Go Vegan

Dear /pol, - isnt it about time you took the Veg Pill?

A plant-based diet reduces many chronic diseases, including:
> Obesity
> Diabetes
> Heart disease
> Alzheimers
> Certain cancers

Not to mention, it's better for the environment AND the welfare of animals.

So what's holding you back? Go vegan today!

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bump for justice

Meat is tasty

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no, that’s just the seasoning you put on it.

High-Five fellow vegan

humans are built to eat meat and nothing will happen if you turn vegan you will have no effect you are just retard


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Vegan is definitely better. The ethnostate will be vegan. Apart from many other reasons it's also self-improvement.

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Fuck you faggy niggers I eat as much meat as I want like a man
Saged for s.o.y

>not eating meat

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Hey, I agree, more people should go vegan, but not just vegan, STRAIGHT EDGE. That way if there's ever a global war, I can have vegetable fed human thigh meat, with no strange drugs. I bet you taste much better.

Yes yes plants blaa blaa.

Humans are omnivores. There is a reason why meat tastes delicious. It is natures way to tell that "this is good for you".

>inb someone who claims poisonous plants taste and smell good too

Not meat.

This thread stays up yet our employment thread gets deleted. Fuck me the jannie must have gotten some sand on his dialator this morning.

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>Humans are omnivores
Being omnivorous doesn't mean every food source you can eat is equally well suited to everything you can eat or that it's all equally healthy for you. You can be omnivorous and still have an ideal diet that only includes either plant or animal foods and not necessarily both.
>if it tastes good, it's good for me
Can't argue with that. Gonna go get a bowl of ice cream.

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Vegans are pure evil. They worship animals over people.

>meat eaters are evil
>they place sensory pleasure above all

Hey everyone check out the Green Tyranny series that Fox News did a while back. It reveals the real people behind veganism.

>Humans are rapists
>There is a reason rape feels good it is natures way to tell that "this is good for you"

Fuck off. Humans are omnivorous.

When scientists develop artificial meat so good I can't tell the difference then I'll stop eating animals. But not a day before.

>humans are built to eat meat
>has no natural weapons, needs fire to make make safe, can't bite or open animals without tools


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>he doesn't eat raw meat
lmao fucking pussy

Stop being a pussy and eat some meat faggots


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I ate your mom's raw meat.
Other than that I'm a proud vegan.

Enjoy your parasites.

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>degenerate meat eaters fear the nasim

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Fasting and carnivore diet is the obvious conclusion of our evolutionary process, hint; the forward facing eyes give it away. I have been doing 3-7 day fasts and only eating meat/eggs/dairy the last 3 months and feel like a fucking god, many minor health issues have simply vanished, ama.

>better for the environment
no it is not you (next to) upside down liberal shill buffoon

na vegan is not the solution. grass/ tree crop fed meat is the way to go.

Daily reminder that Maddox was right.


Good luck supplying that incredible meat demand on grass fed hipster bullshit. Meanwhile in reality factory farms are polluting the fuck out of the world and giving animals a life of hell.

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What's your concept of ''healthy food''?

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All these benefits listed can be obtained through fasting

ITT: betsy who will never understand that white mans power comes from being the race with the heaviest meat diet.

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>better for the environment
no it is not you (next to) upside down liberal shill buffoon

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>not eating meat
>still eating copious amounts of sugar and carbs

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Clone that shit and shut the fuck up.

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its called silvopasture... do some fucking research user.

>ITT: betsy who will never understand that white mans power comes from being the race with the heaviest meat diet.
ITT: eskimos are white

Mainly whole, plant-based foods, which help prevent long-term degenerative diseases. Omnivorous adaptions are great for short-term survival but if you're not at risk of starvation and are concerned with long-term survival, you shouldn't eat indiscriminately everything that's edible and tastes good.

Veganism doesnt have good health effects at all.

My sister insists on being a vegetarian even though her physical health is degrading, both in appearance, internal function and mind. I eat meat every day and i am healthy. A little thick, but prrtty healthy.

Imagine thinking posting a male to female transgender with a photoshopped hammer and sickle on a cake is an argument.

only npcs are vegan

>fish is considered meat
Yeah that's why ur allowed to eat it during fasts retard...

Eating a plant based diet not only prevents but reverses heart disease. #1 killer in this disgusting obese meat eating country.

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Imagine going against the very genetic code that defines your biology and thinking it's healthy.

Meat is tasteless at best and disgusting at worst.
You need seasoning made from vegetables or salt to make it taste decent.

fuck off. npcs are burger-eaters

I don't want to drink onions and I love meat
But I don't trust farmed meat full of hormones, am against the actual holocausts that are meat farms, and I dont want to support (((Big Meat)))
How about I hunt for my own instead because its less cruel than getting mauled by a bear or killed by jewish oompa loompas

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>genetic code
>humans ate plant food for 90% of evolution

Your body size and intestines suggest you are a fruit eater not a meat eater.

>imagine being an NPC that hasn't masturbated to enough tranny porn that you can't tell the difference between a mtf and ftm

well I couldn't find the other pic of the skinny mutant with fat jowls at the market so that will have to suffice

>Go Vegan

You mean vegetarian.

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Carnivore 6 months. Lost 50 lbs, blood pressure now normal, cholesterol numbers in Range, testosterone up. Fuck off shill

Enjoy ass cancer.

also this. retard

Fuck off.

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>Hey, I agree, more people should go vegan, but not just vegan, STRAIGHT EDGE.
Organic and permacultured.

>hurr durr meet is deginerit xD
Tell me again how humans evolved sentience?

>There is a reason why meat tastes delicious.
Yes, vegetables and salt used in seasoning.

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Vegans look pretty good when you do cross-diet comparisons

>I knew a vegan once and they were unhealthy
Cherrypicked anecdotes don't represent reality. What's happening is you're taking all the emaciated SJW cuck and assuming that they're all vegan even though the majority of libfags eat meat, and ignoring or just can't detect the many vegans who look normal, and ignoring the many meat eaters that look horrible and are riddled with all kinds of health problems.

>Muh factory farming
Nobody defends that shit, and you're about 10 years behind agricultural trends as people are shifting away from it. Are you fuckers stuck in a time warp to 2005?

has the kiwi flag been the latest vpn for the shills or have their posts always been this crap?

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animals eat plants, we eat animals...how is meat not plant-based food?

By discovering and harnessing fire to cook carb rich foods like potatoes. Maybe psychedelic mushrooms.

why don't you just eat bugs faggot


>They worship animals over people.
Yes. And?

You made me hungry.

>nobody defends it
>everyone relies on it to eat meat

There's a reason grass fed beef is more expensive. Animals eating grass reach slaughter weight slower and cost more money to raise. So you pump them full of nasty cocktails, corn, onions, vitamins, steroids, all kinds of shit and call it natural. Disgusting.

How many animals are killed with the pesticides they spray on your prescious plants? Monsanto is literally genociding the bees, many zoos are no longer giving fruit to the monkeys due to obestisy from GMOs. Aquire knowledge and don't be such a shill

>carb rich foods

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Because plants don't have hearts, brains, babies.

Why is this in Jow Forums and not in Jow Forums?

Eat organic faggot, not to mention where do you think most of that genetically modified/sprayed corn and onions go to? Cows.

>not going based keto
I literally cant eat sugar or carbs without being disgusted
have to cheat once in awhile though.

>Grass feed beef can't be subsidized like corn and basedbeans