I hope the future doesn't happen

She made history this summer as the first black, trans, disabled model to sign with Elite Model Management. And she's just getting started.


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You realize the problem is the jewish media writing articles about shit like this to make it seem like it's normal and happening a lot right? It's called social engineering. The Jews are the problem.

It sure is disabled alright

Wait is it trans-disabled, or "trans, disabled"? Either way, its getting the gas

wow she's fashion embodied. What a brave soul

We grow closer to the end of days for each hour the jew continues to live.

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OMG this is fucking awesome. Please let this take hold so literally everyone will come to hate (((fashion)))

Attached: 698A4DAC-BD5C-4285-A8C6-A5EAE53A77E6.jpg (655x430, 46K)

>gets called Model
>gets zero high profile work
>no designer demand

Who Tf is controlling the media these days,, pushing out a bunch of LITERAL bus Dribblers

holy fucking shit my sides

The fashion industry is like the art world, nobody fucking cares. Designers come up with ridiculous edgy designs and hold shows which are mostly attended by other designers. In the end, 99% of people just wear regular looking clothes and nothing that happens in the world of high fashion matters to anyone. This tranny degenerate is going to walk (or roll, I guess) around in some ridiculous looking jellyfish hat, a bunch of degenerate journalists are going to write articles about how progressive it is to be living in this age, and tomorrow I'm going to wake up and put on a T-shirt I picked up off the floor.

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Victoria's Secret eternally BTFO

>doesn't even have hairy legs
You fucking bigot

They wrote disabled twice.

I'm more confused than before.

You can’t make this shit up

Beat me to it.

quality post is quality

Have you seen the Red Ice joke bumper showing a Vice writer throwing suction cup ended dildoes at the wall to compose a headline?

>calling it a she

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Okay, that does it.

Gas the kikes!
Race War NOW!

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Amen. The future of fashion has final arrived.

Fortunately, I'm not fashionable and won't be affected.

Don't take me to tomorrow

Don't take me to the future land



Whats funny is that original pic was drawn in I wanna say like 2012/2013 to be like the height of hyperbole, and here we are its reality. This is our world.

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meme it as the god of clownworld