Good intermediate projects?
Good intermediate projects?
Wrong board faggot.
This is Jow Forums, not /po/
You're in the right neighborhood friendorino!
Here, this one's a good intermediate.
actually i think penguins are dog whistles for racism
Here ya go.
uhhh.. wrong board??
For real tho we should make some papercraft instructions for a swastika but make it look like you'll end up with a pikachu.
You're welcome, that's the best board for diy projects, it stands for human masteries
Hello newfriend. If facts are racist, then racism is factual.
Guys can we make one of pepe?
you can't escape anyway
>Good intermediate projects?
report your local Antifa or socialist commune hangout to the fire department for fire code violations.
You gotta do a little bit of work to find the exact address, but there's no personal risk in the reporting. A good intermediate project.
>Good intermediate projects?
im working on a brazilian fnfal parts kit build to work my way up to a mg53 build...
You're on Jow Forums not /po/
Jow Forums x /po/ alliance when?
death by a thousand paper folds!!!!
YE @)@$!
you came to the wrong neighbourhood motherfucker. dont take the redpills or youre here forever.
epic xD
Weaponized origami is a completely untapped market hmmm
Jow Forums-/po/ alliance?
Too late.
Hi. You are here forever.
This is fucking hilarious, put me in the screenshot
>post on Jow Forums not /po/
>24hrs later you are making Intermediate project Hitler papercraft
>po becomes red pilled by the fine artistry
>3 weeks later Merchant advanced project
I fucking love the future of /po/