Apparently anti-Hillary CIA has leaked that she plans to run again in 2020...thoughts?

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That second loss meltdown will probably literally kill her. I'm ok with that.

Hopefully an unhinged shitlib kills her, bill Chelsea and Charlotte

No shit, who thinks she'll just repeat the same strategy?

Maybe the chi-coms will decide she's used goods finally and riacin her hourly vodka lmao

2016 repeats itself

I really don’t think the democrats as a physical orginization could survive such an idiotic move.

Donations would collapse people would up and leave the party in droves.

I hope it happens

Hillary will have a heart attack and be in hospital before 2020.

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Why would she? The Russians would just hack the election again.


Well she's sure as shit going to be locked up or dead before '24

Fuck. Is the bitch immortal?

she'll be dead by 2020

>bring it

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Tried that already, but I'll reroll.

Well, I'm sure her Moloch worshipping and pain magik she did with all those Haitian girls helped...

Of course she's running again. She never said she wouldn't. Until she officially bows out, it's #HerTurn. Anyone who tries to take it from her will get two in the neck.

Good. I hope the democrats are this stupid.

try killing yourself

Ginsburg 8th November 2018
Hillary 15th August 2019

if hillary runs again she wont risk losing in a fair primary. She'll use her power to guarantee she runs in the general. And once again she'll lose.

They may not have a choice. She basically bought the DNC las time because Obama had cleaned it out so it needed money. Unless they can find someone else to fill up the coffers, her foundation could buy it again.

Moloch / Melech / Melchior etc. is just a title.
The name of the entity is BAAL.

When is it gunna be #HerTurn to go to jail?

>CIA has leaked that she plans to run again in 2020




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Fuck yeah, baby! Hill DAWG!!!!!

The fuck is your problem, Sepp?

True...known by many names...I wonder how they code it now? Wish Wikileaks still did shit...

Bernie is running as independant and will split the left vote.

don't like threads filled with faggots posting over and over trying to get digits to self validate. it's all so tiresome.

There's no way all the donors and people who threw money at her only to lose it all and the influence they were trying to buy is going to fund her again.

if she has any money by then. Donations to the foundation from wealthy nation states stopped on a dime when she didnt become presidency. She sold a lot of people looking for gibs on her absolute assuredness that she'd win. How is she going to get anyone to throw MORE than what she got last time? Because bare minimum to rerun her campaign will be to spend more than in 2016.

No link to speak of, heard it on Waterfiltermanshow...

Fucking bitch needs to fuck off and go live a high life in Malibu or something.

she hates the working class and does a poor job of hiding it, if we get a round 2 she will lose, with everything that is a confirmed fact about her? fuck i hope it happens and i hope trump has 100% creative control of his campaign ads

Third, she lost to a negro man
Imagine growing up in 50s Arkansas and being mentored by Sen Byrd of the kkk
And losing to a negro ebony spook
Her brain broke in 2008

oh kek please let it be so, allow for a version 2.0 liberal meltdown TAKE MY ENERGY

Round 2 bitch it isn't it round 4 for this wacko?

It'll be like 2016, but way more shrill this time

She's gonna be even older and frailer than last elections, let's hope her inflated ego really pushes her to run for office again.
What illnesses is she gonna have in two years time? In 2016 it was pneumonia and allergies, maybe 2020 will be diabetes and osteoporosis.

Little tip: Hold Alt and press F4 to get rid of said faggots. A more permanent fix can be had by deleting system32.

Dear Lord, please let this deranged Satanic hag run again so that Your chosen instrument may BTFO her once more

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/hilldawgs/ season 2 bouta drop

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yeah i guess it is, husband is a rapist, she is an unprosecuted felon who keeps getting away with it, will try to run on a platform of being for women and having moral integrity


she had 0 message.
Her whole campaign was
>Trump is bad
>I have a vagina
We'll have 4 years of proof that trump not only exceeds the extremely low standards the left set (literally hitler), but is actually making good on his promises. That's half her message gone.
If hillary won trump would win even if he didnt build the wall, but if that wall starts going up then no one could beat him.

It's been her life's dream and life's work to be the first female president. She's not going to quit until she's dead or president.

Third time's a charm.


WikiLeaks will release the Canadian Liberal party email server. Check these numerals.

It’ll be 2019

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I think she runs but doesnt get the nomination of her party. Checkem.

I'm pretty sure they'll run her until she's just a head in a fuckin jar...then they run her again...

i bet $1 on her 500-1 that she would win the dem nomination 5 months ago.

Prison inmates can't run for President, silly.

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Nah. By the she will be full blown Parkinson's. Her campaign and the media had a hard enough time keeping it under cover two years ago and she has had multiple episodes since then. I say let her run. Would be another gift.

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I wouldn't be surprised if she ran again DESU. But she'd have an uphill road to win the democrat election because her competitors will all point to fact that she lost to Trump. And if any other women run then that will also make it even harder for Hillary to win.

I just want her to have a violent seizure on live television...shitting her pantsuit, foaming, the works...

She should be in prison before then.

>Go into thread about things you don't like
>Get buttblasted
>Why is this habbening.jpg

Praise be. And on the first roll too.

You see this, Multiple Rolls user? This is how it's done. If you don't get blessed on your first try, then you MOVE ON TO A DIFFERENT THREAD.

Fucking newfags.

"If ya gotta go...go with a smile!!"

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Anyone but her or Trump. Fuck, if I have to put Vermin Supreme on the ballot I will.
Maybe a Bernie 2.0 that's younger and less spineless will show up.

I can't wait for the Hillary v. Trump presidential debates coming from the senior assisted living center.

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wtf are you me
was just about to poast that

Can you imagine what the last moments of her miserable life will be like when she loses for a third time? The absolute crushing sorrow of knowing that after everything you've done, all the decades of waiting, the soul-scarring atrocities you committed, you're going to die with the one thing you ever wanted forever beyond your grasp?

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>she plans to run again in 2020...thoughts?
HAHAHAHAHA, please let this happen. I really want to see her lose again.

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Pres Trump goes to multiple rallies, gives 1-2 hour speeches and travels around the world constantly.
hillary can't even stand in 82 degree NYC weather without fainting. it's fucking over for her. that's why she's pushing subversive tactics so hard. she's still pulling strings from the comfort of her mansion. if she runs she'll lose again and it'll be hilarious. like 2016 but 1000X better.

There can't be civility. Why don't the Marines take her on a Helicopter ride?


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Unfortunately no, but RBG will be dead by 2020 for sure. Kek wills it

I wish but no way. Even she isnt that deluded.

That was a second roll you insufferable cunt.
Know how I can tell you're new around here?

You mean 3.

hillary or biden are the two biggest gifts we could get, just because independents already know they're retarded. i don't think any other dem can actually win, but the fact people know less about harris or booker nationally will be a bonus for them vs people who are already proven idiots in the eyes of indie voters.

Not to mention the fucking spacing.
And you're trapping off calling people newfags.
My god, kid.

Is there anybody here who honestly didn't just assume this in 2016?

a rematch would be an absolute dream, i really hope that's true





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Ez win for her.Trump croaks in 2019,digits confirm.

What's better than beating Hillary? Doing it twice.

she spent a billion dollars on her last campaign, and lost.

how much could she spend this time

[citation needed]

Will be quite interesting to hear Liberal propaganda and NPC programming saddled to a woman with dementia

Question will it make more sense to the Liberal NPCs ?

One in four climates are raped !!

We need Russian Trans-sexual Immigrants interfering with our children bathrooms !!

Global warming interfered with our last election we need to shut down climate for the future.

It was my turn to interfere with the elections didn't abortions know that !!

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That's the only strategy that the left has.


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This just proves how insane she is. The DNC literally has no idea that this will lead to civil war. kek

This is actually a good thing assuming it's true, and she's the backed candidate.
She's a two-time loser, and even a lot of dems dislike her.
If she indeed does run and is backed, then the left will be severely demoralized.

Well since the Democrats have not accepted that they lost the last election then why ditch a winning strategy ?

before the end of the year it will be considered by the mainstream public to be embarrassing to be anti trump.



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It's astounding how delusional some people are in regards of their likeability. Only crazy cat ladies like Hillary. The rest of the country hate her. Even LGBTQYZSU#&EHE*YD people hate her. @33:25 mark

Our first cyborg President?
Booooooy I'm stocking up on popcorn

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even dem voters hate her
seriously, fuck corporate democrats