NYT Texas polls -Real Time Edition

At the moment, Ted Cruz is up 9 points on Beto. On top of that, Cruz's favorability is +11 and Beto's is at -3.

So much for a blue wave.


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Cruz will be accused of sexual misconduct

No Beto will be. Screen cap this.

Only a fucking pink hair shill would think beta has a chance. He will be humiliated along with many others. These midterms will be juicy, real juicy.

That's not a play in the Republican play book. Honestly, I thought the Dems would try it in a few key races - enough for a Senate majority but not so much as to arise suspicion. Cruz was one of my guesses. They blew their wad of Chadvanaugh though so I kinda doubt they'll still do it.

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Don't believe the NYT. Don't believe polls. Register to vote. Go out and vote.

Everybody in the western region of Texas have to go out and vote in math because there is a good chance that the Democrat in Texas district 23 may win the race


This. If the '16 election should have taught us anything, it's that polls mean dick all.

Back in the spring we were at a 0:1 Beta sign ratio. As of my drive home from work today I'd say we're at a 10:1 Cruz to Beta ratio in terms of yard signs.

hahahahah nobody wants to talk to these dumb ass kikes

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I was one of them, told them I was voting for Robby.

Blue wave is predominantly projected to crash on the house, not the senate. Beto has an outside shot still against Cruz, but to actually conflate his current trailing behind Cruz as indicative of no blue wave is misinformed at best, shamelessly agendaed at worst.

The House will be tight, I won't be surprised if it breaks blue. There's a Congressman in a sure seat here in Houston that's polling neck and neck with his opponent.

It’s Texas, what mong thought their was a snowball’s chance in hell for any blue way other than one at a beach to occur in Texas?

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Thanks rabbi
Surely when November rolls around, dems will win bigly! BLUUUUUE WAAAAAAAAAVE


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the only thing i can say is go back where the fuck ever you came from, this is Texass

Cruz should just run ads calling Beto "Robert O'Rourke"
not that hispanics would vote Cruz but they won't show up to the polls and risk deportation for some irish faggot

It'll happen eventually but they're trying to get the spics to vote to make it happen earlier than scheduled.

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That's what kills me, they're stupid enough to vote for an Irishman who culturally appropriates from them rather than an actual Hispanic.

Talked to my parents and sister the other day and we are all voting for Cruz. Beto is a faggot and Cruz will fuck him up come election day

just be sure to vote you faggots. don't take any risks. over confidence is what killed hilliary.

Also don't forget we are doing "It's Okay to be White" again on halloween. No changes to the plan. Changes are for subversive shills.

Blue wave is just wishful thinking. Looks like they'll be losing some seats so they'd have to do a complete sweep of the others to take the Senate which doesn't look all that likely.

And in Tennessee, Blackburn (R) has taken a huge lead.

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Early voting starts on the 22nd. I'll be there.

Can't stop the Cruz missile.

Lion Ted.

Soaring Ted

And apparently the DNC isn't even bothering to buy ads anymore in North Dakota.

It's called "Mexican immigrants", user. But the white people in Texas are probably the most openly conservative people in America.

That would be a huge mistake since Ted’s real name is Rafael.

Remember when he shared porno on his Twitter feed lmao

Everyone knows Ted is Hispanic here though. Beto is trying to pass as some kind of Mexican.
Who is Lupe Valdez?

This, demographics is destiny. Any texans here needs to have at least 4 kids and vote straight red. Texas was once conquered and made into a white state before, it can happen again.

The biggest threat to Texas isn't mexicans, it's the Californians who move here and also vote. I work with a guy who moved here from LA last year and he's all about Beta. He moved here because the politics and taxes of California bothered him.
I think he might be a bit retarded.

>texas is a red state

Well I would fucking hope so OP

Even the optimist liberal forecasters predict republicans gaining more senate seats.The race to watch is the house.

Avenatti/Beto 2020

beto? its Robert Francis O'Rourke.

only 9 points??? wake up, #cruzmissiles!!!

You guys are going to fall for this shit just as hard as the fucking stupid Dems. Embarrassing. From here forward the media is going to report that Beto has no chance of winning. They're going to continue giving him a ton of press and no chance of winning. They're literally going to try and borrow everything that happened around Trump to convince true blood Texans they don't need to go vote because "oh gee golly it's totally a sure thing for Cruz". And you're all going to fall for it and let it happen, hook, line, and sinker.

user, I'm specifically going to vote for Cruz for the third time and Dan Crenshaw for the second time.

Sure, you will maybe. I'm talking about the rest of 'em.

OP likes Ted Cruz.

This. Instead of improving their platform ((they)) are just fiddling with their media tactics to convince republicans to stay home. Vote anyways. Make it a blowout.

Reminder Beto is a gaslight to keep Republicans away from key races to hold the House. Mike Bishop is up in polls and has been abandoned by the NRCC.

I've had to wait in line over an hour to vote here before. Texas is a lot less apathetic and California or NY.

I vote by mail here in WA. It’s nice.

Except they've mortally failed because they've been drumming up Beto forever, getting Texans like me off their asses to go register to vote so this subhuman mick filth doesn't get his paws anywhere near the Senate chamber.
Dumb fags will never do anything right

You don't know anything about Texans I see.

Early voting even has a line here. I think I waited 30 minutes to vote in the GOP primary in '16.

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a {{{Minecraft}}} discord.

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You like Ted Cruz.

I can see the lesser of two evils is clearly the Republicans. For all their shilling for Israel and support of the global system, they at least don't outright hate us, unlike Democrats.
Until we are able to establish a better system, Republicans are the best bet for the moment

Support vote restrictions my guys. Democrats want to lower the bar to vote so they can pull in low investment voters. When high investment voters are the ones turning out Republicans win.

Doncha know we have to vote Democrat to own the libs?

That doesn't work anymore.

Digits confirm bigly lead

>run under the name of Beto
>campaign slogan isn't "Bet on Beto"

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I want to ____ Marsha Blackburn

When you let your enemy kill you, you win.

You need photo ID and proof of citizenship to vote here user.

>They blew their wad of Chadvanaugh though so I kinda doubt they'll still do it.

they'll still try it, only riiiiight before voting in a close race in the hopes that it can depress turnout and swing the result their way. they'll no longer risk using it earlier in an effort to get a cuckservative to drop out

No one would believe that. Pretty sure Rato is asexual

>I want to 'treat like a nice lady because the FBI monitors every post' Marsha Blackburn

Just like immigration, legal voters who hardly care or think are way bigger of a problem than illegal voters.