What if Columbus was black?

What if Columbus was black?

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well, he was italian

Crist O'fosho

>I discovered a pen under my des-

Yet every day niggers get awards for being "First African American to ____"
"First female transgender African American with blue shoes achieves ____"

According to the black logic, you can't discover something if there are people already there. Sounds legit.

i wouldn't mind sitting on my ass all day, smoking mushrooms and collecting government checks

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Niggers can't sail.

nigga hol up you ain gettin shit

Except he wasn't. He was white and stole the land from the indigenous population.

>progress is protected
how are prairie niggers progressing?


Someone inform this nigress that discover does not mean invent. You could go on vacation now and discover new parts of the globe that already have people there.

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oy vey

>stole the land
>stole the culture
>enslaved everyone
damn those white guys steal everything

Civilisation discovered it.

>smoking mushrooms
only if you want to cough up your lungs

If columbus was black, he'd get enslaved by the superior Native Americans

>smoking mushrooms

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Today we remember the Si-te-cah, the red haired natives, who were genocided by the Asian invaders and then called themselves Natives

If he was black he would've been praised by giving him an entire month like black history month.

Were there people here before Beringia?

In fourteen hundred ninety-two a sailor from Italy,
He walked the dirty streets of Spain and shat in every alley.
At that time reigned a fair young queen of Spain, named Isabella,
Who cast an amoroshus glance at Chris, the smart young fella.
He knew the world was round-o.
His balls did touch the ground-o.
That syphilitic, hypocritic, son-of-a-bitch Columbo.

Columbo went to the Queen of Spain and made a proposition,
But what she wanted most to do was fuck in the prone position.
The Queen of Spain then said to him she'd give him ships and cargo,
He said, "I'll kiss your royal ass if I don't bring back Chicago."
He knew the world was round-o.
The queenly cunt he'd pound-o.
That fornicating, royal-mating son-of-a-bitch, Columbo.

Three little ships set out to sea, each one a double-decker.
The queen she waved the royal flag, Columbo waved his pecker.
Columbo paced upon the deck, he knew it was his duty.
He took in whang into his hand and said, "Ain't that a beauty!"
He knew the world was round-o.
That sailors could be browned-o.
That dirty lecher, asshole stretcher son-of-a-bitch, Columbo.

Columbo had a second mate he loved just like a brother,
And every night below the decks they bung-holed one another.
The fourteen-year-old cabin boy, that dirty little nipper,
Shoved powdered glass right up his ass and circumcised the skipper.
He knew the world was round-o.
His pecker it was ground-o.
That bleeding fucker, weenie-sucker son-of-a-bitch, Columbo.


Weird that Dems say shit like this and also acknowledging Hispanic claims to the Southwest and California.

Why would we celebrate our former enemies? Just because they were arbitrarily occupying the land before humans got here?

shut up you fucking racist bigot fascits nazi two faced prick. Don't ever talk to me or my indigenous son's wife ever again

All of neolithic civilization happened in The Old World. People from one of these civilizations went west and encountered people who were still paleolithic.
This is why they were discovered. It's not a derogatory term. Nobody discovered Africa, and it's still shit.

Well according to most European leaders you can't be 'indigenous' even if your people have lived on the continent for their entire existence, you must always practice replacement migration. So I guess nobody is indigenous.

"so that their progress is protected"

What does it mean?
What progress?? Are they still using bow and arrows??

Still using rocks and arrows

>What if Columbus was black
What did he mean by this?

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Some cunt deserves a serious raping.

Meme it
Explorer of colour has achievements downplayed by whites who find lighter skinned natives more palatable

but their past is entirely forgotten. retards never thought to write anything down

he was a jew

So when scientists discover a new species, its not actually discovered because it has existed for thousands of years?

blacks cant swim, let alone dare build massive boats and navigate oceans.

I wanna ____ that turtle.

Is the word "discover" part of patriarchy because it downplays the point of view of the "discovered"?
In fact I dare to say that exploration and inter species or inter-induvidual or inter-object contact is part of an eurocentric "caucasian" oppressive and forced narrative that should be smashed in order for us to progress in to the super isolationist utopia
oh yeah and fuck DRUMF

If Columbus was black he would’ve discovered Mud

>You can't "invent" something that has already been invented but you submitted a patent for.
>Today we observe #WhiteAmericanInventorsDay so that their inventions are not forgotten.

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>You can't "discover" gravity when it has been affecting the Earth since it was formed.
>You can't "discover" the Titanic wreckage when fish have been living in it for years.

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Is there more to that

>You can't enslave black people because they were non slaves before that

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These people are the people who will say
>You can't discover new life in the universe because it was already there when you found it
if we ever find alien life...
But a low IQ ape like this would never understand what a discovery is, seeing as her race has never done any of it.

He was a black jew.

The natives were sacrificing their own people the very day Columbus set foot in America.

>ayyy what up y'all. It's ya boy Chrisronne Columbaqwan here with my 3 bes' Side hos Pinta Nina and Santa Maria. And we be about to avoid them turban wurrin Arab bitches! And sail ou asses roun' this bitch. Cipangu is over dem horizons, I'm telling y'all. Don't believe me? Watch me dab as I sail out of this mu'fuckin Portuguese bullshit. Gotta give props to mah homes the king of spain and his royal side ho for putting some seriousmu'fuckin' g's behind my ass on this one. An' y'all know me, if this voyage of discovery ain't shit, well I got a no refunds policy on this naw'mean. Aaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...*sails into the Atlantic*

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Imagine being white and cucked enough to get on board with this indigenous peoples day shit

>Indigenous people
>Nomadic in nature
>You can't discover land
>Indigenous people discovered this land
Are libs braindead or conniving? I still can't figure this one out.

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>He stole all the land over the course of hundreds of years.

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getting real tired of you fucking faggots

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I'm sure once there are no more white people all of north america will be given back to the aboriginals

What if there was affirmative action and diversity quotas in ye olden time?

>denying US history

they support fake news for a reason

Well likely North America would be Muslim or warred over by Muslims and Christians since during his time the most advanced African nations were Muslim. Though if he was Black and still managed somehow to sail for Spain then who nothing would be different. Except he would be a hero today because he was black despite doing the exact same things

discovered for civilization. the fuck is wrong with these niggers?
>u can't dicscover thing becuz
>ooga booga can't tell difference between primal savages and enlightenment
>we need mo money fo dem programz

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discovery is a relative and not exclusively objective concept, objectively speaking you can discover anything, and if its new to you, a group you're in, or a large portion of the world its a discovery

unlike invention where objectively one person created it first

>Congressmember instead of Congresswoman

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Ha! Hey, if they got into their fucking canoes or baskets or whatever ,powered by their gay dream catchers and tom-toms; and showed up on the shores of Europe in the 1400's then they would have discovered us. But they were to busy not inventing the wheel and chanting woefully about their own savagery.

>you can't "discover" a land where people had been living for thousands of years
Yes you can you stupid dumb fucking whore.

I discover cool new restaurants that I've never been to before when I go out at night in the city with friends. Does that means I am suggesting that nobody knew about those restaurants before I discovered them? No. It means I am suggesting that I didn't know about those restaurants before I discovered them.


I understand the point that she's trying to make but she's going about it in the most retarded fucking way, and all it does is piss me off. It's especially annoying because I actually am sympathetic to the needs and causes of indigenous people - I work with them, and I've got a lot more time for them than probably 99% of the people on Jow Forums. It's not as simple as "they dumb we smart lmao." But nobody and nothing is served by this kind of stupid fucking bullshit. This virtue signalling achieves nothing. Nobody who wasn't already going to nod smugly at that tweet is going to give a shit about it. All you'll do is piss off the people whose support you actually NEED.

Vagina Dentata.

What progress?

>if italians aren’t white then minorities are the colonizers

>their progress is protected

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Columbus set sail from Spain on the same day that all jews were expelled from Spain. Coincidence?

What if your mom was a cheap aids-infected prostitute who one day thought it was a good idea to empty that somalian / iranian / maroccan / afghan / jew / sperm-filled condom into her cunt?

And then she had you?