What are your honest views on Mexico?

What are your honest views on Mexico?

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good mexican is dead mexican

Looks like a cool place, beautiful women but dangerous as fuck.

Mexico is bizarro Japan

The Yucatan happens to be the safest state

Some of their women are really cute but the rest of their ethnicity are made up of short goblin-like monsters whose food consits of blathering queso on the inedible parts of the pig.

Rightful American clay

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Currently being heavily targeted, possibly due to Trump.

Degeneracy in media getting a substantial growth the last 3 years, {{Clauda Sheinbaum}} being elected the Capital's governor, and then you have shit like pic related which is putrid, shameless propaganda of the worst kind.
They aren't even bothering with being subtle anymore.

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Just stay in your fucking shithole country.

most chicks have traditional values, food is okay. but their whole narco culture ruins the country.

The Castizos and the indios who accept the European part of mexico and try to live to that are fine but the indios who hold on to this "muh aztec heritage and muh genocide." Overall scum theres a reason why the Spanish wanted the most "European" running the country.

As if RBD didn't exist back then

I want to marry a Mexicana and have beautiful mestizo babies with here. I'm a very handsome White guy but my game is not so solid though.

But yeah Mexican women are awesome but their men are very untrustworthy and have no loyalty. Some of them are 100% bro tier.

Rightful. American. Clay.

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I don't remember RBD having a prominent Jewish person in the cast and going to Israel to get culturally enriched. Also lots of pointless fags, drugs and sex.
Shits fucked up.

Mexico should keep it's people and it's problems on their side of the border.

If you want mestizo babies then you have to fuck this. But have castizo babies instead way better looking.

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Married a half Spaniard half Mexican. 10/10 would remarry again.

It’s a cesspit of lawlessness, ruled by crime lords and even worse.... Catholics *cringe*

I don't think about you at all. Couldn't give less if a shot about your politics or culture. The only time I even think about Mexico is when I hear about NPC acquaintances going on vacation.

Some good while some very bad, most indifferent .....the people accept and perpetrate an immoral society...Mexico is a failed narco-terrorist state.

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dogshit country. even the mehheekens don't want to live there.

Don't care/20.
Mexicans are burgers' Arabs.

Mexicans are spicks who think they are related to Mediterranean chads

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Good as long as it stays in Mexico

>don't keep to themselves
>produce nothing of value

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if it was settled by Germans and Anglos instead of Spainards it would possibly be a better country than the USA

Good place to buy cheap land and retire when the US gets too expensive.

Very deep in your soul you love us, and you know it.

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You do understand the girl in the pic is a mannequin, right?

i love you south of the border that's what i love

Mexico is alright

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the country itself is actually ok, like most latin american countries in small doses.
the base culture is not that bad, the crime problem is immense though. corruption, assassinating politicians etc.

I spent 2 months in deep backwoods michoacan and nothing bad happened to me, though it probably easily could have.

I would like it if Mexicans stayed in their own country, its pretty much too late now though, they're everywhere here in California

A white country.

There are some hot Mexican women here in SoCal. I generally don't date super indigenous looking chicas though.

Latinas bot White women beat in every category.

Subhuman to the max