I still don't get it. How did Trump win Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania...

I still don't get it. How did Trump win Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania? Last time republicans won those states was in the 1980's. Will this happen again in 2020?

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Russian bots

He tapped into rust belt resentment at the globalists who sold their jobs to China and Mexico.

White people from Michigan.

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illegal russian immigrants

More people voted for him than voted for Hillary

his talking about local manufacturing and jobs being taking by other countries is what did it

That's such a stupid pretentious bio holy fuck

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Roger Stone's analysis for the rust belt is pretty spot on for what I saw in Western PA. Trump was speaking their language about jobs, energy, trade, protectionism, getting the country back on track, and all the rest. Similar appeal to Bernie.

Meanwhile Hillary had nothing to offer but mostly the opposite, and so you had a whole bunch of people motivated to have an actually decent Republican candidate for once and a whole bunch of people who just weren't interested in the election after Bernie dropped out or who figured they'd go for Trump.


More white Berniebros ended up voting for Trump here in Michigan than you would think

Clinton lost the working man's vote that Sanders secured.

>be dnc
>fuck over bernie supporters
>the most galvanizes and left leaning wing of your party
>they stay home
>get slaughtered in the electoral college and congressional elections

Bernie filled stadiums, after capitulating to the cunt, he couldn't fill high school gyms.

Same in PA user.
Trump knows these people. He’s worked with their kind all his life.

Im from Michigan, im 33 and I never voted before the 2016 election. The urge to not let Hillary win was too strong. Theres probably more people like me.

In michigan, the poor black districts had staggeringly low turnout compared with 8 years or even 4 before. Some combination of overconfidence, no belief in clinton, no black skin to vote for, and people that thought racism was beat forever when Obama was elected so no reason to ever vote again.

>he couldn't fill high school gyms
lel the local Hillary rally was literally in a school gym. Had that been Bernie instead it for sure would have been at one end of a football stadium or something like that.

>More white Berniebros ended up voting for Trump
I believe that. See the man on the right pulling on the leftists mask? He voted for Obama twice but still voted for Trump.

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>Im from Michigan, im 33
We your born there?

Wisconsin fag here. During 2010 we saw the Democrats plan for Wisconsin. Look at walkers recall election. Walker turned out to be a mild reformist who did a great job. People ended up liking him and nothing was as bad as media and dems said it would be. Fast forward to 2015/2016. Primary Ted Cruz wins, because wisconsin is purple and wanted to play safe. Trump fucks Cruz. Choice in 2016 is trump vs Hillary. Easy one. Trump.

All in all wisconsin has two majaorly corrupt counties. Milwaukee and Dane. To be truthful I’ve only ever seen non republican signs out in those counties. And the democrats literally bus people to vote out there illegally.

Bernie was filling events everywhere right up until he quit.

Kys frozen nigger

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Are you old enough to remember the last time you guys won The Game?

Those states have a lot of industrial areas where the jobs are going away and people were pissed. Don't think just coz they are in North East they are like New England.

Trump said voting dems will get them nothing but 4 more years and he will actually do something about their jobs and infrastructure.

A lot of people were skeptical but on the day of election they eventually said fuck it, let's try something new.

That's why the people who use the popular vote are real assholes. They believe a few extra million illegals in Cali override the will of 3 freaking states who were that desperate. What does that tell you about popular vote supporters?

>vote that Sanders secured.
Sanders didn't secure anything but headlines, a jew can't win in the general

Illinois redboy here, how the fuck do i escape this state

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Because everyone is broke and Trump pandered to that feeling

Deep resentment of the Clintons who outsourced all these people's jobs to Asian slaves.

Because Democrats have been constantly attacking their voter base in the Midwest for decades and Trump was the first to actually stand up for them

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Oh i hate finns so fucking much
Even more than I do trump

>All in all wisconsin has two majaorly corrupt counties.
bro Wisconsin is fucked, that fucking Mengerson got thrown off the bench he changed his name and is still working

Are you still buttmad we got Toledo?

Even Obama had a bigger venue than Hillary back in the day. There were like maybe 5 black people on line for the Hillary rally. Pretty stark difference in excitement.

Lots of young democrats in my family and most their friends lean similarly with politics. Other than ONE female family member with a basket weaving degree and full retard feminism, all of them were huge Bernie supporters. When he was cast aside, some of them reluctantly went with Clinton based on nobody else to vote for.

Only reason they gave was they didn't want trump to win. No vibrant support, or really anything positive to say about her policies and record. Bernie they defended with arguments and made good points. Other than the feminazi going on and on about how important a sex hole being president matters, they did no covers atonal campaigning for clinton.

Well you can go East of the Mississippi, or you can go West of the Mississippi. You can even go North

The dems spent so much time brow-beating whites that they turned the Republican Party into the default party for whites

It's easy. The left used to be about workers rights, unions, and the American worker in general. They abandoned that voter in favor of identity politics. Blue collars got fed up, Trump recognized it, and had a platform he knew would appeal to them.

Fake yoga instructor in Poland luring impressionable young Polish teens into his sex cult

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Democrats used to be for working people and had union support. Now they are only interested in Trannies and hate the working class more than anything in the world.

I assume you mean "Were you born there?" In that case yes.

What’s mengerson?


Yep, same here. Gotta hand it to the old coot for inspiring people into interesting and relevant political conversations, at the least.

i never head about a more hipocritical group as this current left
and the scary part is that they don't seem to understand that

upper peninsula is master peninsula

Call him a jew all you want but Bernie would have been a challenge for Trump, that's why the DNC colluded to have Hillary win the nomination in the primaries.

Michael Moore nails it. He grew up with the people that swung those states for Trump, he knew that Trump would win them. My mom had a similar background and all of her friends growing up were super pro-Trump despite being longtime Democrats


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Just some fat ann arbor liberal
Beyond the bridge is white

can confirm, michigan fags barely bought in because of the shit job Dems have been doing at the state level. As if it would save them somehow

This is fucking insane, look at this...
1 month before midterms, wed night...

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Elitism vs Populism. I wonder what working class people will pick.

Yeah good catch. Sorry already drinking.

I bet our SSN is really similar.

Kinda funny now. I've lived in both states and neither want to associate with toledo. Ohioans acted like it was basically Michigan and Michiganders treat it like the demiliterized zone.

Wisconsin has had good conservative leadership from Scott Walker as governor, so it wasn't hard to get people to flip in this state since he took the multi-billion dollar deficit and turned it into a nice fat surplus, not to mention, he kicked the faggy public sector unions in the nutsack nicely, so all things willing, we'll stay red for some time to come.

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Little Finland will be free from your occupation one day

>Michael Moore
He had to walk that statement back later.

Michigan user here. The good people of this state have been the direct losers of globalism while our ruling class spent the last decades ensuring billions of brown and yellow people in other countries could have a better life so long as the kickbacks kept flowing.

Hillary literally didn't even mention the Midwest and took it for granted that the average working white person had not noticed all of the brown supremacists and left wing faggots screeching about them.

Really? I've been there a couple times to visit a friend, and it just seems like a discount Cleveland with less niggers.

>Being mad you took a mini Detroit from us for the entire glorious upper peninsula

That trade didn't age well for you, huh?


It was a mix of things. Obongo did a hell of a number in removing jobs. "These jobs aren't coming back" and "You can keep your doctor". that left a horrid taste in our mouths. Hillary being sold as a "Successor" to him sealed the deal. I am a skilled labor worker bee, and the 08 crash & subsequent bail out rubbed many of us raw. Our work load suffered for years. Many people in my hall lost 1/3rd or more of their retirement. My mother's small business went belly up. It wasn't much, but was all she had. She is still well, and in a way it was a hobby....But the kicker was from our friendly Amish and other plain people. There is no way in hell any of them were voting for a woman. Period. End of that conversation.

Unions got fucked by the democrats one too many times, and Hillary was the most unlikable kunt they ever ran. She was going to be Obongo 2.0, and lots of us questioned how we would carry on. We are Union, but we vote for our wallets. Democrats gave up on the working class, and represented the non-working, non-binary and everything against what we stand for. Turning your back on organized people is always a poor decision.

Fuck the democrats. I will be voting red this mid-term. They really do want to take our freedom. They want us enslaved. They hate my self-funded insurance program. They hate everything about me. I am independent of the party in office. DJT in 2 years has impressed many of us. More jobs then workers is great for the pay check.

t. PA user

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>Hillary literally didn't even mention the Midwest and took it for granted that the average working white person
Because she grew up in Chicago IMO.


He needs to worry about Florida because basically everyone here who isn't a millionaire hates him now. Every die hard supporter I knew despises him now.

You are

???? What are you on about?

Bill told her to campaign in the mid west & they ignored him

I mean, why would you listen to a 2 term President anyway, what does that stupid old white male know?

A number of reasons.

Underrated, non-meme reasons include:

- Low black male turnout.
- Trump’s emphasis on small-town America. Note how rallies were always advertised as “Nowheresville, MI” not “Detroit area, MI.”
- Heartland racial anxiety. Just as upper England is more concerned with immigration than London-area whites, so we Midwesterners going to 95% white schools are more concerned than Californians. I remember 15 years ago sitting in 9th grade English class in suburban, upper-middle class Ohio, a girl remarked that “we’ll be a minority in /our own/ country” (talking about Hispanic population growth). Today, you couldn’t say that for PC reasons, but that’s how we feel.

>Every die hard supporter I knew despises him now.
What did it?

B-but Clinton was having expensive private events with illustrious thinkers of our time like Chloe 'the fridge' moretz. You know, the kinda thing people living on a shoestring budget do. The kind of thing that inspires... something?


He because of the economy. Despite what that dumb fuck Obomba and the fake news media may have told you the economy was in the gutter the entire time Obomba was in office. By all accounts thing's was justvas bas under him as they was under Bush and he did absolutely nothing to help thing's. Obomba was a failed president that wasn't respected by our enemies and in some cases our allies. And what I find even more astonishing is the fact that he somehow managed to convince all of his braindead supporters that he was the greatest thing to ever happen.

Many former Democrats in these states. Who knows. Maybe that black guy can even win the Senate seat in Michigan over Stabenow.


> These fucking evil white men need to shut up and listen when they're told they should die out


> Sure would be nice if we had more manufacturing jobs

In northwestern pa ur best jobs were manufacturing and oil related...before Obama let a lot of the bigger manufacturers left...a lot were gone by 99 thru the 2000s and hrc never even went to erie instead she sent bill bad move us bitter clingers were sick of the old dem line time to try somthing new

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It's a decent mid sized town, and much less horrible than cleveland. It's just too close to Michigan than other Ohio cities that it gets that stigma. For michigan, it's basically a pit stop on the 75.

Ignore him, hes a concern troll
Florida is always a close race for Dems & Repubs, Obama almost lost it against Romney & Romney was fucking pathetic

What happened is that the left complained so much about Bush that the middle class kind of gave up for a while. There was no point in fighting the Obama era. However the Obama era turned out to be so bad that it woke up the middle class and they got out and voted again in huge numbers. That will not happen again for a very long time. The right will keep winning for at least 20, probably more like 30 years.

Til;dr- the left simply went too far.

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This. Turns out when people come to the table asking for help they don't like being dismissed and accused of being privileged oppressors. Dems really fucked up by jumping with both feet onto the social justice boat.

It's kind of funny how badly the Hillary team miscalculated. Obama canvassed my area like mad early on, correctly targeting his likely base. The Hillary people pretty much ignored the area except for some last minute door tags reminding people to vote.

I guess nobody asked them to go have a look at the yard sign and bumper sticker game to see what a flop she was being.

The left is losing crossover votes each day by galvanizing the independent and republican voters. I don’t see them retaking those states in 2020

Yes the Steelers head coach had a private event at his house near Pittsburgh I think it ranged from 5000 a plate so she had time for that but couldn't come to erie 2 hrs away lazy bitch

When your campaign is " I'm with HER" while middle america was balls deep fucked for the last 2 decades and Trump was the only one talking about it.

Rural retards were fooled into believing Drumpf would bring back their hick jobs. Surprise. He didn't. They're going blue again in the midterms and 2020 and all polls show it.

>inb4some Drumpfcuck says the polls are wrong

They are even more blue than they were before the 2016 election and Drumpf won them by less than a point then. It's over.

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First of all, fuck Ohio. Burn in hell niggers. Second, whites in Michigan are fed up. Remember what they took from you, make Detroit white again. Embrace struggle.

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>polls all show it
Didn't they show Hilary winning too?


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Why does Michigan get that second peninsula attached to Wisconsin?
Why can't it belong to Wisconsin?

I think this will be the shock upset the Dims are not expecting. Logically it is possible.

>whites will vote Republican
>blacks vote race
>black man wins

Wee go hunting there. We don’t want useless land.

Depends. It's as likely as Ohio ousting it's democrat senator.

>whites in Michigan
You don't count yourself do you?

UP should be its own state

yes. People were sick of being told they were "too privileged" while their jobs were being shipped over-seas. Sick of being told when we import 100 trillions of somalias and sand niggers that diversity would be our strength. Once we get rid of all the white people, everyone will be equal and the world will be peachy. Everyone just got sick of hearing how black gang members selling crack and killing each other was white people's fault.

>Surprise. He didn't.
Hipsters like you don't get people like me visiting your gay ass coffee shop. Our jobs have come back in a HUGE way. There are more "hick" jobs in the pipefitting industry then there ever was with king nigger at the helm. There are more jobs then skilled workers, and the pay has become reflective of that.

You don't have to like our hick jobs, but at the end of the day, we don't care about your worthless degree and your college debt.

We have plenty of work to go around. Get your work boots dusted off, we start at 7. Break is at 9:30. Lunch is at noon. Quit belly aching. Its hot, its dirty and sometimes it stinks like hell. But it pays the bills, you don't. BHO fucked us out of work and acted like these jobs were not coming back. They did. Coal is real, and power plants are getting replaced.

State wars.

I always read any post with that flag in a fat troll's voice, it makes every post hilarious.

Now that GE is gone this just validates trump...I rember the news out of erie in 16 and the union heads were standing strong with killary what a joke..that went well for you brain washed ex ge employees