Riddle me this

Jow Forums
>fucking jews run everything
also Jow Forums
>hey lets all shill for conservative zog puppets who will line the pockets of the corporate zog elite with tax cuts and deregulation even tho it will crash the economy and destroy the working man swing the pendulum back in immigrant happy liberals favor, dump billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere destroying the surface of the earth for future generations of white children, and go fight the jew's wars in the middle east yay!!!
then i remember you're all just mostly retarded.
i'm not saying go vote liberal, but we're all fucked no matter who's in office and stop giving the impression neocons are gonna save us

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 6.36.01 PM.png (1098x854, 808K)

Riddle me this, why didn't you go on archives and find the answer instead of trying to influence random American user?

Trump supporters should be demanding a lot more out of him to be honest.

or maybe this site is just a neocon jew psy op, in which case well done

riddle me this, can you go balls to chin?

>Jow Forums is one person

I know you and your mother can, OP

stfu gook, you're CLEARLY not Jow Forums

wow i totally should have voted for Hillary it all makes sense now

Attached: 1539068740915.png (360x594, 250K)

>what is larp?

Without reading past “riddle me this” I’m going to guess:

Some reddit tier logical fallacy that requires you to think Jow Forums is one person

yeah maybe on your 2 inch dick, no wait still impossible you lack balls

OP destroyed

Attached: ultimate burn.gif (480x204, 3.43M)

live action role play

Yea it's like 4çhàñ is ran by like...the blue and trolls

Leave it to lv to not know when a joke is available.

>I know you and your mother can, OP
phew close one

Attached: Xray_of_OPs_Butthurt.jpg (1080x1247, 575K)

My hero :3

>t. >:^|
I can taste your salt protocols through my screen.

fuck off OP

you come on my thread, take the time to find a picture of a man with an x-ray of something lodged in his ass, all just to try to burn me, honestly im flattered


make me

Criticize Jow Forums, 0 critical refutation of my ideas, accuse OP of enjoying butt pleasure, even if i did my ideas still stand you have been destroyed congratz kill urselves

80% of what you said is natsoc and shartblue propaganda.
You're still an assblasted faggot VPNigger.

Your not the first or the last butthurt poster on any chanto get this pic.

Attached: DumbKunt.jpg (1080x1074, 517K)