Good intermediate projects?

Good intermediate projects?

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Wrong board faggot.

This is Jow Forums, not /po/
You're in the right neighborhood friendorino!

Here, this one's a good intermediate.

Attached: P_Rui_Kenneway_Hitler.jpg (150x200, 19K)

actually i think penguins are dog whistles for racism

Attached: Swastika Foulding.jpg (600x600, 94K)

Here ya go.

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uhhh.. wrong board??

Attached: samHyde.png (748x692, 712K)

For real tho we should make some papercraft instructions for a swastika but make it look like you'll end up with a pikachu.

You're welcome, that's the best board for diy projects, it stands for human masteries

Hello newfriend. If facts are racist, then racism is factual.

Guys can we make one of pepe?

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you can't escape anyway

Attached: jew po too late.png (720x751, 254K)

>Good intermediate projects?

report your local Antifa or socialist commune hangout to the fire department for fire code violations.

You gotta do a little bit of work to find the exact address, but there's no personal risk in the reporting. A good intermediate project.

>Good intermediate projects?
im working on a brazilian fnfal parts kit build to work my way up to a mg53 build...

You're on Jow Forums not /po/

Jow Forums x /po/ alliance when?

death by a thousand paper folds!!!!


YE @)@$!

you came to the wrong neighbourhood motherfucker. dont take the redpills or youre here forever.

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epic xD

Weaponized origami is a completely untapped market hmmm

Jow Forums-/po/ alliance?

Too late.

Attached: 34.jpg (717x749, 237K)

Hi. You are here forever.

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This is fucking hilarious, put me in the screenshot

>post on Jow Forums not /po/
>24hrs later you are making Intermediate project Hitler papercraft
>po becomes red pilled by the fine artistry
>3 weeks later Merchant advanced project

I fucking love the future of /po/