Selling meat should already be illegal, but until then we need to make all packaging like this...

Selling meat should already be illegal, but until then we need to make all packaging like this. We should also show the blood, gore, and abuse animals face in slaughter houses.

Reminder: Meat is murder.

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>inb4 whataboutism about abortion
I'm pro life

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fuck off jew

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go back to /ck/ and never come back.

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Killing is a part of life. If you ever left your privileged city bubble you'd understand.

Children needing meat is a myth

Nice argument.

Attached: vegan-protein-sources.jpg (474x474, 68K)

It hat no name, it didn't understand human languages, and even if it did, I wouldn't feel sorry for killing and eating it. It's a fucking cow.

Animals are not humans.
Morality is concerned with human relations.

Also the absurd anthropomorphization by acting as if an animals have an inner voice and name themselves is beyond infantile.

$10.60 USD / lb?
Unfortunately I wouldn't waste my money on such outrages prices even to spite the bleeding heart s oicucks
There's much better deals on meat than that!