Shit on leftists for using Star Wars and Dr. Who references

>shit on leftists for using Star Wars and Dr. Who references
>uses fucking video game terminology to rebrand a concept that isn't even new (sheeple)

Who's the so y boy now?

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>caring this much
>trying to deconstruct a wojak this hard

npc meme is the goyim meme, its in the talmud. please discuss if you wish to continuously push it.

>video game terminology
Lrn2tabletop newb

You could also reference the fact that "redpilled" is a matrix reference and is so deeply ingrained in Jow Forums culture
in actuality our argument isnt "OMG MATRIX SAID SO SO IT'S REAL!" it's turning an idea everyone knows into a similar idea
but that's basically the same thing so, huh. makes u thnk.

literally the perfect meme. u npcs are so fucking mad

provide proof or any valid hypothesis on identifying npcs. it is a jewish subversive meme.

congrats on defining a meme u stupid faggot

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hey kikelord, I can see your nose from here

mental illness does not mean no cognition. prove that man has no thoughts in his brain. i of course agree his thoughts are insane, but we already know insane people exist.

npc meme is a subversive meme from the jewish talmud. jews are proving to be exceedingly destructive. i am a christian but i had trusted them until recently.

literally more of a waste of time than playing video game


>Star Wars and Dr Who are passive forms of entertainment that require little to no input for the NPC
>tabletop and videogames require creativity from the player

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matrix and lord of the rings = based
harry potter and nuwars = so᠍y
Video games as a kid = pretty normal

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no it's not, I made it from mashing up the philosophical zombie theory and video game terms, fuck off schizo

look it up. it is "the goyim meme". prove me wrong. would love to see you do it.

you'll get nothing from me hershel

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How it recoils

Literally casts harry potter spells on trump
Votes, wins


im not jewish, myself. i will never defend them. however, it is a jewish idea. please explain how you value the shilling of subversive jewish beliefs?

>Having fun with your friends is bad, goyim

Argentina is not white.

t. pic related

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t. schizo nigger


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I never called them "sheeple" I've always used the term "TV people".

disprove my point. if its because i repeat myself, read and understand what i am saying before you judge. i am very competent and have a fulfilling life, no mental issues whatsoever.
it is from the talmud, prove me wrong.
why is it good for us to spread jewish beliefs?

>referring to the masses of X civilization as thoughtless followers is specifically from the Talmud
>you guys made an exceptionally effective meme out of this self-evident fact of life
>prove to me why the core, literal, interpretation of the meme's origin is relevant or im right
you are a niggerfaggot

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don't trust that nigger, he probably is a Peronista.

i agree: "people seem like they are on autopilot". the point remains that it is directly from the talmud.
>how does promoting the jewish talmud help us?
its a simple question. thats all im asking..

>referring to the masses of X civilization as thoughtless followers is specifically from the Talmud

>new wojack meme created that accurately describes the left
>massive influx of posts calling it Jewish subversion using vague reasoning
Like clockwork.

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>NPC= insult ();
>run hypocrite protocols ();

talmud says:
>goyim have no human soul
>goyim have no cognition
>goyim have animal souls
>goyim dont matter, only jews
>goyim aren't real people
how is this not the npc meme?

The left is literally terrified of this meme

>referring to the masses of X civilization as thoughtless followers is specifically from the Talmud
>making me repeat myself 3 times
i know you cant read silently so watch the words above carefully and say them out loud a couple hundred times until it sinks in

procedure revive_fascism():
for all jew in media:

he says while not thinking for himself and just repeating memes he's been programmed with

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You'd be surprised how many people can't define it.


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This is you

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Because we learned that lack of inner voice is actually a thing and its very prominent. NPCs are real


i know what you mean, lets try and understand each other...
>my part: i agree with you, dude. it can be seen as the thoughtless masses of X civilization, but this is normally called being lazy and has nothing to do with them having no thoughts at all. dont tell me you dont know what i mean, its your point.
>now you say: i agree with you, i have at least heard that the talmud explains the goyim as a thoughtless soulless creature and although i/some might find it odd that the jews use this specifically to subvert us, im ok with using it despite any consequences it has on our own who are the primary consumers of said meme.
if you still cant level with me, then maybe they do exist and you are one.

The NPC is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a faggot, numale, cuck, s0yb0y, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an NPC and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

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>what is flow
>what is the abstract though that occurs before putting it into words

Excuses an NPC would make.

Fucking mad NPCs lol

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dont try to defend yourself, if you cant experience all five levels of thought you are NPC
>inner voice and audio
>inner vision
>"the 5th level" (what you are talking about)
a functional person uses all of these levels of thought.

>The (((Simpsons))) did it
is pretty much your argument

yes that npc is programmed poorly

We are inches from the happening to reprogram all the braindead fucks. Even the President is referring to them as a "mob" now implying their NPCness.

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implying you aren't a false flagging NPC who is programmed to accuse others of being memes you read on the internet. Get a grip, user-bot.

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why would you willingly believe and promote jewish material here?

>i say offer proof:
>i say its jewish:
nobody wants to believe it
>i say its power is basic and used mostly here
no way, bro they love it (as in get mad at it) but i have seen it nowhere.
>our own are the only ones drowning in it
there is no valid rational for this meme.
you are all jews.

you literally are retarded user. the chicken and egg issue that i have with your stupid fucking autistic point has been described to you at least 5 times in 3 different ways and you still dont understand

what in the actual fuck

>lack of inner voice is actually a thing

It isn't, and I'm embarrassed for you if you truly believe it is.

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>Who's the so y boy now?

meant for but you get the idea.

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it's deeper than sheeple because it doesn't just attack them for being followers
it also references that there exists a conspiracy or conspiracies to program the thought patterns of the population

i get it.. but is it worth it?


Paint him

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>developing/exercising ingenuity and practicing problem solving skills by role playing is worse than following a linear storyline that requires no imagination or ingenuity
Know how I know you're npc?

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We probably wouldn't make so much fun of the star wars harry potter references if they weren't so shallow and stupid

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s o y vey

I'm the guy who started the NPC meme AMA.

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