Yo what the fuck, this is just as bad as what the quran says about "infidels"

yo what the fuck, this is just as bad as what the quran says about "infidels"

Attached: Screenshot 2018-10-10 at 10.42.31 PM.png (645x252, 52K)

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This information has been sitting right there for a thousand years. You fought two, in numbers: 2! world wars for this. I hope it feels good to know how pathetically retarded your "people" are, mongrel.

Based Germanbro. Somebody post that "Goi are nothing but cattle" anime meme.

>sexual intercourse with non-jews is like sexual intercourse with animals

Attached: woof.jpg (450x461, 37K)

The Koran is based on the Talmud, hence the fasting and no pork all that stupid shit. Mohammad tried to persuade people to his religion by emulating the book then when that failed it was jihad time

Attached: 1394011801275.png (1280x720, 733K)

Is this the inevitable conclusion to the NPC meme? Did the Jews figure this out first?

stay mad hanz.

I dont know about the higher ups, but my family fought to kick you stupid krouts as hard as they can in the dicks and did so.
It's probably why your head has a dent.


Attached: 1528566041407.jpg (519x488, 76K)