It seems there are only several approved thread formats on Jow Forums now

it seems there are only several approved thread formats on Jow Forums now
>latest e-celeb tweet
>american political theater
>screenshot of huffpost article

what's not permitted?
>free masonry discussion
>anything interesting
>anything exposing American gov agenda
>anything not about Trump

wow great board this has become

Attached: glow.jpg (288x288, 29K)

Not really

its all about "muh supreme race"
and " im more white den u !!!111!!" mentality unforutnetly
it seems the shill has won amd pols has been derailed

Jow Forums died when they introduced larpflags for shills to hide behind

join us on Jow Forums and /x/ if you want to discuss actual topics under what you said is not permitted.

Hi I just got here from The_Donald, I was just wondering if you could please tone down your anti Jewish posts since it is kind of putting a damper on my experience visiting here? Thank you

Jow Forums is even worse, it's full of redditors and you can't discuss anything political. /x/ is ok but filled with even more disinfo than Jow Forums

no problem. I won't talk about Trump being Jewish either.

Mods promote threads that sow division and delete threads that attempt to unify us. Moderation here is comprised as fuck lately

Not permitted go figure.

Attached: DAD86529-36C5-4489-9D6D-ECDDF4E9819F.png (1242x2208, 3.65M)

thats the agenda, divide and conquer