Jow Forums discords

i quit the internet for awhile because i sorta had a life this past year.
now i'm back to being a NEET.
unfortunately, since i've left ill the Jow Forums oriented discords i was in, no longer exist.
including some outer heavens, and this other discord where you had to post your wrist to prove you're white and be vetted (lol)

so yeah, post some good servers here, might join 'em.
don't post polgbt though, faggots.

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Other urls found in this thread:

help me out negros

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>anzu posting

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woah who is she?

>glowing in the dark this much
a t*rkroach


I love traps. Does anyone have her dickpics?

Some ugly skank.

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down.

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fuck off and kys self faggot

What is a neet

>everything i dont like is glow in the dark
no u.
go to sleep ivan

nudes when

idk i've been waiting forever.
anzu is my dream girl.

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the slut from that leon the professional movie i think

anzu a cute!
only qt trap desu senpai

lolis should be legal
change my mind

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you have been subverted by jews.
your fatherly instinct has been misplaced and recontextualized as sexual attraction. very common for people your age.

>very common for people your age.
how old am i

in your 20s

I too would like a discord where I could talk about things freely. To bad no one will post one. Thats a sure way to kill your discord.

>loli's should be legal
>change my mind
by plastering it all over the wall?


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Pedos get the rope

This makes sense in a way.

yeah man, discord is so cool.
qrd on the service.

>jews somehow caused people to fuck kids even though it has been happening throughout history
>this is one of the few times in history an age of consent has existed, especially this high
>people used to marry kids to adults all the time and nothing bad happened

You seem like a lunatic, farm people used to marry their young daughters off to mid 20s guys so they could reduce their financial burden early on and then the guy would just work and raise a family with his wife. Jesus christ you are fucking stupid.

phew! as a hebo i guess i'll be fine.

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jesus christ dude...

could be worse

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Degenerates get the cross

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peoples life expectancy was far shorter. centurys ago, early teens was practically adulthood. in an age where we have men in their late 20s who are no more mature than a teenage girl, im not surprised pedos are pervasive.
nevertheless, nothing i said was incorrect
prove me wrong

shit, i've been exposed. oh noooo
you win this time, Jow Forums party van.

so you are in your 20s and i was correct. good to know.

Discord is a massive doxxing organization. Never use it for anything.

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nah i'm 18 bro.

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lookin good fren

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Why should the righteous fear doxing?

Your skin looks like soft tortilla bread used for burritos wtf

has nothing to do w/ being righteous.

that's gonna be a bannable offense one day
it's an inherited condition, sorry youngster

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We are being faced with an existential threat that will end us. If people would speak out and stop cowering in fear it would inspire others to do the same.

what happened to the NJ/pol/ discord? I fired up discord the other day and it wasn't there. did it get shoad?


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I wish that was you. We need more boomers here

and when speaking out results in the ruin of not only your life, but your family and frens?
even if it is temporary, they will never forget the bullshit you put them through.
t. one of the doxxed
listen, i understand your aim, but do so on a platform that doesnt have a staff ready and willing to destroy you.

i may not be a boomer, but i am a zoomer

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the boomer destruction of western civilization is the reason Jow Forums supported Trump
we need more boomers like we need more hokes in our head. best thing a boomer can do for civilization is to off themselves as soon as possible

In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

Your actions will echo for an eternity.

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We can’t explicitly make it Jow Forums themed or discord will delete it. As far as discord knows it for a Minecraft server and we have to keep it that way.

How did it happen? What was your discord about?

It happened because he was sloppy and stupid. If you can’t convert your family without causing animosity you are a low IQ NPC.

fucking lol
discord literally doxxes their users.
>convert your family
keep larping faggot.

How can they dox you if you used a vpn and no real life information to sign up?

this thread glows in the dark

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>muh 7 proxies
did you click "i agree"? maybe check those tos

I miss u him already

You didn’t answer my question because you are full of shit. Don’t be vague tell me specifically how.

let me google that for you. listen bud, im not going to spoonfeed you, look at how discord runs on your computer, look at who runs the service and who they give user info to. check out the tos and see just what you agree to

They don’t give specific info they give bulk user data to advertisers. This is common among almost all companies like discord. You can’t accurately dox people using your method. If you don’t dox yourself on their platform they can’t either.

Just Created this server feel free to join

Get on Gab and Voat. Those are full of red pilled, based people and without censorship

sure thing, pal. godspeed.

Gab and Voat is filled with a bunch of NPC boomers. Probably by design to discourage the youth.

and gab is a hugbox. interacting w/ normies on twitter is far more valuable if done right.

Nice misdirection. You can’t tell us specifically how they can dox us because you are just an NPC repeating rhetoric you heard on the (((media))).

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youre right. now get behind seven proxies and enjoy your larp service.

self improvement:
include diet
selfdefense (martial arts and weapons)

We have already tried that and it did not work.

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Still can’t answer my simple question can you shlomo?

No it doesn’t

Someone who needs a job.

That’s not what a neet is are you stupid