Why else would they be going after a lowly house candidate?

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She's an easy target?

we scare the establishment
victory is imminent

She's the official face of socialism?

She represents everything they hate?

i can feel the satire in this post, not even you believe that.

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Medicare for all would work if they cracked down on immigration.

The only real solution here is the third position.

The revolution is brewing comrade I can see it

She’s laughably stupid and a total imbecile. Clearly a double agent for the neocons using her democratic socialism bullshit to destroy her own party.

Alexandria Enchilada-Queso roasts herself well enough when she talks about Medicare for all.

Me too, lots of bubbles.


The left is attempting to tout that spic as the future of the Dem party. Why not poke some holes in her?

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They aren't scared of her. They want GOP voters to be scared of her and to see her as the de facto leader of the Democratic Party.

She's the left's version of Sarah Palin.

The more media talks about Ocasio-Cortez, the more powerful she becomes. I thought they learned their lesson with Trump.

this. they are actually trying to prop her up and put her in the spotlight

they need to get the prices down on this criminal shit and stop paying anything for it, outlaw insurance

>oy vey how do we afford medicare for all AND send Israel billions every year?!

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Shill harder fuckwad.

Why does Ocasio-Cortez have nostrils that are almost as wide as her mouth?

For me to fuck in

Because using her retarded rants as a symbolic speaking point of the modern Democratic party will disenfranchised Democrat leaning Independents from voting.

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This latina is crazy. Every picture I've seen, she looks like a bug eyed maniac.

We'd need a 14 trillion dollars surplus every year just to afford it. And we'd still be in debt from all of the illegals over-utilizing our free healthcare is sanctuary cities/states.

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get rid of illegals.
stop giving money to israel.
stop spending money on israel's wars.
and we could afford it easily.

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seriously Cortes is a complete moron, shes like a self troll.

kek, ok tovarisch

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Top right is so good

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I wish. Universal healthcare would still be untenable as long as welfare for people unwilling to work or relocate to an area their income can support is a thing.

fact: by the time she's eligible to run for president she'll look like an unfuckable goblin

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no one buys the rights fearmongering anymore

so stop the welfare state and viola!

Jow Forums is a national SOCIALIST board.

She's an easy target and Conway is fucking tired of talking about Kavanaugh so kill yourself you dumb nigger lmao

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Jow Forums is now a get your lazy ass out of your Mums basement and work board.

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wtf i hate good health care now


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>white america
Is there another kind?

My wife just had spinal fusion surgery to the tune of $187,000. My insurance from my job paid 100%.
I didn't get this job by making McDonald's a career choice.

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This. Fuck insurance companies. Anyone that post on pol and supports insurance companies is trash.

You are scum of the earth. Lowest form of white man. A goyim.

Whiter than you, Muhammed.

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>My insurance paid 100%.
Wanna know how I know you're lying?

>have shitty idea that can be dismissed within 5 seconds of math
>never do the math
>go on tv and tell everyone
>you’re told the math
>no good answer, because you never even thought about the consequences of your actions before
>everyone listening to conversation realizes you’re retarded
Hurdurr they’re scared of Meeeeeee

Your just reg'lr salt mine, Sweetie.
Suck it.

Right because not spending trillions in Jew-Wars wouldn't matter? You don't think 6 trillion could do healthcare in America?

They do not pay 100% . Stop lying , dumbfuck!

kek that wetback is a communist lunatic that’s also guaranteed lulz

Where's the original

My Insurance Peen is quite a bit larger than yours.
My wage and benefits package is $68.72 per hour.
Shoulda joined a trade instead of going for the meme degree.
Sucks 2 be u.

It’s basically the same as your class president saying free ice cream at lunch in grade school. Sounds good and will never happen.

You basing the price of off the insurance companies rates.

We are going to take your wife's insurance away and replace it with single payer... Hopefully your wife gets the care she needs.

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I'm not lumped in with your retards.

I'm a lineman,bro. I'm doing great. You're just lying.

Hispanic female communists are taken seriously as potential presidential candidates in America circa 2018. I dont think any more discussion needs to be had. It all needs to burn.

You forgot the pièce de résistance: it got a token degree in economics at a communist indoctrination institution as a diversity quota fill

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Please give your crippled wife my best.

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She's the greatest gift ever, for republicans. She'll take a traditionally democrat district and hand it to a republican.

MAGA you commie faggots.

Ocasio-Cortez cannot lose. She is in an all non-English speaking always-Democrat district. There is zero chance she will lose no matter what she says or does. It is utterly impossible for her to lose. If she dropped out and some random beaner took her place then random beaner would win by landslide high double digits.

You got me.
I just asked my wife, and she said our Insurance negotiated it down to 100K from 187K, and our copay was $1,800.
You were right.
Gawrsh Mickey.

The problem won't be the immigration, it's that you'll be sharing a plan with Jow Forumschronicpain

we want you to pick her as your new face of the party
do it

the problem isn't socialism, the problem is brown people.

Tanks user. She is one year out, and has been back at a very physical job for 6 months.
Lotta people just sit down, and that's where they stay.


Margaret Thatcher would disagree.
She said the problem with Socialism, is, sooner or later, you run out of "other people's money".
>oh that's ok, we will just print more
Sure. worked great in Venezuela.

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It was $40 trillion.

No one is going to bitch about the lack of a Capitol, or two extra commas?

Tough crowd.

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Holy fuck that’s funnny.

It's been so long I've seen someone post a comment like yours.

She's running in Northern Queens! Not just bronx. Heard of Astoria because its on the map. Its the new Williamsburg.

She's the new puppet. Cover of Vanity Fair and all. They found a huma lookalike, made up her credentials. Girl can't even debate. She will be the poster child for the left MOB


Because Jow Forums and Ben Shapiro meme'd her into existence couple this by the fact that exposure will help her win votes in Novemeber which is what WE would want seeing that she is stupid and replacing an established Dem

Wow. Gonzalez is really a boy.

My fav is the way the lower left turned out.
Maybe because its looks like a demented rat.

Sadly the Republican running against her doesn't have a chance. Even the guy she upseated. Joe Crowley. He's still in the run. I'm afraid, since its a governor election here folks are just going to vote demrats straight down the line.

Haven't seen Crowley running any campaign. She's taken to areas where there are high muslim and spanish - jackson heights and sunny side. She has them eating out of her hand with all the LAWS she's going to put in place. She was here a few weeks ago, with a clause. No questions from the audience.

Another MTF Monarch Project.

Shes not even a socialist.

What if it was 'medicare for net taxpayers'?

imagine getting the evil eyes from ocasio-cortez while your slamming her snappy little pussy

Cortez grew up in an exclusive enclave behind a wall, daughter of a well to do Architect. couple a years ago the glow niggers recruited her and sent her to polish knobs at a bar to give her a poor little Bambina from the Ghetto back story.

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Shes certainly programmable, for instance talking up that bullshit Medicare for all, ask her a question, off script, even what her hobbies are and she doesnt do very well.

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>She's the left's version of Sarah Palin.
this has may may potential

Here's what I don't get about the Democrats backing an actual socialist; what happens to the Democratic party's corporate support once they run on a platform of higher taxes and tighter regulations? Won't they basically be turning all the main power brokers in the country against them? It makes sense to me why the Democratic Party establishment is worried about her, because it looks like this will end terribly for them. Is there something I'm missing here? Are they banking on demographic changes to counteract the financial losses?

There’s been as many hit pieces on her from the left as the right. Everyone hates her.

Because taco punchers need to be kept down...
Making tacos

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>Why else would they be going after a lowly house candidate?
Because a lowly piece of shit crazy eye commie is actually the best thing you got, prove me wrong, faggot

Too bad your wife is a fat gimp.

Bottom left is number one.

why this alex bitch look like the literal face of the DNC mascot.

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a {{{Minecraft}}} discord.

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She is a babbling a few of her videos

She waitressed for years. No other job. Suddenly her wiki is updated to show she's been working with Bernie and all these other initiatives. FRAUD. They'll lie for their ultimate objectives. Show us proof of all of her accomplishments beyond college. I'll wait.

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A reminder! There is a debate scheduled between Dr. Anthony Pappas and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 7 pm at PS 69 School Auditorium, Jackson Heights, Queens, New York. I really hope it will be live streamed. It will be interesting to see her finally go head to head with someone who isn't handling her with kid gloves.