When will the first shot of the civil war take place? I feel like it's coming soon

When will the first shot of the civil war take place? I feel like it's coming soon

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The public is largely NPC and useless. There will only be a civil war if it benefits jew interests, and right now they need our $15 million a day more than they enjoy watching got chattel reeeeeee over invented outrage

when they kick us, we grab their leg and tare their ACL.

gonna need to rattle the beaner boys against the niggers.
it's the only way to kick things off.

But what about the ones they can't control once we're pushed too far? It won't matter what the kikes want or don't want at that point

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Piss Yellow needs a Gibbets hook.

Eric Holder is responsible for the OKC bombing. We live in a banana republic. I hope one of the victims' family members kills his family.

I demand justice!

Every red blooded American should as well.

It already did.. in my mind

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The first shots have already been fired, now it just about escalation

I'm Millennial but have multiple conditions that keep me from being eligible for the military. I won't be drafted. How's that make you feel people who think all Millennials should be drafted?


Think you should be beaten until morale improves

For what purpose? I'd just hate people more

Never. The vast majority are uselessly complacent.
Unless something big happens that takes out the power (and thus the net) on a nearly national scale, few are going to be willing to interrupt their comfy lives for anything going on atm.

That's where we come in. We breathe chaos

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The lunatic left is the gift that keeps on giving.

The 2016 election was their best gift of all

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>another nigger calling for violence
That’s about as rare as a Jew that hates money.

How is this faggot not in jail for running guns?

Pro-tip: I'm one of those people and a super poorfag with nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's going to be glorious.

Because he's involved with the (((cabal))) and they tend to take care of their own


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Suicidal nigga here. Gimme instructions for an operation on minecraft

Build a 200lb bomb and blow yourself up in DC (((Rosenfeld)))

This is not an FBI honeypot

I have a better idea, an hero yourself in the middle of times square while yelling "lock her up!"

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He's the guy who approved FISC warrant requests.

>Former AG condoning/inciting violence
It can't be this easy, no fucking way. It's almost like they must absolutely prove Trump's tweet calling them extremist and unfit to govern right.

When a leftist attempts or succeeds in an assassination against a prominent Republican leader, like Trump, or Kavanaugh, or a senator. And I guarantee it will be a leftist that starts it, because the right is just letting them do what they want. Hell, said leftist will probably be one of those Antifa nerds that brags about muh AK training on Facebook.
>We wuz Кpacнaя apмия n shiet

It should've started when they tried to murder Republicans a year or two ago during that softball game.

>go to fafsa.gov
>Fill out fafsa form and input your local community college
>enroll in general studies
>go to class, do all homework, study
>4.0 GPA
>Transfer to university
>enroll in double major, genetics and microbiology
>graduate, get into accelerated PhD program.
>become top tier genetic microbiologist
>create bio weapon that targets Jews and another that targets blacks, both highly fatal
>release it in new York airports
>kill yourself and await your 3 billion afterlife slaves.

You dumb amerimutts should start a civil war on who's skin is whiter. Kill each other so Europe can be a superpower again.

>When will the first shot of the civil war take place?
The first strike in civil war 2 electricbugaloo won't be a round from a gun but from malware on critical power, communications, and business infrastructure

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You guys call the cops if you see someone selling lemonade, i don't think americans can survive/start a civil war especially the left.

Why do some people mistakenly think their kills will serve them in the afterlife? Son of Sam thought that, Zodiac 1 thought that, wtf?! Where does this stupid idea come from?

Hey remember when Eric Holder ran guns to Mexican cartels, and these guns were used to attack and killed a few American border enforcement agents? And then the White House swooshed in and Obama protected his boy Holder? Pepperidge Farms remembers. It must be a really weird feeling to work for the Department of Justice when you absolutely knew the people at the top of the totem pole are criminals who are now openly calling for violence against the citizenry. Is it a policeman's moral imperative to protect those citizenry, or simply to cash his paycheck from the boss and keep looking to the side and not look at the organized mobsters running the show?
also Jow Forums is a board of peace and does not condone the sort of terror-tactics Eric Holder endorses. Please remind that to the FBI-kun anons who are here!

>le civil war meme
Please, we're not that lucky.

What's stopping you? Unless you're disabled then the Army will take you with enough waivers

In South Carolina. As is tradition.

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Eric Holder is also involved with Obama in running guns into Mexico, Fast and furious, these people are supposed to be in prison along with Hillary, but they aren't.