I am ashamed of who I am and my ethnicity.how do I stop feeling sad about it?

I feel guilty for crimes and things that are commited by people of my race even Though I know I don't influence them

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kill yourself

Suicide you spineless faggot

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Could be worse. At least you're not a Jew.

I can't because of my parents

jews are much better people

all you did was poo in the loo, dont feel too bad, in fact you're in the midfield instead of where the kikes and niggers are

Stand up for injustice, become the brown knight. A designated hero of equality. You can clean up the streets, of crime that is.

I am insignificant after all I am just a one person

Hitler was just one man. You've got to believe.

Hitler was not cause just a symptom of the people around him

Stop listening to internet retards who call themselves white nationalists when irl they're losers with no achievements so they build they're identity around something they had no control over.
If you're don't like what you're ethnicity is doing, work to stop it and give them a better name. It will be difficult, but it's either whine about what some losers think or do something difficult to fix it.
Now delete your thread and piss off,

>I feel guilty for crimes and things that are commited by people of my race even Though I know I don't influence them
So do I user. Sometimes the rape of entire continents, colonization, slavery, and the general oppression of brown people wherever my ancestors have gone gets to me. I can't help but wonder how great the world would be without whites.

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Do you understand the concept of individualism? Why are you a hive minded collectivist?

I do but the fact that my ethnicity as group has accomplished so less that sometimes I think world would be better off with us

It's fine pajeet.
Kashmir will always be BASED paki soil

You're on Jow Forums.
The majority of the people on here claim to hate collectivism, but collectivize Europeans. The hypocrisy is ridiculous.

You're an okay poo in my book

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You're a retard.
You say you understand individualism then talk about how your people should leave because they haven't done much.
Who cares?!
It's YOU who has to do things that are noteworthy.
God the absolute mongrels that claim they're superior for just so happening to be a part of a group of people that had some individuals do things.
Stop taking credit for things you never did.

I guess you are right
its just sad that such indifferences exists

I guess I am just finding reasons to be unhappy and incomplete

>sometimes I think world would be better off with us

You're not wrong. India is like the human version of cancer. Look at this map, it's like a great big tumor consuming the worlds resources and giving nothing in return except low skill low iq male immigrants that assult women.

What an awful bunch.

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Have faith in your people.
Find the potential it has, work towards, and ignore naysayers.
They can mock you now, but imagine their reactions when Indians start taking in more achievements while their people are dying off or fighting some petulant war they brought on themselves.
Let these idiots bask in their perceived greatness while they go through the decay cycle.
Sorry if that sounds edgy, but it's true. History has shown this scenario over and over.

>sorry if that sounds edgy
pretty edgy,I just wish indifferences like this didn't exist

Life is unfair, but understand that the pendulum swings.
These people are going live under the shade soon and the sun will shine on those that were left in the dark.
That's life and anyone who denies this truth is willfully ignorant or naive.
Sorry for the edge again lol.
Point is, trust the system and have faith.

stream your suicide

Than desi? Not in my experience. You guys are ok. Very humble usually. Don’t be so down you ARE better than any kike.

I don't even feel ashamed for stuff that I did last week. I'm a different person now than I was then and I'll be a different person again tomorrow.

I honestly get confused when people say they feel a connection or collective responsibility for stuff that people who share some traits with them have done. It makes no sense to me. I think it's an extrovert introvert thing. Stop looking outside yourself for definitions. If someone says something that sounds like it would improve your life or make you a better person treat it as a shortcut to enlightenment (do the work in your head to reach the same conclusion) instead of treating it as a law because they guarantee you'll be better off if you do.

You're a brain in a jar. And if you accept someone elses programming then you've abandoned your self identity.

Also, guilt is a selfish morally empty emotion. You're using someone else's suffering to create an emotional low. This is then alleviated by using things that suffering person doesn't have access to create an emotional high combined with an ego boost. Even if that person is helped through your guilt induced charity you've robbed them of the opportunity to rise above it themselves. They have no choice if they are in a bad situation. Someone who is drowning will take air even if it comes out of someones rectum. Their only concern is surviving. This is why to me charity is also selfish in that it ignores that persons free will by giving them a rhetorical choice.

On a side note, if I could live 100 lives I would rather live them as 99 peasants who die before reaching 25 and one who escapes deprivation to become successful than 100 of my so far relatively lame lifespans.

kill yourself cuck. anyone who hates their own race is a useless waste of air

Fuck as many white bitches as you can. Doing this is the very meaning of my existence, why I worked hard enough to immigrate here, all so I can fuck whites out of existence.

This is what happens when you browse Jow Forums. You get brain damage.
Don't think about the things that you can't change. Think about the things that you can change.

Are you the bro from yesterday’s thread? Anyway, this is what you should do.

1. Poo in the loo.
2. Eat less curry and shit because your skin smells like it.
3. Try to get into a Western university.
4. Try not to spaz out when you talk to women. It’ll take a few years for you to get socialized and used to normal western ways of behaving.
5. Do the needful, always.

I see but what are you doing on Jow Forums?

>dictionary schizo
Well, this IS Jow Forums

Chin up poo bro. Be the change you want to see. It's all any of us can do in our respective corners of the world.

Just came to read salty posts about the stock market sell-off.

how insecure is that leaf lol

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kys, try again.

Sums up the brainwashed masses alright. Good on ya, poo.

Living through your opressed ancestors and basing your identity of it for free gibs like indigenous cucks is worse

You will have to kill as many as you can of your own kind and then take your own life with the last bullet. That's all, and you will be worshipped forever afterwards ofcourse...

don't feel bad if you didn't do that. stop being a spineless cuck faggot.

Suicide bomb and take as many poos with you as you can.
Do it for the good of mankind.

i don't like being italian

what else would you be?

if i was swedish or danish or norwegian with blue eyes everyone on this site would worship me. Instead I have brown eyes and facial hair like a spic.

cheery up italians are much cooler and don't make up your worldview based on this site

All races have good and bad. Except Jews

italians don't belong in america though. They have a distinct mediterranean oriented culture that doesn't go well with anglo culture. And the us being an anglo country itself makes me feel like I shouldn't be here.

>I feel guilty for crimes and things that are commited by people of my race even Though I know I don't influence them
Flag checks out

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Is he kill?

that's not true for modern america
maybe once US was predominately anglo country

well if i lived back then it would be true

>jew are much better people
You should unironically kys

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