
Makes sense. Cancer tends to grow, unless you nip it at the bud

Gayreeks have higher amounts of inbreeding than Albanians, don't let them fool you.

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Serbia is literally the only European country with an average IQ that dips below 90.

We *are* Illyrians.

>calling another country cancer
Ultimate kekking

I am Italian actually Blerim.

Some of us are Epirusians.

Why leave your country, Mario?

Based and redpilled

This is for you ->

I am actually in italy but my carrier (French) gives me a French IP unfortunately. Another user has the same problem

That's weird, do you have problems with websites?
Sometimes they stop you if they notice something suspicious.

>the middle east is less inbred than Europe
the absolute state of your sources

Attached: inbreeding-gradient-europe-d.png (1251x945, 395K)

I have problems watching websites dependent on geolocation, like RAI streaming, but for those I have a VPN (which unfortunately doesn't let me post on here)

Cope harder gayreek

free albania from nish to arta. death to slavs

>Albanian is now known to have been the first language of Europe, before Latin
>known for big swords back in the Roman Empire, friendly and attractive people get the job done (30% of British people have Albanian DNA)
>even christcucks have something for their liking - Skenderbeg knighted by Pope, awarded Christianias Ameritus or some shit for single handedly stopping Europe bell getting & creating the modern Albania
>the fiercest fighters when it comes to pride
>if you are friends with them they will kill for you
>ask any woman in Europe which men have the most respect for women and they will all say Albanian
>can blend in almost any white country due to ability to learn foreign European languages 2x faster than any other race because Albanian was the first language of Europe (also explains why there are so many Worldwide Albanian pop stars comparative to the tiny amount of population vs other countries)
>anytime you are this strong all other males will hate (see OP post and comments above)
>bigger balls than every other race combined (see pic related Shkreli

please check your history before any newfags try to tell me Albanians didnt single handedly stop Europe from getting GREECED from Ottomans

They took the hardest blow and we owe these people a debt of gratitude you ungrateful fucks. Greeks on the other hand deserve death for marrying armenians, turks and gypsies under orthodox blessing

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Time to make the Albanian name heard on Jow Forums.

As every Albanian ever, yes.

>Time to make the Albanian name heard on Jow Forums.
Agree, we need to step up and make /ga/ generals, daily.

Attached: Ottoman Pasha who made Egypt.jpg (769x944, 112K)


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Another pic of Ali Pasha with his Greek slave. Ruling Egypt since the acient times...

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>posted the fake outdated chart just like I expected an 89 iq serb would

t. tyrone jamal johnson

Chill your tits there OP no one actually gives a flying fuck about this, albanian people are fucking retarded desu all talk no actions.

Ali Pasha was actually fucking based.
These Jow Forums retards think Albanians have never done anything but neglect the time an albanians literally ruled eygpt

Based Bosniak

when you too much shamefull of ur country so put fascist flag shitards pls ur history is literally just trying to prove skanderberg was albanian not serb

mos erdhi ky pederi

>Serbia is literally the only European country with an average IQ that dips below 90.
and i proceed to show ur argument is wrong

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Shut the fuck up.

Soon we'll hunt you all and exterminate you.

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Lie harder diaspora analbanian

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Mate, Israel was one of the only countries that helped us during the Yugoslav wars.
Don't be on the side of genocidal maniacs, we share more historic experience with them than with most other peoples.
Still doesn't mean I support everything Israel does.

*laugh in serbian*

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ups i forget to type albanian diaspora best diaspora

Based and redpilled

Cringe and bluepilled

Leave you cucks

HAHAHAHAHA holy fuck this is amazing

I am Albanian.

Albania invented Europe therefore we are all Albanians

>Thank you you are saviour, you are pain release
WUT? But somehow listening to it is addicting, I have to give them that.

A literal drop of indoeuropean blood brings DIVERSITY


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uh oh here comes the diaspora memeflagging greeks & serbs

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>ask any woman in Europe which men have the most respect for women and they will all say Albanian
Literal cucks



have a bump from me

Are you from the Fiji? What kind of flag is that?

wtf has this thread become

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Nah I’ve crossed oceans to use a flag as a meme flag


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classic song shiqpe but keep up with the times nigga

A new era of shitposting awaits with my return to Sydney




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Hey guys, what is going on in this thread?

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I’ll tell you if you reveal your flag

>We'll soon take back what's rigtfully ours.

Name a war Albania has actually won. In fact, name the battles fought to be independent. Yeah.. thought so. A worthless country that was carved out for the interests of other countries without any blood equity.

But keep dreaming. That at least gets you through the night when you can't even feed yourself.

>tiny faggot fingers
>no trigger discipline

Looks like another analbanian rambo

I'm not denying Albania is a shitty country (like every other country in the Balkans), but holy shit you're from fucking Greece.

You're not going to have a national identity and people when the invasion of Europe by the Muslim and nigger hordes turns up the heat. Not to mention your fucking shit economy.

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>In fact, name the battles fought to be independent
We shouldn't have liberated Greece from the Ottomans in a revolution, you Gayreeks are ungrateful subhumans. Every Albanian realizes now that it was a huge mistake.

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Lmao you have no place to talk tough on Jow Forums faggot what happened did an albo fuck your girl


Also checked


>We shouldn't have liberated Greece from the Ottomans

Faggot Analbanians think they liberated Greece when they couldn't liberate their own country! kek
It took close to 100 years and someone else to defeat the Ottomans (including Greece) for you worthless roaches to get a country.

It's cringe, but his voice is nice and so is the instrumental lol

Who cares about this shit,really? Just live your lives, don't bother others and that's about it.

>holy shit you're from fucking Greece
Says the fucking leaf of all people.

I'm assuming someone did this thinking it offends Albanians, but they didn't realize we aren't religious so it failed lol.
We don't even have an official religion.