The Jewish attack on God and Logos

The Jewish attack on God and Logos

"In the beginning there was the word and the word was God". The Judeo-Christian God is said to be 'Logos' incarnate, the Greek term which means, basically, reason. God and Christ comes through in our speech and our writing when we use reason as a means of discovering divine love or truth. The Talmud is a reaction to this, a negation of Christ and Logos. This reaction has been progressively growing for centuries, and finally the Jews used the Holocaust as a backdrop to create their global religion of anti-Logos. This new religion says: "give in to your passions, your emotions, satisfy your desires, buy buy buy, party, have sex, you have only a right to pursue pleasure, etc".

In poetry and literature, this ideology has its roots in some of the romantic poets, the Beats, and in music it can be seen in Wagner, Debussy and other modernist composers, jazz, rock music, in philosophers like Nietzsche, who was directly inspired by Wagner, the Frankfurt School, & permeated psychiatry through Freud. The reason we take antidepressants today can be linked to Freud's style of psychoanalysis, as well as Wilhelm Reich, which gave justification to the sexual revolution as an "anti-authoritarian" that you MUST be hedonistic and have lots of sex and pleasure. Very anti-authoritarian indeed.

The American beat movement was comprised essentially of "the White Negro", the proto-hipsters. The beats was comprised of mostly Jews, pedophiles, alcoholics, opioid addicts, with a literal wife-murderer at the helm, William S. Burroughs. Writers from Burroughs to GInsberg to Kerouac to Normal Mailer idolized and worshiped and fetishized the black experience in America as virile, and white life as sterile and boring. They loved free jazz, free verse and experimentation as opposed to rigor, discipline and form.

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One of the main inspirations for the Beats was the poet Rimbaud, who envisioned himself as a seer who had to derange his senses, a complete rejection of reason. Rimbaud said that he spoke in the "nigger" tongue and gave up poetry to set foot in Africa and live with sandniggers until his death. He assigned colors to vowels and wanted to find a way to move beyond words, beyond reason, into pure image and color. This idea was highly inspirational to Burroughs, who thought that once humanity moved beyond the need for language and words, we would all be free. One of Burrough's favorite contemporary sci-fi books was Colin Wilson's 'The Mind Parasites', in which the word, reason, and essentially God, is turned into an alien parasite that is taking over and enslaving humanity.

The biggest figure of modernist art, Jackson Pollock, eschewed the figurative for pure colors and shapeless forms, putting into art what Rimbaud had expressed in his poetry. It's no coincidence that Pollock's method of painting involved him laying the canvas on the floor and arching his spine horizontally into a 90 degree angle, essentially turning man into beast again, walking on all fours.

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This is the world that we live in today, where our thoughts are seen as something evil and we take antidepressants to make our thoughts go away and watch TV until that inner monologue dies and we become NPCs. This inner monologue people want to drown out is God himself, because people want to continue indulging in their hedonistic lifestyle they inherited from the Beats and the sexual revolution. They want to continue living the way they do without shame, and the end result is orgiastic Gay Pride parades in order to bring people's shameful acts into the light, literally, hoping that once their sinful nature is seen by all and shoved down our throats and normalized that they will no longer feel any shame about their hedonism. It is a form of escapism from perceived fascism and authoritarianism, with the biggest fascist and authoritarian of all time being God.

If God is real, or we are to take the Bible as our compass for morality, then we are living in the most Satanic time ever seen by man, the complete and utter triumph of irrationality and Jewishness. If you are a pagan, there's still time to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The silver lining in all of this is that even Arthur Rimbaud turned to God before he died. Maybe reason and Logos is authoritarian, but it's simply natural, universal law. Logos leads to freedom, harmony, health and vitality. Anti-Logos leaves us with drug addicts, enslavement, sterility and unhappiness.

I have great sympathy for all my pagans, and we should not forget their ways and their customs because it's part of our history and part of our world. But the world of the pagans had to give way. Socrates and Plato rejected the poet's ideas of god as a reflection of humanity and envisioned something higher and more divine, more beautiful and perfect, the highest order of all that is good. Sorry, but paganism will not save us. It's time to rally against the Jews and degeneracy under the banner of Christ.

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I need counsel fellow Christian's
I am struggling with the concept of God being a loving, great father when He created us all and set us loose on earth. All the while, there are hyper intelligent soul assassins that are trying to destroy everybody and it's hard to understand the bible and hear Gods voice. What gives?

Forgot to mention that failure, which one has the highest chance of, is certain to lead to hell forever. Pure, unadulterated suffering and pain forever. How is this a loving God?

Bump, c'mon

>What gives?
What can you gain from fooling millions, perhaps billions of people with your schlock? Power, wealth, you name it. That's why they do it. People are too entranced to stop it, save for the few people that browse here and other sites on the web.

Last bump
Help a bro out

I know why the Cabalists do what they do.
I want to know why God as a concept, and the bible, is so difficult to understand. Also, why I should be thankful for all of this?

God is such an abstract concept that only people with the capacity to understand, will understand. Not everyone is capable, intellectually, of comprehending an entity that encompasses every facet of existence.
The bible is hard to understand because it details a chronological series of events spanning ~2000 years. A lot of people think that the Old Testament is still relevant today, which of course it isn't outside of the context of being the precursor to the new testament. Not to mention how much of the bible has been poorly, or even directly mistranslated over the many, many centuries it has been printed.
Feeling thankful, or even grateful, is largely up to your own experiences. I cannot say I am thankful to have what I do in life, nor am I grateful, but I still have said life to attempt to make something great happen, whether it be small or big in scope. Thankfulness in regards to existence is something that is solely your purview.

But what do I know. I'm just a shitposter.