Witcher casts Ciri

I call this a fucking victory, lads.

Neflix got scared of the backlash after they tried to cast a negress as Ciri.


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Better pic

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Casting a Bong for the lead is an insult to every Slav.

the fuck she's too brown and more than that even she looks way too immature


are they casting average looking women on purpose?
they show is probably created by women
No wonder they casted henry cavil for geralt

Shieeet! Das right, white boi. U clearly won

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Not at all

t. Slav

She is kinda brown-ish, but we gotta take our victories where we can

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She looks fucking disgusting. What's going on in Ingurland?

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Hello mein gypsie friend

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I think she's cute

>they show is probably created by women

Wadday think?

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What I don't understand is why all the actors aren't jews.

I guess Nilfgaardians being called the "Black Ones" is now literal.


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The fuck do you want a Witcher TV show for anyway?

It's pretty much guaranteed to be shit. Just like every other movie based on a game ever.

>a country that is full of niggers mocks me for a ghetto of gypsies that most countries have

>cast handsome chad as male
>cast mutts as female
really makes me think

Eyes are too far apart and beady. Face not aesthetic like the original woman.

Not good enough.

Just hoping BBC picks it up and Moffitt directs.

better than A FUCKING NIGGER no?

Wtf ruined

Why are they allowed to do anything?

Nose looks like a tumor, eyes are mongoloid like and to far apart, other then that she's almost cute

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Oh my, looks like another great ride on the diversity train.

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They'll make enough background characters non-white to still piss people off while most people won't think about the background characters

>that post

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its going to be a shit show like everything made from USA

Better than a nigger but she looks weird. There are plenty of women that look like the original character with the right eye spacing, eye shape, and facial structure.

Slavs know the difference between mongol slavs and teutonic slavs in a range of characteristics, including temperament and intelligence. Any slav would prefer teutonic representation.

Was hoping for Pole tears

anybody got the image of them in front of a firing squad?

God damn it

The main cast... I bet you are right about the background chars

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It'll still be shit but at least they didn't make Ciri a nonwhite. Thank you white Jesus.

>only 3 dudes
> the rest are women or niggers

this show is already ruined. Wanna bet 'racism' and the 'holocaust' will become the central themes of the series?

Maybe her acting talent will make up for it:

wait, who's triss?

>a country that is full of niggers mocks me for a ghetto of gypsies that most countries have
No. It's only your country & romania that have a gypsie problem

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Full cast.

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Can you imagine being one of the guys in that room. I’d wanna blow my brains out

She looks yummy.

>poo in it
pic related is actually her

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i ginstly doubt they were going to do it some one who works at netflix said it and the higher ups were like you dont actually have creative control over the project but they kept that quiet

honestly given everything thats been happening i doubt any one really gave a shit who they cast . either you went full on lindsey graham and were in tears that a man might be punished for molesting a little girl or you were in full on "just" mode because trump thought this was ok

be honest Jow Forums if you were asked monday of last week would you have even thought about it?

Not cast yet. Remember she appears later in the books.

Looks like a boy


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I always hated Fringilla. They were all insufferable, but her and Phillipa were just unbearable.

You understand how percentages work, right? How 7.2% of 10 million is less 2% of a 100 million?

Stupid fucking nigger I swear

Nice! I'm not seething with rage. Thank you for this.

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That Calanthe looks a little young.


Those seem like decent castings for the most part.

You don't even make sense faggot as you try to construe something out of your belief system.

range rover evoque was the better cast for Ciri

This post is ginstly unnecessarily rude.

Actually I spent 2 weeks in Romania last summer. They kicked out all the Gypsies. I really wanted to fight one for fun but they packed them all on buses and shipped them off to France. Romania was surprisingly white desu.
(My background is German so no bias on that part)


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The gypos left on their own. The same happened here after we joined the EU.

Are you a gypsy?

I guess it could be worse.

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Disgusting. Is so hard to find a beautiful woman who knows acting to play Yennefer?

Are you a leaf?

How the fuck is Henry Cavill even real

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>That would appeal to patriarchal stereotypes of beauty, user! She has to be below average to be "credible"!

They'll look more like the actual characters with a little movie magic applied, aka lots of makeup and prosthetics.

Not sure why there's a negress at all.

Well, it's kind of hard to have eyes that convey 94 years of experience without being 94 years old. And that definitely wouldn't work.

She is fucking ugly compared to the model used on the game.

Beta women fantasizing about chad chassing them

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Way too young too immature.

Couldn't they hire Eva Green?

This one is terrible though. Same with Fringilla. The rest are fine. I'm worried about Triss and Dandelion now. One of them has probably been blacked.

>I call this a fucking victory
Until the episode of Ciri getting blacked comes out at least.

Ciri was really young in the books, it fits

Too sexist

I mean it's better than what I thought, but these are terrible casting choices. Especially Yennefer

While im glad they didn't ENRICH this cast, henry is kind of young to play geralt. Young and fucking jacked. Geralt is muscular but not bulked up like that.

yeah that's clearly what was being talked about and not the fact that she looks childlike next to an adult yen regardless of the eyes

Yen is still supposed to look stern and motherly. This chick is way too innocent looking.

Stupid. Yennefer was one of the best looking chicks in the game , and they gave her role to a beta female.

Agreed. They can make him fit in with makeup.

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what the fuck do you know

Anime VAs usually look like fucking inbred goblins or old prunes
It's all about the voice

Roach is not a horse in the game ???

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They cast the nigger as the fucking horse?
Why not just get an actual horse

Thank you, kind gentleman

Roach is indeed the name of Geralt's horse.
All of his horses are named Roach, in fact.

He should have been the next Bond instead of doing this garbage.

I was being sarcastic you absolute dumbass.

He's the only attractive person in the show.

I know . I wasnt calling you stupid.

Her name in Sanskrit literally means; other, apart, outsider not of the whole.

Fuckin hell we already have indian film industry and I enjoy the better films from it, please dont do crossovers.

Holy fucc I want to smash her punanii so fugging hard. She's just BEGGING to be colonised. Give her some spicy jizz curry If you catch my drift

(((They))) definitely back peddled.

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Yeah but she was also a stupid cunt, so i don't care about her being black

He can do multiple projects

Sorry, all good.

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