Drumpf think he's saving the economy

>drumpf think he's saving the economy
>you retards believe him
holy kek

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Jokes on you. We WANT an economic collapse. CHAOS REIGNS!

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>Trump wins in 2016
>Immediately stock jumps
>Still growing

Makes you think

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There will be a collapse, but not what you think.

meanwhile, in reality, companies are hiring like crazy

One bad day on the market? THAT'S your argument? Are you serious?

The teenage boy told me I should be outraged

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Low energy shill. 50 shekels have been removed from your account.

Some days are up. Some are down. That's how the game works, retard.

>jews losing shitloads of their wealth is a bad thing

Did you miss the part where a massive hurricane hit the US today? Stocks always drop immediately after a disaster.

This effects the meme market in a positive way so neck yourself faggot

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He nigger dick licker, get back to us Friday when it’s back up 850 points.

>Massive category 4 hurricane hits destroying millions in property and disabling 60% of the oil production in the coast which fucks up the stock market
>Leftist shills use this as a way of attacking Trump
At what point do you just accept that you are evil?

Destroying the economy is saving the economy. The economy is just a tool jews use to destroy your country. Theyll say shit like “the economy isnt doing so good we need to import shitskins.”

Be so amazingly stupid to call a 1 day tech selloff drumffffs fault

A country should be just fine with the people and products it has. Theres no reason for immigration. Its like saying hunter gatherers needed more people. No. They could hunt and gather all they needed. But then a jew gets involved and there isnt enough excess for him to leech off of so he invites tyrone and pacos tribes.

>Stocks crash
Yeah this happens a lot. The first bite of cold sends everyone into a panic. It's primordial.

I guess if we were all Niggers we wouldn't have this problem since Niggers have no seasonality in their DNA.

how are you not a leaf

Fuck off back to Tumblr you enormous twat.

the economy cannot be saved without congress taking over the printing of currency, why can't trump provide 60K for new married couples like Ghaddafi did?

Attached: le economic crash.png (1296x704, 92K)

> 1D window
OP confirmed faggot


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Basically all the excess profits of all the races in a multicultural society gets siphoned and is used to float the jew through life.

Mehh a non event. Let me know when the DOW drops below 15k. Then you might catch my interest.

What does have my interest is the price in gold relative to dollars. Very low price considering the climate. I guess the fear trade no longer holds true or there is enormous paper slamming of the price.

>drumpf think he's saving the economy
Economies will do fine until they stop doing fine, then things suck.

>(((Tech stocks))) get shoahed
Oh no what ever will we do

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The stock market is not the economy.

Which fields?

This is mainly from tech stocks plunging, there is a rumbling of a hardcore Government crackdown on Silicone Valley, the latest Google Plus thing that came out was the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of investors I assume.