Explain to me how these people are NOT NPCS?

Explain to me how these people are NOT NPCS?
These people are on autopilot til the day they retire or die trying.
Half of them won't even make it to retirement and the other after will get so bored after retirement they go back working.
Wage slaves/ing is everything that is wrong with the world.

Attached: YourLife.jpg (600x400, 69K)


I would if I was like those poor NPCs

Being stuck in traffic makes you a NPC?

China is horrible, no human could stand to live under those conditions

Identifying as traffic makes you an NPC.

>Being stuck in traffic makes you a NPC?
is captcha not working?

Thats most american cities every rush hour

Wagies are NPCs.

Have you ever stood and stared at it? Marveled at its beauty... its genius? Billions of people just living out their lives...oblivious.

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how does something like this even happen, this has only been a thing in the last 200 years or so.
who in their right mind spends their one and only life this way?
how does this make sense to anyone.

Got a job 4 miles from work and bike everyday. Ditched the car and started saving money like crazy. Now I rent high end brand new cars for cheap, because my employer has deal with local car rental. Best fiscal discision I've ever made. Bonus is my credit score above 750. Just from renting cars for the last 7 years.

People have a life outside of work. NEETS like OP don't realize that since you don't have a life when you live in Mom's basement.

99% of people are NPC pzombies, I am certain of it. It's really us autistic fucks who think this way

I'm wealthy from lucky investment in 2008/9

You can't be fucking serious....

Lucky you mate.

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okay NPC
that do you think most people did before the Industrial Revolution?

Fact: that traffic jam is immeasurably preferable to riding public transportation with niggers

I made some bank on Bear Stearns, was giving a ton of JPM shares.
Bought a ton of Visa during IPO
and AIG during crash
but my latest and greatest has been AMD bought at 3 sold at 27.

I once had to drive through stop and go traffic every day to and from work. Soon enough I wanted to die.
I remember one day when a brown faggot bumped my rear fender hard as we oscillated between 0-6 mph. He pretended it didn't happen and wouldn't pull over, and I honestly wanted to get out and kill him right then and there.

Which is one reason why cities are evil.

Oh sweetie, you've been playing too many video games. It's frying your brain! I think you need to go outside and get some fresh air.

Hi, I am Joe, I'm 30, and I'm a traffic.

I often ask myself what the true meaning of life is while I'm in traffic. Therefore, I'm not an NPC on autopilot.

Anyone living in a city in probibly a NPC. They’re soulless ‘diverse’ shithole.

there’s a reason libshits live in cities, there’s a reason all cities vote blue

If you live in a city, you’re part of the problem

Whats the opposite of day?


What's the opposite of black?


What's the opposite of salt?


No, they're just two spices tryin' to get by.