Are humans fucking up the climate or what?

Are humans fucking up the climate or what?

Attached: ct-climate-change-report-20171030.jpg (2048x1365, 207K)

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And if so why aren't conservatives and liberals joining together to sterilize Africans to prevent them from polluting the world even more than it's already polluted?

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nah lol it's all good just a bit of smoke

probably, but the Earth can maintain homeostasis in events like this.

There is no such thing as the Earth spiralling out of control.

What part of 1000 years of peace and prosperity did you not understand?

Attached: Glaurung.jpg (1044x535, 103K)

10 years. Yep, in 10 years. Always in 10 years.

Attached: 2018-10-09_12-16-19.png (1215x828, 365K)

>Are humans fucking up the climate or what?
No. It's the chinks and poos

Steam you fucking moron....those are cooling towers!

Humans aren't

Americans, Chinese, and Indians are.

Nah. We dont help obviously. It's one of those things that is bound to happen. Lots of good years human had. Of course it'll end.

The liberals are dumb as fuck and don't understand that pic related is water steam from cooling towers, which is 110% environmentally-friendly. Drives me crazy every time.
my man

those are cooling towers know absolutely nothing about "humans fucking up the climate".....

It’s impossible we aren’t affecting it, but when we can’t even predict tomorrow’s hurricane’s trajectory (ie. tomorrow’s *weather*), how the fact can we honestly believe we can predict climate?

Personally, I think it's going to happen very slowly. But don’t believe me, none of know shit.

Global cooling OMFG! They're sending too much cooling in to the air
>Climate change
>Global warming
>Global cooling
>We have 5 years to fix this
>We have 12 years to get it right, we really mean it this time

Just wish it would all end, unironically, it's all so tiresome. The kind of tired sleep won't fix.

Impossible to say for sure. But it's likely, although to what degree is very uncertain.

yes, and it could already be too late

>humans thinking we're important enough to kill a planet
>not realizing we will only deplete resources enough to kill ourselves off and the earth will thrive luciously without us

I'm 75 yo
I remember pic related headlines for the 1970s

Attached: the coming ice age.png (806x673, 62K)

United States and EU are the biggest CO2 emitters on the planet. Using your logic, it is acceptable to sterilize all Westerners.

In the 90's they were predicting all the coastal cities would be under 10 feet of water by 2000, Futurerama and the Simpsons even made fun of it in a few times. If you are gen x you should be skeptical of this nonsense by now.

Any solution to human caused climate change that doesn't involve a sudden and drastic reduction of the human population is a scam. because mining a sizable fraction to the earths crust to make solar panels and 2 billion $30,000 electric cars is deferentially not environmentally friendly or carbon neutral.

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>U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked

>Jun. 30, 1989

>UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.
>He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.

You Republicans are going to be the end of our great country as we know it. Whether or not you believe in climate change or not, why can't you commit yourselves to assuming it's true and work towards a more environmentally friendly way of living? There are literally no downsides to climate change science, you just have to make everything bipartisan for the sake of bipartisan.

>why can't you commit yourselves to assuming it's true
Not a republican, but I think you just answered your own question. Anything else you'd like to ask, skippy?

>There are literally no downsides to climate change science
Trillions of dollars of carbon taxes?

it's a solar cycle. mars is going through the same effects as our "man made climate change", thing is there isn't 7 billion+ humans on mars.

this is all a distraction from what should be our main environmental concern, which is the maintaining quality and cleanliness of our potable water reserves. the next great war will be fought over water, the largest deposit is in north america which is why foreign interests are softening us up with a civil war and eventual invasion shortly after because they know they're going to need that water 50 years down the line.

How is that a "downside" when you aren't alive to complain about it? Come on dude, what do you value your life at?

Ur gunna die from the coming global cooling.

>United States and EU are the biggest CO2 emitters on the planet. Using your logic, it is acceptable to sterilize all Westerners.

Nope, that would be china, india, and africa. They don't have nearly the same emissions regulation (and in most cases none) and and eveyone is burning literal garbage for heat and cooking.

You can't even kill yourself with car exhaust fumes anymore in the US and EU because they burn so clean

you realize that those plumes of "smoke" are actually just water vapor? fucking brainlet NPC

>implying ind*strial society is worth saving

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>I remember pic related headlines
>but I don't remember the phrase "predominantly media based"
go to bed, Grandpa