Why are you so hypocritical pol?
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Eat shit loser. Dems won't win anything for at least 100 years. It's over for Jews and for Zionism and Bolshevism and the central bank and everything you love OP
I think this might have something to do with the fact that white people are the only reason Taytay has a career and they resent watching her suddenly advocate for people who have been mocking her for a decade.
Occupy Democrats is still a thing huh?
OP BTFO by digits
No one is telling her to keep quiet
>liking one thing but not the opposite thing is hypocrisy
Is leftism the death of language having any meaning?
Wow and the same people cheering on Taylor Swift are the same ones telling Kanye West to keep quiet. Amazing!
who told her to keep quiet?
i literally do not give a fuck about her opinion. or even kanyes for that matter, this fake outrage bullshit is lame and democrats do it all the time
She should keep quiet because she’s a woman.