Are NPCs real?

How else can you explain leftists total lack of understanding of self-evident philosophical concepts like free-will and individual liberty?

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Sheeple existed even before all of this.

Attached: Notch is not an NPC.jpg (626x88, 13K)


Who the fuck would willingly work at a highway exist fast food place?

Herd or Mob Mentality has been a thing.
Which is probably where the term sheeple comes from


Because they're not evident. They're cultural axioms, and you Faustian jews need to get it through your calloused crippled dickheads that you are not the only game in town.

I mean, it's not hard. We are literally hard-wired to favor group cohesion (believing what the group believes) over objective reality.

Think of it in an evolutionary context. Two groups on the savannah.

In group 1, the charismatic leader says "We are fighting for the divine tree. The divine tree spirit must be protected, and we are her children. Now fight for her!"

Group one bonds together and fights their hearts out for the mother-tree. People sacrifice their lives so that the mother-tree is protected. Group 1 prospers and passes on their genes.

Group 2 is filled with objective reasoners. Here, a guy says "We are fighting for the god-rock. Help me protect the holy mineral!" Everybody just rolls their eyes. "Psh, whatever dude. I'm not fighting for a stupid rock."

Group 2 is eventually overrun and its members heads are squashed like soggy pumpkins.

I'm being a little funny with the story, but this is pretty much how it would have played out countless millennia ago. When you've got a shared fiction, you are more likely to fight passionately for — even die for — the people that share that fiction.

Even today, some conformist, materialistic normie NPC has a perfectly good chance of pumping out some kids, thus achieving success from an evolutionary standpoint, if not from a philosophical POV.

Group cohesion is absolutely one of the most useful and valuable traits for genetic fitness. Understanding this explains why NPC behavior is so prevalent.

Ok. But red really is just a wavelength

NPCs are philosophical zombies. They have a consciousness, but it is not their own consciousness: it is the consciousness of the Party, which is collective and immortal. They do not think for themselves, they think what the Party tells them to think.
>what is the Party
The word 'party' comes from Latin 'partita', which means 'a part'. A part of what? A part of a whole. The whole is the Party. The Party is an abstraction, yet it is alive. Its consciousness extends through the NPCs and also through the entirety of what is called 'the state'. The Party is the governing consciousness of the State. There are, of course, many states and hence many parties. The goal of the 20th century was the merging of these disparate parties into one superconsciousness called the New World Order.
The NPC is the flesh-and-blood expression of the Party. It has no will, but the will of the party. It has no thoughts, but the thoughts of the party.
We, who have consciousness, are necessarily at odds with the Party. We are an enemy. We are a party to ourselves.
It is necessary, then, that the NPC should ridicule us or shame us for our sensible beliefs. The Party wants to destroy us and fill us with itself. To become an NPC.