My gardener- mexican
My lawyer- mexican
My house cleaners- mexican
My electrician- mexican
My mailman- mexican
My pool keeper- mexican
My exterminator- mexican
My garbageman- mexican
My financial advisor- mexican
Ever since trump got elected by calling mexicans lazy, my financial advisor, electrician, and gardener all got deported. You lazy white fuckers are deporting all my workers and friends but dont give any replacement, this is why i hate you republicunts, this is why i hate trump, this is why i hate the right.

Attached: 1413617087740.png (400x388, 195K)

low quality slide. kys fucking glow in the dark nigger. sage and do not reply

I had my Mexicans deported so I would not have to pay them

>this is why i hate you republicunts, this is why i hate trump, this is why i hate the right
Who the fuck cares.

Trump hasn't deported shit you dumb shill

>My lawyer- mexican
>My garbageman- mexican

Attached: butseriouslyyouhavetogoback.jpg (800x450, 26K)


Must be hell on earth

>My gardener- me
>My lawyer- me
>My house cleaners- me
>My electrician- me
>My pool keeper- me
>My exterminator- me
>My garbageman- me
>My financial advisor- me

Get gud, you lazy asshole

less Mexicans in USA = USA great again

Get off your ass and do it your self ya fat lazy fuck

Attached: 1524787965425.jpg (449x306, 34K)

Let me explain something to you.

My gardener- Costa Rican
My lawyer- Costa Rican
My house cleaners- Costa Rican
My electrician- Costa Rican
My mailman- Costa Rican
My pool keeper- Costa Rican
My exterminator- Costa Rican
My garbageman- Costa Rican
My financial advisor- Israeli

I live in Costa Rica. Get it?

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i run a business asshole, i dont have time to play exterminator and lawyer.

>financial advisor
9/10 would lol again
if you're serious be glad you're going to get a competent white person to do that shit now

Should make wiser choices instead of cheap choices,Schlomo .

t. cher

They're too expensive.

>hiring illegal immigrants
once we get done with them we’re coming for you

This is bullshit.

>Mexican financial advisor
That's like having a Chinese driving instructor

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Good one, Simon.