The Jewish attack on God and Logos
"In the beginning there was the word and the word was God". The Judeo-Christian God is said to be 'Logos' incarnate, the Greek term which means, basically, reason. God and Christ comes through in our speech and our writing when we use reason as a means of discovering divine love or truth. The Talmud is a reaction to this, a negation of Christ and Logos. This reaction has been progressively growing for centuries, and finally the Jews used the Holocaust as a backdrop to create their global religion of anti-Logos. This new religion says: "give in to your passions, your emotions, satisfy your desires, buy buy buy, party, have sex, you have only a right to pursue pleasure, etc".
In poetry and literature, this ideology has its roots in some of the romantic poets, the Beats, and in music it can be seen in Wagner, Debussy and other modernist composers, jazz, rock music, in philosophers like Nietzsche, who was directly inspired by Wagner, the Frankfurt School, & permeated psychiatry through Freud. The reason we take antidepressants today can be linked to Freud's style of psychoanalysis, as well as Wilhelm Reich, which gave justification to the sexual revolution as an "anti-authoritarian" that you MUST be hedonistic and have lots of sex and pleasure. Very anti-authoritarian indeed.
The American beat movement was comprised essentially of "the White Negro", the proto-hipsters. The beats was comprised of mostly Jews, pedophiles, alcoholics, opioid addicts, with a literal wife-murderer at the helm, William S. Burroughs. Writers from Burroughs to GInsberg to Kerouac to Normal Mailer idolized and worshiped and fetishized the black experience in America as virile, and white life as sterile and boring. They loved free jazz, free verse and experimentation as opposed to rigor, discipline and form.