Why does Jow Forums hate right-wing women?

I am all for bashing on leftist girls but inner incel rage aside, why does a large majority of Jow Forums seem to hate right-wing women? If any user reveals that they indeed do not have a penis they are usually met with the following :
> Begone thot
> Tits or GTFO
Or some other random onslaught of female-hating rage.

For the MAGA movement to continue to succeed, even after Trump is out of office, and to ensure the left doesn't gain and create more rabid, man-hating feminazis, shouldn't the right be more accepting, and appreciative of those who hold the same viewpoints as themselves and maybe are.... *gasp*.... girls.

It's often extremely difficult for young women to come out as Trump supporters in the current political climate, so one would hope that they could do it on an user board such as Jow Forums. I get that this place is full of trolls, but what's the deal? As Killary would say, we are #StrongerTogether

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>It's often extremely difficult for young women to come out as Trump supporters in the current political climate, so one would hope that they could do it on an user board such as Jow Forums.

>come out

PLEASE lurk more.

all women are thots you’re just upset we’ smart enough to see though the bullshit

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>Jow Forums
>hating women

lmao no most r9k tier guys are gymcels and have BPD and will bend head over heals for a girl

Also, I should have stopped right here
>shouldn't the right be more accepting, and appreciative

leftists pretending to be right-wing to drive women away from the right.

why do you ever have to “come out as a woman” here? We’re all anons . just be an user, user. Your arguments speak louder than your boobs. And your boobs will distract from any argument you might be making anyway , it’ll be about sexy time not arguments. you could just for instance say, okay , well, maybe women think x y argument for z w reasons that seems good logic to me what what do ya’ll think? it’s never necesary to “come out” as a male/female here , we’re all user.

Women aren't helpful, they're a distraction. You could have made a thread about any political topic but you chose to make one about your fucking cunt. See what I mean?

If you want to help do it by supporting your husband.

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It's shills.
What Jow Forums actualy hate is memeflags.

>argument speak louder than boobs
actually I meant the exact opposite of that. That’s the whole problem. Boobs overpower any argument you might have , and we want arguments and logic not boobs. but hopefully you took my overall point.

It’s not shills, if someone “puts themselves as woman” then ok post your body then I guess that’s the basis for our argument so okay then I demand proof of that fact before we can proceed .
>it’s never needed for a good argument
>if you base an argument on I am teh woman you have already lost
it’s a good policy desu. I support the same thing for men, but you literally never hear , as a man , such and such . and if you do okay sure demand proof. Same logic exact same reasons.

>why does a large majority of Jow Forums seem to hate right-wing women?
I don't hate women, I love them - they're just annoying as fuck and I don't want to deal with their shit, least of all on this anonymous Mongolian throat singing forum.
This place is not for them - unless, of course, they show tits.

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wtf we dont

All women are left-wing by biological default

Conservative women:
>want me to stop smoking weed
>want me to have a job
>want me to have responsibilities and car payments
>want me to raise rugrats

I don't want another mom, I want someone who I can actually relate to.

It's never necessary or desired to come out as anything. MUH DIK shit is just as tiresome, desu. Also, expect to be reminded that your country is non-white, and if you're not revealing your flag, your country is presumed to be Israel (non-white). If you reveal your tastes in women, expect to be called a faggot.

In conclusion, we're all a bunch of nigger faggots and that's the way we like it.

what men hate is 1 post by this id memeflag slide threads.


lol funny bait

I find that equally annoying, senpai. You’re not alone there. Would support and join thread on that topic actually. Worst problem that this one is desu.

"Hate" is to strong. Pol "hates" likes and the rest of (((them)))). Pol just hates whenever someone brings up the fact that they're a woman or man or a nigger or a faggot on an anonymous messaging board like that somehow effects the argument or discussion. If you're going to go around telling anyone everyone that you're "a redpilled fem user" then go to /s and show your tits while doing it or GTFO.

Unless she's advocating for a repeal of the 19th amendment I have little respect for a supposedly 'conservative' woman.

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>1 post by this ID
Might as well settle in until we hit the bump limit.

Because 99% of """right-wing""" women aren't even meaningfully conservative, they still act like whores. If Drumpf is the most right-wing you can imagine (when the guy is at most a moderate, and an outright leftist by historical standards given his behavior and track record on most social issues), then it just goes to show my point.
I can't say men are much better, given how many degenerates/fornicators are on this board, but at the very least a manwhore can still fight and die for his people. A whore is literally useless, sometimes worse than useless. And those that dangle for male attention in a place like this are almost certainly whores. The ones that aren't whores know who they are and know this doesn't apply to them.

Not bait, it's the truth. I'm pretty glad that bossy, morally-superior women are in sharp decline. Maybe when you're older than 18 you'll understand.

I don't

+ Fuck off meme flag

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a {{{Minecraft}}} discord.

Women simply have no business in politics, at any level. They also destroy male spaces by importing feminine perspectives and traits, and sow discord among the men in the space. Your very post is evidence this. You start out with the silly claim of 'woman hating' (as if there aren't perfectly defensible reasons for the phenomenon you're observing as from random "hate") then you throw out your dumb incel meme as a transparent attempt to stop any dissent from your POV before it's even spoken, then you move on to complaining about Tits or GTFO, which is one of the oldest features of chan culture that you, of course, would see destroyed, then you wrap up with the gynocentric plea that we should be more tolerant of women even though you've really given us no reason to be more tolerant of you.

Time and again I see you thots attempt to tackle the woman question and end up only justifying the very attitude that you're decrying.

Also, tits or gtfo.

fuck you, glownigger

because youre fake and only do it for attention?

your post is proof of that.

It's bait.

I don't hate them but most right wing women are just cuckservative gold diggers and are pretty useless.

Agreed completely.

I was more-so addressing the circumstances where it does come out, and wanted to see what the populous here actually thinks about it when addressed directly.

Also, everyone else, stop assuming I don't have a dick just for making this post =^)

Tits or GTFO is simple and you're taking it personally. Why exactly? It's the idea that you being a woman brings nothing to the table and therefore the discussion

I hate them because these Women want a Chad trad boyfriend-fu that has a 10ft dick and 7 ft tall height and million dollar income. They're exactly like the Leftist women. Fuck them.

This is the only place men can go without women attention whoring on their soapbox full of grievances and making it yet another female centered hugbox. Bitches need to stop demanding special treatment on an anonymous Pakistani inbreeding statistics site.

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Why should it "come out"? Personal anecdotes are fake and gay anyways, so don't bother posting them unless you make them funny. If you think it inevitably comes out, your style of posting is still defective, and you need to lurk more. Faggot.

Post qt hand and timestamp

shills want to scare women away

we love you

come home

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Because you're all attention seeking thots and as soon as Jow Forums got infiltrated by you lot, it became an edgier version of facebook.

Now the place I could sit and read all sort of interesting stuff has become dull, unfunny, holier than thou white noise. Strange how that happened after it became hip to be anti lib eh

Because the future is female free.

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We are all anons here if decides she's special enough to be declared Jow Forums's right wing woman she can show tits.

Hello newfriend. Before the election when Jow Forums started becoming this hip new thing there were threads every single day with cucks wondering how we could bring in more wamen to the cause for muh optics.

Plenty a user argued that they would shit all over the place and make it safe and cuddly and basically gay because that's what women do. There was this image in particular that was being posted around about the ancient greeks and their take on women in politics or some shit.

You all laughed at them, but ever since their prediction came true no one's laughing now. Get fucked faggot

Because women don't exist in an anonymous space. Gender doesn't fucking matter if your opinion is shit.

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