get a job
You already are a NPC.
I have one and I go to school
i come back from work and I'm so tired every day i just want to relax and unwind
Those are indeed NPC games. One should only play Grand Strategy games.
>using windows
>Not an NPC
Pick one
Why don't you try Fallout 76?
Eventually you get bored with them and regret all of the money you spent on them.
Buy American , play Xbox One X
Just get a ps4. They havent had any good games since 2016 or so.
Just the opposite for me, can't stand the shit after 10 min
I was addicted to Civ 5 and sunk 500 hours in that already
how the fuck can you get addicted to rust, that game is trash
Have ya tried
>I need someone to tell me what I should do
>Am I an NPC
get addicted to something useful. addiction isn't the problem it's just that video games are designed to pump out big doses of reliable dopamine. You can use your addictive personality to your advantage but it's up to you to choose what you do with it. people master musical instruments because of 'addiction'. people become workaholics. cut out the games and redirect your attention. it's hard but not impossible and once you get addicted to the new thing video games will seem horrible.
I’ve played kingdom come deliverance for like 48 of the last 72 hours. No regrets but desu it does feel kind of bad...
I know that feel user. I just reinstalled league for the 10th time this year and I hate myself. Weed, fapping, video games, and the internet are holding me back from being ubermench.
Wow you have massive shit taste in vidya kys.
Survival games are trash. You have shit taste. Kys
Just put the the mind altering substance down and walk away from it bro.
Wait... A /polack that plays RUST?
I have 3,000 hours. I know how addicting it is. Truly Rust is a representation of the Faustian spirit of Evruopa manifest in all of us. We must use that spirit and cleanse the Earth of all Koreans/Chinese lest they esp into our sweet sweet loot rooms.
>scrap update is shit, but still play
Whats your steam name I'll add you bro
Play eu4 or vicky 2
Write down a schedule.
eu4 fag here can confirm it is a non npc game for non npc people
>literally a game for children
You have to be 18 to post here user
he said grand strategy not twiddlywinks and checkers
It's a thinking man's game. I never play online multiplayer for just this reason.
Civ V/Eu4/Rust
Patrician tier gaming.
People that say "oh I play """insert latest Unisoft/Ea/Nintendo/Major Developer"""game, I look down apon like the plebs they are
Git good faggot
I found a to do list really helped me keep myself in check. Wrote down everything I needed and then wanted to get done for the day. Once I get everything done the rest of my time is for whatever.
Your shitty house was just raided while you were making your shitty post and we killed you and destroyed your sleeping bag.
You're alright man. As long as you're exercising and reading true patrician books as well, you're fine.
Cities:Skylines is my guilty pleasure too.
Get a gf. It's the worst fucking time sink ever and your reptillian brain just won't let you break up with her. I miss my vidya.
>git gud
>instant headshot from hacker
great game
>tfw that was my decoy and my main base is 4x honeycombed with high externals with shutgun traps/auto turrets behind everydoor... And a 14 year old clan member whos online and guards it all day because hes a future incel. Way to waste your rockets sweaty
sorry bro maybe in the summer
Alright lads I talked with the gf we both agreed I've been getting too soft with the vidya. I need to focus. I am going to uninstall JEWDOZE and install ubuntu. I would install arch linux but my gf doesn't know how uto use a terminal so she can use the ubuntu snaps lol
Also this will be good for my bank work i loive LIBRE office
>NPC EXCUSE #45601
No seriously get good.
switch to rouge - 8 bit PC-dos monochrome version.
my original sin lost months to it an ice age ago
You can't turn into an NPC, you are hatched an NPC
I put way too much time into civ 6. I set a goal of winning a huge world on deity, did it twice, deleted steam, never playing any civ game again.
I have one here we are eating some good food
Play Hearts of Iron and turn the world fascist. You can thank me later.
>vomits in gooksoop
Dude you must be ugly or have low self esteem
um that's a traditional ramen vlad maybe if u'd sober up and pull your dick out of your sis
>Getting advice about your free time from a woman
I played over 600 hours of CIV 3, CIV 4, CIV 5.
>finished maybe one game
It's just not interesting after a point, all the strategy goes and it just becomes tedious micromanagement. No other GSG I've played is like this.
civ 3 was the worst, never beat that game as a kid, the moves just take longer and longer then eventually every player is taking 30 mins
doesn't matter anymore...
that game gives you jewish spyware
I have over 4,000 hours in Garry's mod ama
ive recently given up video games. My new biggest hobby is lifting. I lifted 5 hours yesterday and 4 hours today. Better use of my time imo, at least I will have something to show for all the hours im spending
Wow, that's the stupidest "game" I've every played and it's only because my autistic nephew badgered me in to trying it.
Every time I try lifting, I go too hard and my arms hurt for a week and it scares me from lifting again for a month
> Get rid of office
Is there a good alternative for excel?
i have no idea how to respond because im not sure how serious you are... It... scares you? Its just soreness. Being a frail little man is what scares me.
dont you get sick of COUNTING?
i think the tediousness of counting the fucking reps is the biggest hurdle to me lifting. how do you deal with the boredom of it?
Where does Hearthstone fall on the spectrum?
I barely play vidya more than a few hours a week now btw.
It hurts dude.
brother... I have the goal and the mentality that I will have the greatest physique in the world. That's what keeps me going. The purpose. Shoot for the stars, if you fall short you will still be on the moon.
no pain no gain
The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.
It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a {{{Minecraft}}} discord.
I spend 12 hours a day most days writing/animating my own animation project. All the sitting down is going to do me in. I have a purpose and work towards a goal, it's just not a very physically healthy one.
plus, im not about to be frail during the civil war. miss me with that
I quit exercise for 2 years. It caught up to me. I learned the hard way and will never neglect my health again.
It's a sandbox sim you fucking idiot. Do whatever the fuck you want.
It still sucks, just so you know.
that depends user...ask yourself a few questions
can you make conversation?
do you only have a few things to talk about before you start returning to the same subjects?
do you only have an in-person conversation with someone else maybe once or twice a day?
I like to lift. It makes me big.
>lifted for 5 hours
Lol no you didn't
two-a-days. Two 2.5 hour lifts.
I had the same problem. Extreme soreness for a week or more. And lots of tendon issues. I used it as an excuse not to exercise. Finally decided to lift at age 35.
If you keep at it it will get better. I started out with 20 pound dumbbells 2 years ago. Now I dumbbell bench press 70’s every few days ( 5 sets 8 reps) and barely get sore at all. Eating is the most important part of weightlifting. Keep lifting until your appetite increases.
> No other GSG I've played is like this.
must've never played Alpha Centauri with its autistic upgrade management. Civ 3 was underrated, had one of the comfiest aesthetics and good mechanics to be copied in the next game. Try the Japanese custom scenario if oyu want a challenge
i managed to stop my rust addiction by beating the game.
i have a base design that has not been raided in thousands of hours of play, thus rendering all tension and risk in the game obsolete, no items have any meaning in the game.
even the petty fights and raiding the same guy 10 times in a row loses its appeal when you know that they can never do anything back to you in return.
it sucks when u put so much time into something, and become so great at it, but have nothing to show for it. That's why I quit gaming.
Video games and porn are alternate realities, counterfeit realities. They paralize men into pathetic zombie like lives. It gives you those good feeling of courage, excitement & pleasure without having to do anything or risk anything. Its beyond pathetic.
>nothing to show for it
some of my most enjoyable and satisfying moments in life took place in that game, very fond memories that cant be recreated.
That's great. But are you still making those great memories? or just wasting away on a dead game?
i havent played rust for more than 20 minutes in the past 2 years
between legacy and rust 2017, 3.8k hours though.
like i say i beat the game, no matter the size of group or solo ive never been raided
Wake up from your stupor. You were literally just string at a screen. Those memories are fake and you are gay. KYS
your post is on a screen aswell, is your post fake and gay?
i could never go back and enjoy it the way i did in those moments but the memories are very much real.
the point I want to make is imagine if you have 3.8k hours in something that will provide you with a better life and more power.
absolutely, i think we could all say the same for our wasted time, im not an advocate for vidya even if its patrician tier
>implying theres good vidya to get addicted to.
Theres barely anything to play. Single player shit like paradox games are too easy and gets boring quick.
yea man, exactly.
Enjoy your pathetic zombie life, memories lol wow
>your post is on a screen aswell,
Sure but I’m on here for maybe a half hour before bed. Unlike vidiots who play for hours at a time. When I want adventure I go do it in real life.
>memories lol wow
you might be surrounded by vapid hedonistic niggers or worse have their impulsive nature in your dna but the rest of us carry our pasts with us.
having fond memories of a simpler time and seeing the humour in the self deprecating nature of that game specifically is something im grateful ive been through.
Now he’s explaining memories to me, LOL, the guy whose fondest memories consist of fake images he watched on a screen and decieved himself into thinking he was experiencing LOL
where did i say theyre my fondest memories?
your dudeposting is a bit retarded, youre self grandising, not one person here has said the OP or anyone else should go sink their lives into a computer game, yet here you are.
are you really that self conscious about how others see you that youll come to Jow Forums of all places to prove yourself
>some of my most enjoyable and satisfying moments in life took place in that game, very fond memories that cant be recreated.
people do lots of things in life, i could say some of my fondest memories in life were fucking people over in work, when i first met my gf, the first time i was paid a lot of money etc.
its a turn of phrase, youre arguing against a character in your own head and your only point is to prove to yourself how wonderful you are.
if you had any strength of character or confidence you wouldnt even have replied once to this thread once youd read through the replies
youre not the only one who does it, the same people are posting in every NPC thread so hard to prove they arent NPCs, as if peer approval matters a fuck on here.
Set some goals/get a gf/stop jerking off 4 times every day/ go to the gym/ start a legit side hustle/cut down gaming each week/challenge yourself/be competitive with your peers and yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day.