Lolbertarians are the NPC NIGGERS of Jow Forums

Lolbertarians are the NPC NIGGERS of Jow Forums.

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no u

lolbergs are going to fucking burn

Why if i don't want your shit free market NPC nigger rap ?

libertarianism is like communism in that it looks good on paper.

Except that it's good in practice too (see: pre-WW1 USA)

An NPC would say that

The people who want to remain independent aren't NPCs.

npc posters are npcs

No, never.

it was a lot shittier than you'd imagine

you don't understand this whole NPC thing do you?

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>write manifesto for your ideology
>even in the book it needs literal magic to work

I'm honestly not sure who's stupider, libertarians or communists

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no youre the puppet

No one is independant, do you live in the forest or are you retarded ?

>massive tariffs
>racial segregation

medpack has said it, pack it up goys, we'll get em next time.

>laissez faire
>only good on paper

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Libertarianism will flourish in a white society

Lolberts wouldve declared it a draconian state, you forget that there were some pretty totalitarian laws determining how people act. It was far more paternalistic than they give it credit for.

why hasn't anyone made an actual basketball american npc edit yet

you guys aren't creative at all

They can't even imagine someone don't want the free market, NPC degenerate NIGGERS.

>literal fucking plutocracy

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They’re 2 sides of the same coin

npc meme is jewish

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they are the retard faggots of Jow Forums like OP

Nah NPCs use buzzwords like NPC Lolbertarians NIGGERS KEK cuckservative it’s all programmed bs. Sorry OP if you just realized you’re a fraud it’s cool if you an hero nothing is real for you anyway.

Everyone's an NPC except for me.

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I just want less taxes an economy that isn't over regulated and a smaller govt. What the fuck is wrong w/ that?

even ur dad

>Randianism = Libertarianism

Rand denounced libertariansm because it was "anarchy"

They only try to sell the NPC market, ultimate truth,

Hope you will understand one day.

Protip: the far right and far left want massive authoritarian government. They are very similar in that they think they know what's best for you and will do whatever it takes to gain control.



State inforced WAGNER is the solution.

I hate the NPC meme.

I have a very pervasive inner monologue. I always assumed everyone was like this. For some reason, I feel intense anxiety at the thought of others not constantly attending to their own inner monologues. How can so many people not internalize their thoughts? Every time I see this image I'm reminded that there is a sizeable portion of the population that is completely different than me

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hey man, kek has been around along time its a real part of internet and videogame history, i prefer kek over lol. lol sound much more like a mind control term, but i agree with the others especially this obsession to say "cringe" to things that may be less than savory. cringe used to have real meaning like running your nails across a chalkboard, now its just like nazi and racist and all that shit. wtf people!?!?

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Are you gay ? i just want to force you to listen classical music.

What does it matter to you what others think, if they think at all? Would you live your life any differently if you knew the answer?

The best way to explain how the npc’s work is by thinking god when you’re extremely hungover and when your brain is barely functioning.

unlike communism, the free market is also good in practice.

I will never understand the individualist ideology, if i would live only for myself i would already be dead.

>Government works if WE run it goy!
Stay mad at the Chad ancap that doesn't need some kike bureaucrat to take care of weak people

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fact check: OP is gay

And no the market is no more efficient, we reach the limit of this system.

But i don't care, i just don't want it.

That's not what I'm getting at. The point is that true interpersonal valuations can only come from observed interactions. Mental content (or lackthereof) is unobservable, and thus cannot be considered in any decision you make. You probably have a model of your friends'/family's mental contents from your memories of them, but that is a model.

So, restating the question: what does it matter to you if those memories are of automatons or of player-characters?

You should better read the Bible.


>communism and libertarianism are two sides of the same coin
Some Jow Forums user convinced me to come here but I swear the average IQ is too low for me to remain

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a {{{Minecraft}}} discord.

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