
>Paulo Guedes - Economy
>Onyx Lorenzoni - Chief of Staff
>Stavros Xanthopoylos - Education, Culture and Sports
>Henrique Prata or Nelson Teich - Healthcare
>General Osvaldo Ferreira - Transportation
>General Augusto Heleno - Defence
>Astronaut Marcos Pontes - Science and Technology
>Gustavo Bebianno or Antonio Pitombo - Justice Dept
>Nabhan Garcia - Agriculture and Environment

Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off in 3 weeks (October 28th).

>We managed to elect over 50 of /ourguys/ to the lower house!

>1st round results
Jair Bolsonaro 46,26%
Fernando Haddad 28,95%

Jair Bolsonaro is front-runner for president of Brazil. He is a conservative Christian, former army captain and the only candidate free from involvement in corruption. He's pro-gun legislation and wants the liberalization of the economy with a Chicago boy as minister and to align Brazil to the American foreign policy (fuck Cuba, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Palestine, Russia and China). After recovering in the Israeli hospital for being stabbed in the gut by a former member of PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party) and undergoing emergency surgery, he's back to campaigning.

Memes by Bolsonaro:
>Pinochet should have killed more people
>Historical debt towards slavery? I didn't enslave anyone.
>The Portuguese didn't enslave blacks, but blacks enslaved themselves.
>I wouldn't rape you because you are ugly and you don't deserve it.
>Do you burn the donut? I don't care! Be happy! Hugs for you!

Plans for a new constitution:

>English Subtitled videos of his famous memes:

Bolsonaro's government plan (in English):

>US Youtubers about Bolsonaro

Previous thread:

Attached: Queiróz.jpg (1034x640, 158K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for the prince

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Here is the first Datafolha poll release just a few minutes ago: Bolsonaro 58% Hadda 42%.


I still feel very skeptical... Like they are going to do another 51% - 49% election fraud.

Attached: datafolha-october10.jpg (1017x763, 243K)

Threadly reminder Brazil can't be saved because Brazilians are subhuman.

Go burn your donut, burgerfag

Hey, any BRfags care to answer: how likely is it that in 5 years I'll finally be able to visit Rio de Janeiro and see gardens where once there were favelas?

He should restore the Empire. The pro working class policies of the monarchs will permanently cement his revolution.

Otherwise it’s 8 years of junta lite and then back to PT shithole.

First for Jair Bolsoberg

Attached: jair bolsoberg.jpg (1294x769, 352K)

Not an argument hue hue monkey.

Fora MAVs!

Says the 56%

Attached: Average intelligence of a Petista.webm (640x352, 2.79M)

>haddad is lula
>haddad is haddad
>haddad is bolsonaro
Stop shapeshifting for fuck sake.

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El fascismo perderá. La clase obrera es invencible.

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>Kike x Kike
Election of the century!

That shit is being broadcasted in the Brazilian version of Discovery Home & Health, saw a few segments and thought it was reality show garbage, guess I'm going to give it a second chance then

its funny to watch the clash of cultures

there's always a 90 day general every Sunday night on /tv/

>in 5 years
Hugely unlikely.

>Tells me we are the subhuman ones.
>Elected a nigger for president once.

Why would they make it such a huge gap for a fraud? They were definitely faking it, but they just can’t hide the numbers anymore. I don’t think they’re even trying at this point.

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This dude must have some pretty weird kinks.

We elected a nigger, but Brazil is mostly nigger/mongrel.

>he gives you this look
What do?

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Quero ir aí em Janeiro torar umas costariquenhas . Elas são gostosas? Posta fotos.

They are trying but can't hide it. They are, probably, considering the worst case scenario for bolsonaro.

How do people fraud Bolsa Senpaiília?

I actually have it.
>no job for months, decide to get into concursos
>they are fucking expensive
>find out I don't pay for the fee if I have Cadastro Único
>go for it. Since I have no registered job and I live in a República, they give me a NIS
>say "nah, I don't need bolsa senpaiília, I'm getting by." ask for the interviewer to put in the form that I don't want it (I would automatically get it because I had no job)
>few months pass, receive a card from the government, they were giving me bolsa senpaiília, 101 bucks per month
>read online that if I just didn't take it, they were going to cancel it. So it let it go, didn't withdraw the benefit
>start receiving letters from the government basically saying "Take the fucking money", so I start taking it

What do frens

Unsuccessfully ruin his chances by false flagging as a neonazi. :^)

This 58% can easily fall to 49% in the next 18 days.
They just need to keep creating fake scandals (like the swastika thing) to justify the poll fraud.

funny thing thou we probably won't have a nigger/mongrel presidnet for the next 20 years

>What do frens
Don't take the fucking money if you don't want it. What are they going to do?

Kill commies ofc

Who's they? Retard, Bolsonaro is Jew-approvaed


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>out of nowhere

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Don't you need to have kids in order to get money?

Tell them you'll vote for Bolsonaro.

>What do frens
buy bitcoin

Attached: 01.jpg (720x900, 87K)

Too much temptation. By the time they sent me the letter, I had more than 300 reais accumulated to withdraw.

So how many fake incidents swastikas we'll see till the end of the month? We've gotten two just today. I recall Trump getting a fuckton too.

finger-guns him back

Chamo ele pro debate e ele corre

It really can’t. They were already saying Bolsonaro was at his limit and couldn’t grow much anymore. They could easily just add minimal votes and call it a day. You guys keep insisting on this fraud rhetoric, but it’s just not happening. Everyone will know something is insanely off if Haddad somehow wins at this point.

With kids you get extra.

Funny thing is, it's much more troublesome to cancel it than to just take it, since I have to go to CRAS in the middle of fucking nowhere, wait at a line, talk and explain...

Not by the globalists, which are attacking him all the time, even getting oliver to make a video about it

I ask "What's this? What's this? What's this here?"

Le 47% face.

Attached: firefox_2018-10-10_17-59-16.png (628x185, 19K)

>They just need to keep creating fake scandals (like the swastika thing) to justify the poll fraud.
They're probably going to try and play this. Problem (for them) is that for every fraud that gets unmasked the blowback will probably be even larger. Hell, the girl with the swastika in her belly already had her claims doubted by the investigators, lel.

>Too much temptation.
>takes "free" money he knows he doesn't need because it's "lel soo much!"
I hope you understand you're part of the problem.

B-But Alckmin is our Jeb already. We can’t have two Jebs.

Wait what? I closed Jow Forums after seeing the 54x46% poll but now it's 58x42%?
Is the fake news miasma this strong?

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LOL just wait for Mourão's Race Whittening Program

Just so you know it's much less than 47%, as there's no " race tribunal" to decide what you are.
I think the term in English is self-appointed race.
Pardos often call themselves white.

Also “death threats”. It doesn’t matter either way, 58% of people are voting on him, it’s just retarded to pretend his voters fill some stupid niche.

ever heard of different polls dude?

In 2014 it was Aécio 51x49% in the first Datafolha second round poll, he never had a relevant advantage.

Datafoice - 58x42
Some VEJA shit - 54x46

The 54% poll is from a literal who leftist institute. 58% is by datafoice.

they didn't agree on what to say beforehand

I guess ibope is more full of shit and datafolha gave up trying to pretend he's doing bad so they can try to rile up their base to vote bonoro

>Who's they?

The leftist establishment?
Just like... 95% of the mainstream media?
Don't you see datafolha, IBDGE, etc clearly lying all the time and just a few days before the election they boost the numbers close to reality?

Don't you see TSE and Globo quickly labelling all the malfunctioning voting machines as "fake news" IN THE SAME DAY of the elections when you don't even have time to properly investigate all claims?

Even the cuck general Villas Boas is at their side.

Watch this video:

there were 3 polls today, datafolha is the one with 58x42

So...the pot calling the kettle black? Got it.

Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.

I see your villa-lobos and I raise you my Gomes

Datafolha is insanely anti-Bolsonaro. If they say it’s 58x42%, it’s either that or even better for Bolsonaro.

Exactly, I also realize the US can't be saved.

Embryo selection

>failing to be based despite trying

What has happened to this world, lads?

Always gets me lmao

The voting machine shit was insanely blown out of proportion.

Yep, I do.

The worst part is, you get to receive this money for 2 whole years, because then you have to renew your register

>Ethnic cleansing and Embryo selection


Attached: JEB-Amoedo.jpg (800x574, 536K)

It's even worse, you fucktard.

I'm all for trashtalking on Brazilians, but you have to at least make sense and be funny and instead, you just embarass yourself.
Go away, now.

So, you're just a shitty nihilist, huh...


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>stealing R$2400 from people who might actually need it

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I'm sure this motherfucker will go to the second round in 2022

I'd like to know why people even do this.
Really, what's the fucking point?
What is this user trying to achieve with this?

t. Pardão

>É pecado jurar?

Glória a Deus, senhores.

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Doubt it, especially given the way he’s behaving now. He’ll probably become some Marina and people will forget he even exists every 4 years.

Hey huebros. Will the mighty Brazilian Empire ever invade Venezuela? You could ally with Colombia

Please anons, show this american that ele não trap. I guess he'd enjoy it and find it somehow soothing.

>her voice

this is gold. are they saying the same thing really? "Arrasta a mão no cu"

Say, "thank you for doing this and get stabbed by communists in our place".

Hold on, Ramirez.
We will save you and your people.


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>A musica do Naruto no fundo
Meus lados foram pra estratosfera.

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We will not invade but do a peace mission.
We will set you free, arepa.

Sorry, not yet.

missão dada é missão cumprida, capitão


Steal their crude then burn that shitty country

Make nazis in brazil who are thinking about voting on Bolsonaro because they aren't stupid or suicidal give up on their intentions. They tried the same shit with Trump on 2016.

Nani ga koteimasu?
>Nani ga koteimasu?
Nani ga koteimasu?
>Nani ga koteimasu?
Nani ga koteimasu?

I tend to believe he is white because both his parents have italian surnames and italians mixed with the natives far less than the spanish did. So i hope he wins. Especially since his opponent is a sand nigger

This, I'm pardo but I always say I'm white :^)

Get a fucking job!

Give the money to Bolsonaro or the church.