Brazil's Vice President-to-be is hostile towards the communist dictatorship and said the army's next "peace mission"...

Brazil's Vice President-to-be is hostile towards the communist dictatorship and said the army's next "peace mission" would be in Venezuela.

Realistically speaking, how would such a war play out?

Attached: venezuela-brasil.jpg (600x350, 61K)

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Bolso will just give Mossad operatives some brazilian passports, lend them a couple of goons...they will enter Venezuela on a "peace mission" and a civil war will break out 3 days later.

South american Right Crusade against the communistic pest and heresy.

Sounds good to me, the authentic Hispanic American Union soil must be litered with the blood of communists and socialist. Praise Pinochet.

You should make an official Chilean Jow Forums wine and call it Pinochet Noir.

Hopefully with Caracas nuked

How's your media and people reacting to Bolsonaro and his madman VP? Aren't you afraid of an actual all-out war?

>with the blood of communists and socialist
and nazis too, never forget that

Sounds pretty fucking great to me.

user no, I live there.

At this point I think you boys need a full out civil war.
Should be started by the people however...not the kikels

Nuke venezuela*. There is nothing of value here, only communists and weebs.

>Aren't you afraid of an actual all-out war?
Who do you think you're talking to? I've lived in this shithole long enough to know that at this point a bloody war is necessary and anyone who thinks in muh democratic exit muh peaceful resolution is a fucking c*ck
Normies really didn't pay attention to the Brazil elections but everyone I've told about it smiled when I explained who was Bolsonaro and how he was winning
>user no, I live there.
Me too, that's why I said it.

No, for the beautifull women

sounds terrible...
if it isn't part of some u.n. intervention we should not get in any war...
we don't need reasons to expend more...

Hot chicks and delicious arepa

Fuck off. Venezuela has a shitload of natural resources. Just eliminate the concentrated cancer that's Caracas and use the rest.

Venezuela and Maduro might be shitting their pants about Bolsonaro winning, that explains why Telesur is constantly shilling for Haddad

Venezuela isn't our problem so it's gonna be interesting to see how Sudacalandia handles the problem

Tell me something, all those mexican reporters that appear in Fox news shilling against Trump, they're all involved with the narco traffic?
It's true?

>Venezuela isn't our problem
Sure. Soon you'll be your own Venezuela Kek


Attached: KAKAROTO.png (640x480, 286K)

Another indication is that he will appoint the guy who commanded the peace mission in Haiti.
Peace mission Venezuela '19.

they dont even need to nuke anything

that would be a waste

Brazil has an infrequent but decent regional war score, venezuelan soldiers are too hungry to fight effectively, Brazil win via churrasco.

No idea but many people here thinks drumpf is the enemy

Impossible, geographically, socioculturally and economically we are aeons to become Memezuela

AMLO is literally a neocon LARPING as commie

>Another indication is that he will appoint the guy who commanded the peace mission in Haiti.
*appoint as army leader

desu we should participate, it would give our troops good combat experience and they would get to kill commies
fight an actually organized (as organized as venezuela can be) army for a change


Attached: kakaroto 2.png (1440x1080, 1.13M)


>AMLO is literally a neocon LARPING as commie
Yeah yeah sure thing. A tip: Start saving a shitload of toilet paper (pun intended)

Would buy.

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Kek. If you guys need guns to kill the commies hit us up, i have family in SP, would love to see the coms get their shit pushed in.


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It is a good name I think...homage to France and the Pinot and open support of a commie killer.

I am a marketing genius

I think you guys donated some tanks to us recently

Once Bolsonaro opens the gates there will be soooo much more. We have this wonderful organization called the NRA.

The problem here are taxes though, dont know if Bolsonaro is going to reduce them, guns here cost like 10x their value in the US

We could use a new state you know...
>slaps your clay in the ass

Digits and most of Venezuela's army deserts immediately due to low morale and low confidence in their leadership.

Producciòn limitada.

Attached: 1575786737893.jpg (565x720, 87K)

Hope Brasil has a volunteer division, killing commies sounds fun

LOL nice.
Open it up using a helicopter blade and you have a new meme for the ages.

We will get to kill commies AND get Venezuelan comfort women.

Abandon URSAL and become EUB (Estados Unidos do Brasil)

Lol why would there even be nazis in your dysfunctional ape republics ?

I cant wait to see all the dead niggers

Not mine, unfortunatly.
>tfw when no commie killer special cuvée
>tfw when no helicopter blade
>tfw living in a quasi-commie country

If he cuts the govt he can cut taxes, they are much higher per capita in brazil and your overbearing trade controls devalue your money needlessly

Because we're 13% european my fellow white friend.

Attached: brazilian aryans.jpg (604x426, 35K)

Attached: temerzao.jpg (1380x920, 67K)

War? It will be a peace mission.
The difference? No trade sanctions.

Sounds like a plan, now I guess I should start learning Portuguese

We are going to lose and other countries will have to do damage control.

Cheer up brother...we will get to go after commies in our life time.

We want your oil

Unlikely. The population is starving to the point of eating rotten meat and killing dogs. You give them a few guns and they do the rest of the job.
Besides if Bonoro gets into office, the army morale will be through the roof and they will be tie bloodshot eyes to kill commies.

At least your country is heading in the right direction. Hope Bolsonaro will win !

I'm sure you'd win. Personally, I enjoy the direction Brazil is moving toward and hope you can become a great ally in the future.

don't see how he can lose....he is going against a low energy candidate.
I will vote for him in round 2 but I don't like his Zio pandering nor do I agree with his plans to privatize.

no, you want burgers