This is America

This is America

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a what?

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ffs, I thought the thumbnail on the catalog was that fkn purple dinosaur you burgers have on tv

When I go to the store. Usually I am the only fit person. All I see are fat and sickly white and black people, balloon like Mexicans, and ghoulish looking white people who have had their souls ripped from their bodies.

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That's because you're poor. The rich don't even deal with the shit they keep importing.

The poor grow evermore numerous then. I’ve been all over this damn country. What the elites did to us is unforgivable, what our parents did was shameful. Everywhere I go I see the destruction wrought from the power wielded for greedy bastards.

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daaaamn that bitch thick af bruh!

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Needs more nigger

Those bastards are mostly jews. Never forget that.


Europoor detected

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Anyone have the get from last night? I fell asleep around 5am.

No because hiro deleted it to prove he's worthless

most people who arent gaining weight only arent due to inflammation, not due to not meeting an excess of calories

inflammation is destroying a lot of peoples lifespan, jews have utterly ruined our concept of nutrition, as well as our overall diets, healthcare, medicine, everything, its all completely fucked and only makes you sick or fat

for one, we've just about totally replaced using animal fats, with vegetable fats, because boomers are a bunch of fat fucks who would have a heart attack otherwise. so now you have kids growing up consuming copius amounts of much more inflammatory fats, which cause autoimmune disease, so they end up malnourished, skinny and autistic. Instead of eating fats that boost your testosterone and at worst makes you overweight, which is arguably a sign of good health in a lot of ways, especially in contrast to the contrary

Those are wings of an angel

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hiro probably hasn't even been on this site in the last six months, it was a hotpocket BTFOing a scripter

No, that's a fatass welfare sheboon on a Walmart scooter. Think aborigines for a comparison.

God I wish I was that scooter right now


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i started becoming very fitness and nutrition conscientious about a year ago. its amazing how you literally need to redpill yourself on how to eat right in this mother fucking country, and accepting the fact that 90% of shit you find in super markets is poison isnt easy. i fucking miss oreos and bread

no this is

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Stay strong user. You’re already doing a good job.

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Gene Autry saddle bags

fuck yea i am, 4x5 working weights bench 275, DL 410, squat 330, ohp 165

going fucking beast mode bro, thanks for the motivation and the faith that im not alone in this struggle and fight

also train boxing, its the most based sport in the pretty sure i can kill most basedboys with a half power left hook

Judge Dredd comics predicted the future 30 years ago.Fatties, organ leggers,....

>trample your enemies, hoagie in hand
obtusely based

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You inspire me. Thank you. And you’re welcome.

YWN sniff that scooter seat after a half hour's worth of her atomic braps.


pretty much this all the way...except that animal fats won't give you a heart attack...and nut oils are god tier.

yep...the supermarket is a poison zone.
When you start realizing how refined sugar and refined wheat are the devil you start noticing this shit is in EVERYTHING

hey thats my mom


It’s corn syrup here. Poison!

Evil Euroweek camps in Poland brainwashing schoolgirls to have relations with adult brown men

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LOL oh yes...the famous corn syrup..turns humans into literal petri dishes for disease (including heart disease) and fattens them up like hogs.

Now they have Agave syrup LOL
fucking disgusting what they have done to "food"

Didn't you post this exact thing last night? Be less original.

>fucking disgusting what they have done to "food"
The only comfort I have in all this is the incredible exercise and nutrition science we have to balance all this out and avoid the pig slop in stores. I wonder if the GMO people were always right? If someone has a redpill on that drop it please so I don't have to actually spend time researching ever more stuff.
A huge issue is not the quality of food available, but the quality of people who prepare it. With women in the workforce now, there are fewer and fewer people who prepare meals in their homes. It isn't that good food is too expensive, it's that people choose not to eat it. Soda is a drug.

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This is America

Nah GMOs are fucking trash...just another way to squeeze farmers out of whatever they have left and kill the people off as fast as possible with tampering of heirloom strains through airborne contamination

Interestingly, in Brazil, companies have to add a T in a yellow triangle on all foods that contain GMO products...All the shit foods are now T...every fucking thing from corn starch to cheap spices.
It is frightening.

God I hate this fucking shithole country.

LOL you have so many options in the just need to learn how to navigate the zoo that is "food".

Learn to cook, that is the first step. Never rely on quick fix meals