Why do niggers and other shitskins feel like they relate to this character. It's always niggers

Why do niggers and other shitskins feel like they relate to this character. It's always niggers.

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Same as the "we wuz kangs" mentality. Nigs want to feel powerful because of their inferority complex and history of enslavement by more powerful races.

I mean, ok. Not disagreeing, but what in the fuck are you on about? Has nothing to do with my question.

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Father's either absent or dead.

Nothing special, they just watched it when they were kids, and they generally talk about pop culture more than everyone else it seems.

Niggers don't understand much about relationships between concepts, which is why Jews took analogies out of the SAT.

why did you ever think it was a good idea to come post your crappy gay blogpost here
don't you have a weebo community somewhere ? you had to come here cause youw anted to says niggers this and niggers that ?
fuck off

gohan = black good guys
cell = white colonists

He gets violent when he is sad and over emotional.

Because black people love anime

Because Piccolo is a kid who is usually weak. But, in several cases, has been pushed by villains who harm his lives ones, such as when Krillin was torturing his dad. When pushed, Android No. 9 gets angry and, with a sudden burst of rage-fueled strength, saves the day.

Blacks feel weak. They think, when pushed, they will triumph over their stronger adversary.

>father abandones him constantly
gee i wonder why

we're done here

Because nigs like things with fighting in it. Why do you think EVO is full of niggers and spics? It's either they beat you up or the repress those feelings and beat up anime sprites.

Broly is the only character I care about
The ultimate Ubermensch

Because they think everything revolves around them

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It basically proves that you can relate to a character without having to push their race or skin colour.
Kind of like how I can relate to CJ in GTA SA.

>father is dead for most of his life
>constantly crying
>constantly getting the shit kicked out of him

Like how I relate with apple in Drapple fanfics

They wish they could transform into having blonde hair and light eyes?

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Gohan’s dad wasn’t around, but his dad was a bad motherfucker and everyone knew it. He had to learn the ropes from the local street nigga Piccolo. He had a hidden power that was said to be stronger than his dad’s power and it would come out when he went crazy with emotion. Also since niggers had no dad in real life they were raised by the tv so they grew up watching this shit and loved it because all problems were solved with violence just like in their real lives.

Broly is a literal retard who only wants to kill Goku because his crying annoyed him as a baby.
Cell is the true master race.

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yeah, i can see why they relate.

Black guys were big into the 1970s martial arts movies as well

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It was an impactful moment. Anyways, Goku vs. Cell was better. Gohan vs. Cell is just an over glorified one-sided beatdown.

Good post.

Why do white people feel like they can relate to DBZ? All the characters except Bulma and her family are Asian.

Negroes like Dragonball because they can identify as either Gohan or Goku. So, as a deadbeat father who abandons his family every chance he gets or a kid raised without a dad. This is why Jow Forums watches masterpieces like Satania DropOut while negroes watch shonenshit.

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Vegeta abandoned Bulma after knocking her up and loves fighting and violence.

We only got like 10 animes in latin America that’s why DBZ is so popular.

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Shitty fathers. Gohan had special potential due to his hybrid nature and the coons latch on to this thinking they too have special potential.

Bullshit not in the new movie fag

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They relate to Vegeta if anything. Literally "WE WUZ SAYAN KANGZ!" But really hes just a manlet ape that gets his ass handed to him by a purple manlet.

Why did I think piccolo was black

Dad came back from going away for a long time and taught him how to be strong
>dad gets out of prison and teaches young son how to be gangstah

Because as a teenager he was lazy and still became the most powerful character because 'hidden potential'. Niggers don’t want to work for it and improve. They want everything handed to them.

>Dragon Bol Zeta
Man remember that time Goku and Pikachu joined the AEUG and fought against the Earth Federation's Titans?


It’s because of his close bond with his father

Turks in school called themself saiyans and german super saiyans.

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He made a decent answer to your question, but it's a stupid question in the first place. You probably just had a friend or two in life who was a nig who liked Gohan. I also anecdotally can tell you I had a friend who was white who liked Gohan. In reality DBZ is more of a low-IQ thing more than a nog thing. Kids and stupid adults like it because its easy to understand and has lots of action, and the characters are generic as hell so they allow for self-insertion. It was a fun show growing up and OP is a fag

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Did you guys know niggers can turn super saiyan?


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Super nigger. He steals 50 times more stuff.

stfu whitey

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