What do Jews stand to gain by encouraging white people to mix with other races?

What do Jews stand to gain by encouraging white people to mix with other races?

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It's not hard to figure out. Rub your two lefty braincells together.

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I'd breed that thing until I dehydrated myself like a prune

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>What do Jews stand to gain

Because MGTOW doesn't work

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Admitting refugees /= race-mixing. At least not on its own.


>What do Jews stand to gain by encouraging white people to mix with other races?

lower i.q`s in mixed raced people. whites wouldnt challenge them anymore as they would all be to dumb.

(((they))) just want to see us happy.

And they know the stupider among us will do the opposite of what they ask.

>white people

Only white women. Jews do not encourage white men to mix with other races.

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She's a fucking coalburning whore

Yeah and what fucking happens when they don't go back to their native countries like they never do genius?

The extermination of the only race that poses a genuine threat to them.

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Who is she? Are there more photos of her?


So """"Whites""" have no excuse for their shitty ideologies or actions.
Muh ancestors is not an argument. You can't go THEY WUZ SLAVES AND SHIET when you're ???% Black
The Negative aspects off all cultures culminate when they're not allowed to be scrutinized which will only lead to deeper into degenerate and self destructive behavior.
It's funny because if everyone's brown you'll be able to notice that the only """white""" race left are Jews that can switch from High and Mighty chosen people to Horribly oppressed Menoraty because there's a religion AND an ethnicity based around Judaism.
Also alot of the time muh aesthetic is retarded because it's not like you can control if your babies look like fucking pugs or chiseled god beings. It's only on genetics and sometimes average phenotypes clash and end up not being very recognizable from the 2 + races that they're mixed with.

I’m not for their admission but that still doesn’t equal racemixing.

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>Uhhh excuse me but smoking doesn't cause cancer lol it's actually cells multiplying rapidly and uncontrollably that causes cancer mmk
Shut the fuck up you insufferable fuckwit.

lowered IQs

lol goddamn it

I didn’t say that meant they wouldn’t reproduce amongst themselves. I said it didn’t necessarily mean they would racemix. Are you thick?

No faggot... that's not even close.

We are literally the only barrier preventing them from enslaving the world. This is why they were planning on having us go to war with Russia and wipe most of us out and let the Muslims in Europe take out the rest.

They believe that they are destined to enslave the lesser races and rule from Greater Israel.
Of course that won't happen now, because they'll all be dead, and we can prove that their so called prophesy is just kike hubris.

Less Whit..... Wait, fuck off shill

even a black ass can't make an asian attractive desu

Each jew is taught to act like the messiah might be them. But inside the hive they cannot see that being messiah-like is to flip the table on jew scribe and money power, to the point of possible crucifixion.


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They want to breed a race of lower intelligence subhuman monkeys that they can enslave

White men are strong and smart enough to pose a threat. They must breed us out.

a consumerist underclass that will single handedly support their luxurious lifestyles

Jewish women love brown cock.

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and this is what happens when you have lower IQ

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Destruction of western civilization.

wow that's deep

They hate Muslims, and Muslims hate them, so if they can get the Muslims to destroy the whites who killed them in the Holocaust then they can later go kill the Muslims in Europe and take over outright?

Isolate jews on their holy land and you get... Oh wait, they're never isolated because their women want to get goyed porque si es goyim, tiene que ser bueno.

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Creating their future servants


They are jealous of whites and Christianity and want them wiped out

YESSSSS, I love big booty sea monkey women.
literally there is no argument against this except
>but look at how ugly some of these cherry picked asian women are that are surgical patients and their before and afters see see SEEEE!??!?
which of course, isnt even an argument anyway.

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but asians have a higher IQ and are more civilized and less degenerate and retarded than us...

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We have to breed out the jews by taking their women as our wives and convincing them that natural cock is better than a mutilated pink dick. No circumcision means no jews.

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even the Talmud speaks of a world like this. They want assimilation so they can control us easier. The Talmud already speaks of the goyim as a "slave race". They want to take it even further.

It will be a slave race that is disconnected from their past, culture, and heritage.

It will be the Jew and a amalgamated slave race. This is what they believe, straight from the Talmud. Scary stuff. people need to wake up

Why do you think (((they))) fear the samurai so much?

This should have been first post

Destruction of the greatest civilization builders of all time. Diversity is the cancerous gateway

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They need whites to bring degeneracy to the east and posion asian women with bullshit white knight beta cuck feminism.
White men will destroy Asia.
Have you ever seen these white boys on twitch who are living/steaming in japan/korea/china they are bring western nigger culture and white knight beta cuckery with them and ruining the place.

there are more white people with over 140 iq then there are jews of any IQ in the whole world.

This 2bqh phamalam.
jewish women were made for beaner dick, prove me wrong

Nothing because no such thing exists, is all Jow Forumscuck fantasies

They're God's chosen for beaner dicking alright.

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This have memetic potential.
Just imagine the propaganda.

> Goyed.com.
> 10 things that your orthodox father not wanted you to know.
> Gentiles are actully better lovers
> 18 is the magic numbers of goys that should have sex with before settling down
> Learn the brave story of an orthodox jewish mother and her struggle to mother her gentile child like a christian against the will of her jewish stepfather
> 10 reasons why mothering the child of an european and rasing it as a christian is better for the state of Israel

Could you imagine?
Creating dozens of shitty low quality low budget news sites like vice and spamming this shit 24x7?
Jews would go full samson option in no time.

substitute european with mexican/latam and you got a deal

I can imagine it, and it's absolutely beautiful.

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Damn right... Disown me i wouldnt care

The town I grew up in, only person woman was rumored to have a relationship with a non white. 30 years later she is a cat lady. Burn the coal, pay the toll. No one fucking wants you if you fuck outside your race, it is guttural instinct to shun those who do. Jews are testing whites. True whites would never race mix. Those who do are not white in spirit, and should not breed with true whites.

Dont be a dumbass.. How is this coalburning you inbred cuck

dick those jewesses, intrepid beaners. dick them deep


it's what they do in Israel where the top caste are all racially white ashkenazi while all the bad jobs and low rungs of society are sephardi, Mizrahi jews etc. With the arabs being effectively a population of (unruly) slave labor.

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i would happily devote time and resources to make this a reality

This. If we weren't so noble and caring, we'd exterminate the Jews for real this time. They are a parasitic plague that has an uncanny ability to destroy what the white man creates.

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It's already happening

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If you want the big guns on the "diversity question" go here:


The compilation of more than 50 studies and articles about the results of forced diversity.

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I want to see a porn where a jewish girl is surprised and happy about seeing a normal brown penis with its foreskin intact.

Wouldn't the last one be 89 IQ if the implication is that the two forces are balancing out?

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(okey not exactly more than 50, but still a lot)

all that ass and only a 4/10 face

Thx fren. I'm in the process of going through all those and breaking them down into memes for normie consumption. Some of those studies are producing absolute gold. I'll keep dumping these

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edited out the US, fixed a typo and wrote the synagogues instead of "g-d"

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Yea it was my starting point for all these. Great Introductory list

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Another 6 gorillion bite the goy cock, hell yeah. That wasn't a warning. That's great news.

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help me out, I actually can't find pro-racemixing articles kek

We better send the news to Israel. Give us your women.

Obvious delusional cuck lying cuck is obvious

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Dissolution of identity, and a replacement of consumerism, which ultimately reduces collective action by a factor. The basic strategy is the only absolute identity which exists is Jewish collectivism. They want the whole world to worship the third temple.

It's a good thing poo in the loos have a strong memetic culture which has withstood both the muslim and anglo invasion. The techno-jew invasion will be difficult as the memes are mainlined into each individuals brain and there are feedback loops (google/netflix's recommender algorithms) which are being trained to alter brain contents, but the vedic memes are strong.

They want a caramel-colored mass of human livestock with no identity other than the type of shoes they buy.

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An obedient race of mutts that are too dumb to rise up against them, but just smart enough to work and provde for them.

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There wasn't much to edit on this one and I failed to find a woman with a star of david necklace together with a man that could pass for mexican to change the background

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just post hot asians you fags

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>implying he’s wrong

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a class of people entirely loyal to government

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basically they rule over retarded brown people forever because they're too stupid to resist

Damn, look at the brapper on that gookfu

By losing your allegiance to the race. Commies wanted to erase all social and racial borders replacing them by the sole and only costruct a person should belong to - the party. So you're not asian, or christian, or a husband, but just a member of the party. Spooky shit man

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Certainly, that doesn't appear to happen in this instance. It's almost like not all races are the same.

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That guy looks like a fucking Mass Effect NPC

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